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***** can *** and so
can hearts as long as they are
given enough love.
Even in the city
The canine activity
Keeps me up at night
These are like Julliard-trained dogs
Singing in 4 parts
But they'll never beat the coyotes
The rawness
The reality of 3 days and nights
An empty belly ignites
A passion for fresh meat
That these pooches can't imagine
I know what it's like to be hungry
I know what it's like to want something
I know what it's like to miss the taste of salt on your lips
And the sting of sweating
Out those hunger trips
I know what it's like to hurt
In the dirt
In the steam
And the thirst
And the hallucinations start
And coyote says
Hey honey
You come here often?
Let me show you how the world works
Let me show you
The rest of the world hurts too
Hey honey Jesus loves you
The rest of the world sweats too
You know that suffering is
Nothing new
It's what we do
And what we turn hurt into
It's the hope springs
It's the good times around the corner
It's you
And coyote says
I'm gonna show you
How to trick the hurt
I'm gonna teach you
How to be raw
And the dogs are still barking in 4 part harmony
I'm out of the sweat lodge
Rolling in bed
There's a dream I can't
Quite catch
On the tip of my tongue
And it slips away
Blends into those Julliard-trained dogs
Barking a little more like
Howling now
Again with feeling now
The world is raw
And reeling now
Sweat it out
In 4 part harmony
Coyote is my spirit animal.... Or something. I woke up at 2 AM and this poured out before I could go back to sleep. It might not make any sense, but I think it is supposed to be spoken word anyway. Let me know if you like it or if it does make sense. Thanks
There was nothing I was ever so ashamed of
that I dumped it in a river to drown,
but one time my best friend accidentally tossed my pink fishing pole
into the bayou when a spider dangled from the line.

We were eight, everything was wishy-washy
because she called herself a mulatto like it were an insult
and my older friends kept mentioning that my mom walked herself

to a liquor store very late at night
twelve-packs bruising her German-colored shoulder.
I did not tell them my father had hidden away her car keys.

Girls teased me and I still wanted to kiss their cheeks at goodbyes,
The Little Mermaid featured at our sleepovers
saying, “kiss the girl,” so I did
but we stopped talking when I bought my training bra,
it proved what was in my skirt, my lips could not touch them again.

You cannot kiss a girl if you are a girl,
even if Disney movies say it is okay because Mickie Mouse
has no ***** to be ashamed of though a wife of the opposite ***.

I learned important things until I turned ten
and Hurricane Katrina unraveled the bayou into my house
and I existed in four different classrooms in my fourth grade year
where nobody had enough time
to learn my name, much less the way it is spelled.

Now, in therapy, the certified insists
that I am a girl who kisses other girls because my mother
only put her lips on a bottle.

But maybe I wear striped dresses just because mold grew that
shape in my home on Camellia Street,
mud decorated the fallen refrigerator so it looked like
a cow some punk tipped over.
I just wish the sidewalk I use to rollerblade on hadn’t flooded.
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
With a mouth full of bile,
I kiss your rotting lips.
I spew my rancid seed
on your blackened eyes
and know they will soon
be crusted shut, tainted
by my sickly venom.

I am poison.

I seep into
your wet parts and
consume all that is good and pure,
leaving nothing but **** in
your bloodstream, ***** in your lungs.

I am malignant by nature,
malevolent by choice.

And I have chosen you as next.
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
I have love for you
Rooted in my jawbone

Your secret perfume
Convection heat in a back seat

I want your thin fingers
Tangled in the web of my ribs

I want to lose you
In the honeycombed purple layers of my heart tissue

I will cradle your head on my sternum
Letting my lungs do the work

If only
Your elbows were not so sharp

Then I would crave the dig of your fingernails
Your pastures of hair
The butterfly tremble of your lips

Speechless- words no longer hold the weight
My tongue on the novel curves of your sigh
Tasting the twenty summers of your growth

Trembling due to lack of oxygen
Trembling at the onset of lust

The kneading want of knuckle bones
Drawing me ever closer to the colors of light

Static in the stereo of the
Cerebral cortex

Bunched nerves
Shocked into submission
By your bleached bone canines

Open and breathe
The quick pinch endocrine valves
Releasing steam

Drape me with your skin
Wrap me up in your pulsing warm veins

I bleed blue
On every day of the week

I am deafened
By the rage of your heartbeat

I am stricken dumb
The symphony of your eyelids
Swelling in my chest a familiar lust

The wind from your eyelashes
Could blow us out of this winter
And right into spring

