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Drifting through life
Like a bottle in the ocean
Only with me there's no note
What you see is what you get
And unfortunately that's not much
Although I try not to regret
In my mind that idea is crushed
What if game is played
My confidence is rent
I don't know
If I like what I've become
A feeble mouse
Still ******* on its thumb
Fostering no respect
Because I don't have any for me
Yet at night I sit *****
With my hands on my knees
How do I live in a world so different?
How do I die when I'm scared?
People flash before me as acquaintances
Friends, if any, aren't there
Try to be
What people expect
I ******* hate
When myself I try to correct
But still I carry forward
With this self bashing nonsense
Turing my attention toward
Those who seem to be against
The smell of flesh lingers freshly on my wet snout
italic Don't **** me....please....God...please
I stare at this creature, curious at it's noises and mannerisms
italic Oh God.......God.....
I sink my teeth back into its leg
italic AHHHH
Its screams take me aback. No prey, you are my dinner
I step back as the creature uses it's fore legs to pull itself inches
italic no..........No...........NO!
Its sound becomes as strong as its scent, piercing my ears
italic N-n-not today wolf.......n-not today God
It reaches a shiny object that hurt me. I do not like what my prey is doing
I am troubled by the noise my prey is making. The others did not put up a fight
italic COME ON!
I leap onto my prey, expecting my mouth to be filled with warm blood
italic I GOT YOU, YOU *******!
There is a pain in my stomach. I am thrown off by my prey. This is not as it should be
The yelping noise of my prey is drowned out by my own cries of pain.
I pull away from my prey, and see my own blood saturating the ground
italic Ugh.....ugh....
My world is swirling around me. I fall down, and blackness envelops my vision.
Hopefully the italics worked..Also, tagged as explicit, purely because of the blood and word *******. Not here to offend anyone.
I found my mind in the eye of a cigarette
The thing that I curse and despise, the cigarette
The thing that controls my life, the cigarette
I lost my freedom in the eye of a cigarette
I'm not just some mindless drone
I won't repeat back
In monotone
I refuse the shackles
That before me are placed
A free spirit
Needs its space
Push and Pull
Tug and Drool
Scratch and you're done
Who thought you were the one
To act so childish
In this serious manner
The louder your voice
The higher my temper
Breaking point
Boiling over
Nothing to do with me
I'll show ya

Push and Pull
Tug and Drool
Adrenaline courses
Situation forces
Me to be calm
And stand my ground
Who would have thought
That I have found
The hesitation
Of throwing a fist
Knowing the consequences
Knowing the risks
Take a deep breath
And relax your hands
This isn't the way
This is not the plan
When screamed at
Shout louder
This moment is like gunpowder
Waiting for a spark to set if off
And I refuse to be 'er
I may be soft
But inside I'm full of steel
The world is crazy inside my mind
Tall towers crumble to my will
The right words I seem to always find
To the ******* my window sill

The great mountains before me sink
And I rise tall above them
To distant planets, I bow and drink
Until I choke and cough up phlegm

I stagger back towards my earth
All things around me are growing
The help I need, here is dearth
A fact that the dead die knowing

The world is crazy inside my mind
I shan't ever go there again.
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