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That night, my eyes paraded along beige pages
Dripping with satire, self-loathing and daddy issues
And I felt the cynic in me dance like a madman
Who had just snapped the neck of a baby bird
Cruel and unsympathetic, but dancing all the same

And then my eyes met a string of printed black shapes
Which halted me, though lukewarm in comparison
To its sibling pushes of ink, jeering and suicidal

The shapes read,
“People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown.”

It was something I'd touched several times before
But denied myself to hold on to
I would catch it like a leaf in the wind
Then my eyes would cross its black spots
And I would let it go, brushing my hands of it

But that night, in my madman craze and my sneering laughter,
I felt the familiar bother of a leaf orbiting my skull
And my eyeball parade froze and my madman feet could dance no more
So I lay there until I felt the sun blush and heard the birds begin to sing
For it was not one of their own laying still, plagued by demise
The book is Chuck Palahniuk's "Survivor"

“No sense of the irony of human experience, that we are the highest form of life on earth, and yet ineffably sad because we know what no other animal knows, that we must die.” -Don DeLillo
 May 2013 Michael Grace
marina b
i did my best not to show you
but when those words escaped your mouth
something inside me burst
into a rosy, sparkling celebration
and it's a miracle
i didn't
e x p l o d e
with joy
 May 2013 Michael Grace
All the lonely people* wander in the night,
clothed in all their misery and hiding from their pain.

All the lonely people hunt for what is right,
devil in their hearts as they sleep out in the rain.

All the lonely people beg, "Stay and love me do."
Lonely people are everywhere, and Eleanor Rigby never knew.
I've been listening to The Beatles Radio on Pandora all weekend. They were truly amazing, weren't they? Hmm... what to say about this one? It rhymes. For whatever reason, I couldn't bring myself to do free verse. I think I like it despite the rhyme.

Songs referenced: "Devil in Her Heart" from the album "With the Beatles," "Misery" and "Love Me Do" from the album "Please Please Me" (my personal favorite), and of course, "Eleanor Rigby" from the album "Revolver."
 May 2013 Michael Grace
I celebrated yesterday
that my mother is still alive, like how plants exist
and the sun has not fallen from the sky yet.

She has broken six bones.
She has had six different casts, all were green
but her favorite color remains purple.
She shattered the porcelain of our toilet once
with her torso and lost two ribs,
she was basically a man who can **** his own ****.

I picked her up every day
except for yesterday, because she is still alive
almost as miraculous as Mother Nature.

Cows have the ******* of Mother Nature
delivering spotted babies who do not **** sweet milk
worker bees after labor, laboring
packing their new udders with fresh, sweet milk.

I never ****** from my mother’s breast
either, I am basically a cow she’s  basically a man
I mixed my own formula in pink bottles.

She asked what my favorite color is yesterday.
It was the first time,
I said, “it is still pink,” but she said
she thought it would be blue because I am a feminist.
No, no, but yesterday I was only her daughter.
As I opened the medicine cabinet
carefully hidden behind a broken mirror,
I discovered transparent orange bottles
with broken childproof tabs on each cap,
concealing diet pills the size of ants.

I replaced the capsules with fully bloomed daisies
and I hope you swallow each petal
and ingest each stem entirely
so you can eat something that,
like you, encompasses beauty.
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