All the days of the year
I bleed blue

The dedication of your palm
On my cheek
Warms me like a leaf in sunlight

Peel me layer from layer
You will find no lies in between the pages

I am your machine
Waiting to be properly lubricated
I cannot wait for our first day under the sun
I can't wait to get you out of the fluorescent lights
Of the Assembly line
We will journey together to forgotten realms
And sleep beneath the strange constellations
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
My soul has known heavenly places
Once I slept on the shores of light
Before my soul learned its name

I once saw the aching darkness split
And matter was born from *
I slithered among the foundations of the earth
And made my bed in the tall grass

Pure bliss and warmth were mine
There the whispered revelation was my lullaby
I watched as suns were born
Dim beings of ultraviolet laughter

It was much easier
To see and understand
Before time was invented
From the mind and body
A cancer of spirit was born
Its whisperings were the first ego

Evolved so or created
It truly matters not
For the bird knows nothing of war
Or beauty
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
Hypodermic dilauded crushed on the spoon
Feels like doom
Besides all my calculations
Beneath the angry boy
God's toy

Piercing my skin
Lie back again
Lingering a taste on my tounge
I see her sleeping naked in her bedroom
As I float on a sea
Of memories and warmth
Visions of crumbling completely
Just a minute from perfect
Her legs and black high heels
My imagination
I hate it
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
Just as the sevenfold revelation
Finishes its great unraveling
It is burned to ash
Even as I think them
The words lose meaning
Revelations as delicate cobweb strands
If I could just put them down on paper
But by the time they are written
Have become
Trite, cheap, frivalous
Mere shadows of the first-thoughts
I wish I could draw it for you
It would not be a schematic
Or a biochemical roadmap of the mind
Not a diagram of a chambered heart
But an equation unsolvable
In fact it is hard to tell where the absolutes end
And the variables begin
It is a secret part kicking and tossing itself inside
Just begging to climb it's way out
Of the primape body in which it is imprisioned!
As the body casts the shadow
So does it cast it's shape on the darkness of eternity
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
I am going to die
Someone tripped my breaker
I swim in the sparks
Thinner lines of longitude
Meet tangentially above
The third eye.
A veil is dropped and I
See the spinning mandala
Colors drip in lateral formations
Each line crosses
Infinitely deep in every direction
Bisecting me
Pay attention now
You are dying
You will tear through the veil
******* in the first breath
Cold air
The buzzing is around you
Warm glowing life forms
They sing songs!
Music of shape and color
Cyan and lilac notes
Fluttering from their bodies
Their songs spark and lightning
Through my body filling me with joysorrowlustpainguiltecstacy
Arcing off of my skin
Leaving long gaseous, crimson-green trails through the buzz of light
Watch me!
Look at this
Do you see what I can do?
Do you see, young one?
The souls gather around me
Whispering the secret of the
We laugh together at the simplicity of it all
They show me their playthings shaped
Totem poles of fractal colors impossibly
Spinning on a string of deoxyribonucleic acid
Quadruple helices infinitely intricate strands
Dripping diamonds in hues of color I cannot name
It didn't last long
Knowing the secret of it all
Go back now
To your bed
Back to your dimension
Don't try to remember us
We are multidimensional
Children casting tridemensional
Shadow puppets upon your dimly lit cave walls
Oh Demon! Oh archangel! Oh fairy! Ghost!
You foolish primate
Smearing your cave walls with words
Try to figure us out, shall you?
We are forgotten like a dream
The walls are alien
And the impossible
Shattered bloom on each surface
Sing and vibrate
It feels as If I have been here before. As if it has always been but I am  allowed to see behind the curtain
Join the club
Join the club
We vibrate inside plant matter
Inside each atom we dance

Recreate us in your mind's eye dearest vertebrate
Watch us swim in and out of your memories
We have left our fingerprints upon the archaic machinery
Of your central nervous system
We are here
You are here
We are everywhere stop looking
We probe and poke at you
And sometimes we ancient-ones bend down and kiss you on the lips
You strange humans always exclaiming:  Déjà vu
 May 2013 Michael Valentine
Children, watch me eat suns. Hello, darkness. I have made peace with your caress. Forgotten leaves falling from the tree. I planted you. With my bare hands I dig away at the black earth flesh. A place to bury you and leave. Beneath the porch I rest panting in the noon day sun. I listen to the children sing and play on the old piano in the house above me. Will you love me when I am rotting here flies and sores. I listen to them stomping on the boards and electrical chords installed buzzing blue colors when I chew through the rotting floors. Until I see the sun and the dining room table she sings and plays the old piano in the corner. Her voice buckles the beams and hearts tumble in the chest of her guests. Though she has been uprooted now. I dig her up with a stone trowel. Whistling as I work. clank against her skullcap. Pulling her up and onto the dark dew covered grass. Her eyes stare endlessly into the star blanketed sky
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