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Do you realize I’m here? Do you look at me?
The way I look at you Do you feel the way I do?
Can you see me through the other girls? Can you see? That we are meant to be.
I know I’m not a beauty queen on the outside
You’ll have to take me, scars and all
Beauty is not in the face It shines from within the heart
So baby, what do you say?
Can we be imperfectly perfect together
All you need to do, is look over and see me smile
And then I hope you’ll see
That you and I are meant to be…
Do you realize I’m here? Do you look at me?
The way I look at you Do you feel the way I do?
Can you see me through the other girls? Can you see?
That we are meant to be. When I walk with you, talk with you
You make me smile I see your eyes light up
Like a thousand stars, when I make you laugh
All the things I’d like to say to you
Are on the tip of my tongue
But when I see you I’m aghast, I’m amazed, I’m astounded
But do you feel the way I do?
Do you realize I’m here? Do you look at me?
The way I look at you Do you feel the way I do?
Can you see me through the other girls? Can you see?
That we are meant to be. I’d never lie to you, I would cry with you
I think I’d even die for you
So, please, please darling Give me a chance
Look into my eyes And maybe you’ll see me for me.
Hope you enjoyed. (:
I just want you
someone to take me seriously
not to think I'm just some kid
Just a little toy to play with
No big deal if it gets broken
just as long as theres another one
waiting for you to play with.

I need you
Someone to take care of me
I'll take care of you
I'll keep you healthy
and make sure you stay out of trouble
I'll make you feel good at night
and cook you breakfast in the morning.

Just as long as you treat me right
I need someone to take care of me
I want you to make me feel good
Hold me back from insanity
Push me to the edge of creativity
Make me be me.
I need you.
But first I need to find you.
the thing about feelings
is that they change
  you may have been
   completely infatuated
    with someone  
     or entirely immersed
     in sadness,
   but that doesn’t mean
that’s how you feel now
or how you’ll feel forever
and i fear that people forget that,
  i fear we fail to remember
   that emotions are not permanent
    and maybe that’s why
     her stomach hurts
    when she thinks about
   the girls in his life
  before her
  or why i’m reluctant
   to share old poems
    because i don’t want anyone
     to think that’s how i feel today
    so maybe we should start asking
   “how are you?” more often
     and stop accepting
      the default “i’m okay.”
       and maybe we should start
      caring more about
    what people say now,
   instead of dwelling on
  words of the *past
your name is always
on the tip of my tongue
and if you
wrap me in a blanket
and place me by the fire,
in the flames
i'll see your smile,
but if i blink
it'll disappear
because our time
while full, was fleeting
and now you are just
dandelion seeds
in the summer breeze
that will land
in another yard
to make someone else's
wishes come true
don’t you worry now,
it’s all about to change
you told me
     you were going to change
to be a better you for me
     and you said you wanted
so badly to make this work

taken all that you are
taken all that i’ve got
i gave you every bit of me
     and you tried to give me
every bit of you, but
     it was too difficult
for you to try to love yourself
     when you were giving
so much of yourself to me

don’t run away from all this
it can cause more than you think
before i didn’t want to let go,
     i wanted to keep believing that
you’d be able to love me
as much as i loved you

i’ll be gone
so turn your hands in
and now that i’ve let go,
it doesn’t feel like you’re gone
     more so, it feels like i’m the one
     who has left you standing
     with your face in your hands,
wishing you’d been able to be
a better you for me

don’t you worry now,
it’s all about to change
i don’t doubt that one day
     you’ll be an amazing you
for someone else
     and that one day
it’ll all make sense to both of us

don’t you worry now,
it’s all about to change*
and i don’t doubt
     that one day
i will find someone
who will love me
as much as you wanted to
Dear you.
Whoever you may be keep in mind that you are you.
it says that in the heading "dear you."
so before you go and change that think.
Think before you dye your hair or change your face,
before you go on some ridiculous diet because you aren't skinny enough.
Think before you pick up the knife and look down.
You are you, there won't be another one of you.
Some may get close, almost identical in fact.
But never you.
I love you for that.
And this crazy idea you have in your head that you aren't perfect is well... crazy.
My life would be totally different without you.
Everyone's life would be different without you!
So sticking to what you know is good.
Sticking to being YOU is great.
Think before you want to change.
there is only one of you, my beautiful, my everything.
and i wouldn't trade you for any other "you" out there.
i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but when i think of him
and his incandescent smile,
my heart swells and beats in time
with the cadence of his alluring words

his mind is like no other,
filled with such deep
and captivating thoughts
that flutter from place to place
like a moth, and like a moth
i am drawn to his brilliance

i long to hold his face in my hands
and trace his lips with my fingertips
and when i close my eyes
all i see is the way he looks at me,
as if i’m the one who paints
the summer evening sky

i know i am young,
i know i am only seventeen,
but i think i could spend
the rest of my life searching
and never find anything
nearly as beautiful as
the way he loves me
you're asleep and i'm sad
wanted to stay up all night
and talk with you
about your day
and why the sky is blue

everything is so easy with us
our words flow back and forth steadily
like the gliding of a ship
atop a calm sea

when i feel broken
you mend me with your words
when i have nothing to say
you effortlessly occupy the silence

you fill this gap inside me
in a way that makes me forget
i was ever incomplete

i'd tell you all of this,
but you're asleep
I believe
in magical beings
in soulful wishes
and mystical things

I believe
that love heals all
that it's never too late
and beauty's deep in us all

I believe
in second chances
in lasting romance
and knowing glances

I believed
long before we met ...
in you.

-Suzanne Penn
i can’t describe the feelings i get
the day after a rainstorm
or when the sun sets early
in the winter

happiness and sadness
are easy to recognize,
but sometimes i have emotions
that i cannot identify

like how i feel
about you
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