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Michael Parish Apr 2015
The weeks are skipping and flashing my eyes dancing like red fire crackers
In summertime
And the heroic children run sword in hand beating the weeping  cherry blossoms until every corner of city sidewalk is flowered with piƱata petals and hope of a better life.
Michael Parish Mar 2015
On top of my eyes i see the clay eartth dry like a cast of vanilla sunshine
Michael Parish Mar 2015
He gasps and and exales with his cheap door open.

I have a delima because...

How can he trust my honesty.  

We watched our son replay a delusion
How can we sit and tell him reality doesn't mean eternity.  
I'm only close...
He holds his licked breathing, one bridge  could hold his body in a
White pearly coffin.

No matter how he grows my husband forgets he is crazy.  Some how jobs go awry,  jokes, humor, pleasure and reality mean: he will die toothless and unhappy.  

I told him in a truthful drunken nite:  
You are homosexual because I never watched you kiss or grab a can of red paint.  He only works for his drunkedness.  But he gets better, because he want the music he can't transpose.  He wants something he can't understand to translate Into genuis.  I am a mother...
I am a women who can die from bee stings.

I hope he comes home before I fall asleep.
Michael Parish Mar 2015
You want to go
I can give a car
And  weird smile
Come change tires
So I'm ready
So I made something
Gods love doesn't flow
Some gir make me happy
Oh well how do we ever know
I'm painting
I'm I'm choking
I'm ready for graves
Go inside building
And look for leaves
I'm trying to tell you
We can always find a crumpled up failure.  
Don't let go we're riding dunes
Don't lauph looked batman
Don't sing like Sinatra
What you own is your own.
Leave imtelect like a bird
You can only watch ballet dancers
You can only make a river with or with out control.  So have fun
Tell us all your wife loves you
More then mountains  and small towns
Tell us all what you think about
Michael Parish Mar 2015
those ledgers over the earth
Chronicle five hundred years of the worlds worthless evenings and the animals still not alone, said it was alright during your grandfathers life.  
The sweat of his face for bread, while men fought over his commissary store.  Gnawed bones of communal brother hood.  On the instant father to father sufferance what are you going to say?
Sons who possessed half the world  exhausted any man to one city and all it contained he asked was pity and humility.
Michael Parish Feb 2015
I'd splinter you with kisses
Unbound by fear and ingnorant with
The lonly bee keeper alone.  

I'd wish endless wells erupteted to
My  wishes all  alone spare my own penny

I'd dive under cars and sing until you
Gave into my rusty note and lunged for my life  and levy under my unarmed seranade until the cops sing he's a menace who never had to change.

I'd go endless and naked pools of wealthy under brick until we bunker in the warm beds cloth of clear blue water and kiss like nature opening her ponds of endless algae

I'd say my words forever until your dying truth goes past failure to suceed.
Michael Parish Feb 2015
Take any old timers advice and
He will tell you:
Love empties like a pitcher of beer.  
Wisdom to the unwise or maybe
Just advice when you close your tab and dream of a girl who reappears always.
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