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Michael Parish Sep 2014
I have to see you two naked...


It's all the same

If I was blind.  You would
Just say God Dam you!  

Then throw me in the dumpster.  

Well some one worst then you two
Found my Asian logo
And now I can safely say
They want to pray your boy friends
Gay away.  

But even I can't see god
You guessed it
I'm in church  twenty four seven
Three sixty five
Wishing the pastor
Quit farting in his microphone.  
I'm always to close because
The sound man says he can't
Hear a rat
Munch a page out of Genisis
Ya it's the same.  

Either place I end up
I always get used.
I get pushed
And when that happens

Sounds like someone I know.  
Peace out!
Michael Parish Sep 2014
When I was young
The tv promised us
We would see
What we always wanted
And so my cousin
Kept me awake
To see the first white flake
Hit the ground like
Goose feathers gliding through the sky.  
My mother lit a smoke
And said why do want it to snow.  
And Jared softly whispered  
In her ear like a delicate
Crumb of frost.

" grandma watched us
Out side her window"
And now I get
To watch her
Play in the snow
Michael Parish Sep 2014
The boss is a portrait
Of you at the ripe old
Farting age of 50.  
This isn't new
You are what you do.
There's no disclaimer
Only a chance to dead lock
A kids collar and say get out
While there's still time.  
You know the rest
He gets his **** together
And delays the dentures
From sticking
To tongue sat age 29.  
I know it's all just numbers.  
But who wants
To be the one to premature *******
Lost hope.
Michael Parish Sep 2014
Like a walrus he
Puffs the white foam from
His whiskers
And tells me,
No tells all of
Us he never touches
The ****.  
Because the worst
Fifty years of
His life
Never went
Any farther
A Full
Case of
For the perfect
Michael Parish Sep 2014
Her leaping blue eyes
Caught my dark brown
My secret love
Calm and profound
Michael Parish Sep 2014
She's brushed against those pebbles
Those sinking fragments of once solid builders mean nothing but sand
Between her toes
Broken like the promise he washed
Out like the green hollow eyes
Of empty beer bottles.  
She kisses her hands on its cap
And throws the stars of plankton
Wishing the oceans did not have a chance to play with her empty hollow heart.  
Out goes the tide
Like a slow dance
Out goes the bottle

He lost it all with a shot
Out goes the chance
He messed it all up with schnaps
Out goes his soul
Out goes the dry inks
Out goes the only humidity
Tears create.  
Out goes her hope
Like a proven mermaid.
Michael Parish Sep 2014
Like these god dam eruptions
I cant stop doing what I shouldnt.
My brother cant sleep
Because im makin noises
And im condemed for eternity
Unable to wait for the solid blue sleep
Of dreams
Uniterupted by hick ups
Im a fool
Who cant hold my breath long enoupgh
To prevent murphys law from actually happening.
I guess the worst did happen when I died at eighty five
With out a god murmur or impulse
To drink like the stork who cant find
Anyones perfect baby.
Tell him it doesnt matter
Im saying good by to indegestion and lauphter.
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