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Sep 2012 · 888
Michael Ellis Sep 2012
Stuck in between the lies and truth...this is where I wait for you.
Life spinning uncontrollably I sink...gasping for air I fight with no clue.
Things go by so fast adapting to them seems...impossible.
I fight with all my might but my opponent is intangible.
Left and right I look but there's no one insight
I stumble as I run for I fear that there is no light.
I'm plagued with these feelings of fear and doubt
That I may not be the man I'm expected to be.
No that can't be it, how can one expect the unexpected?
How can one walk on a path knowing that is it?
That this path is what they are meant to be
That this path will set them free
That this path will surely guide their souls
and let them be


For what is freedom if we can not
For what is freedom if we can not
For what is freedom if we can not
For what is freedom if there is no

Aug 2012 · 1.1k
Just One Breathe
Michael Ellis Aug 2012
Running through the checklist of things to do I can’t help but feel overwhelmed.
A breathe of fresh air is what I crave;
I’m lost for wards for what I have discovered; I tried so hard to be the role model.
Venting is not enough.
Engaging in this forbidden dance was something I couldn’t see you doing till you were older.
No were to go, no were to hide;

Even though I hold you so dear to my heart this action has ripped the death grip I had.
Loneliness became a friend;
Lingering is nothing but the old memories of what was the good you and now I just see hypocrisy.
It drew me in ever so close.
Stupid: how could you be so stupid? All these lessons I tried teaching you for nothing!

My heart was so big;
It’s like I’ve wasted part of my life on you and I can never get it back, I struggle with this.
Chanting in the name of love.
How can I accept you when the feelings I have are twisted just like your words to me?
Aroused by the thought of being loved;
Ever mess up you were there to make me regret it, yet your actions are exactly the opposite of your words.
Love never felt so cold.

Staring into your eyes make me hate you; I resent the connection we have, but I can’t let go.
Imagining there’s light at the end;
Severing the ties is not enough to make me forget you; our bond is too strong to do that.
This pain is too much.
Every memory of you is forever engraved on my heart, but I don’t want them just a new heart.
Rest in peace;

Awaiting for a new start seems impossible after everything you have put us through.
Never again will I fall.
Drowning us with your overdramatic way has forced us to grow up faster then before.

But I hold on to hope;
Running away from everything is your downfall; you call me immature but really you’re looking in a mirror.
Over the times of deceit.
The mirror you fail to look at because you’re too afraid to see yourself for yourself.
Holding on to whats left;
Examine what your actions have brought onto us but too afraid to accept the consequences.
Running of empty words.

Now look at this situation we’re in and tell me that you are being mature about it when all you do is run.
Outsmarting the twisted thoughts;

Must you go on living this way I do not want any part of me to be involved with you.
Outwitting the tricky games;
Really look deep in your heart and feel the pain I feel and then walk a mile in my shoes and you’ll see.
Ending the lies, hurt, and struggle with just one breathe...
Michael Ellis Mar 2012
Would you share a moment with me, over some herbal tea?
Take a walk verbally, make a bond certainly cause’ in my
hand I bet your hand would fit perfectly. Its like we floatin in
space when you flirtin with me, can’t believe the moments we
have, don’t wanna move to quick, but honey without you I’d
be sick. I’m saying this from the heart best believe it from
the start, with you in mah life, I wanna make you mah wife.
Don’t think just react it makes it easier in fact, you look
better with no make up on I hope you don’t take it wrong.
When the sun sets upon your eyes, your beauty becomes
disguised hidden in between the feelings of lust and love, I
can fall for you with just one shove. Getting swallowed in the
waves of commotions I can’t help to feel these emotions, I get
lost for for words tryin to describe your curves. Not in a sleezy
way because I like how gentleman play, not in such a style to drive
these ladies wild, but with such manner and bliss he plants one kiss.
Upon the lips of beautiful lady who isn’t so shady, upon the woman
with class which any man shouldn’t pass, upon the one with the big
dreams which have no seems. With just one kiss he knows he can’t
miss, the love of his life that will soon be his wife.
Michael Ellis Mar 2012
This is the one and only time
where Im gonna bust a rhyme,
about things that make me smile
so you might be here for awhile.
This might be lame, but soon I
will reveal the one to blame. One
thing that brings out these pearly whites,
are seeing you in those tights. This isn't
for anyone particular, so don't think of some
one familiar. Bright colors never seem to fail
to put my smile on trial, but just because I like bright
colors doesn't mean i'm gay so that thought can hit
the hay. Music makes the world go round and round,
but music keeps me strapped to the ground. Girls seem
to drive my heart into a frenzy, but real women tend to
make this heart stir crazy. I might write more stuff like this
later so for now you can be a hater. Just writing some things
down that make me smile, but next time would you join me
for awhile?
Feb 2012 · 993
Too Blind to See
Michael Ellis Feb 2012
Time and time again he fails to please you
You tell yourself not again but again seems to happen
Why must you go back?
Is it his smile?

I don't see what you see in him
All is see is lies
Am I too blind to see

You come to me for advice
an it pains me to see you like this
I try hard not to give you a biased reply
but how can't I when I see the tears

But no matter what I'll be here till the end
Supporting you in everything you do
Here to catch you when you fall
Here to wipe every tear
Here for ever fear
Until the end
I'm here for
Dec 2011 · 792
I once...
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
I once

Lost myself for you
Out on a limb reaching for you
Viscously fought for your attention
Expecting the worse hoping for the best
Didn't expect what you brought to the table

You walked right through me
Over my heart and through the forest you went
Used me like a love song

I once

Made you my all
I knew better
Shame on me
Shame on you
Everyone knew
Didn't see it coming

Yelling for closure
Outsmarted by your games
Utterly humiliated

I once

Forgot how to live
Evenings alone
Lusted for onces touch
Told myself never again

Alive in the midst of death
Living of the old memories  
Inviting the reaper in for a cup
Victory wasn't an option anymore
Everlasting joy swallowed in darkness
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Memory Lane
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
Walking down the cold streets of memory lane
The warmth slipped through my hands
I couldn't help to know that I was the one to blame
as I fumbled around for your touch.
ThingsrushedbysofastIdidnthavetimeto t h i n k
Blinded by once was I took a wrong step
You disappeared from me with one blink
into the torment of a cold...cold..cold heart.
Echoes of the past come to strangle the ghost of you
A heart so cold only the brave one can bare
Lost and confused I waited for the final cue
the sick torments it has within waiting to pounce.
Walking down the cold streets of memory lane
One day oh cold heart I'll be the brave one for you
Always seems to bring the greatest pain*
but until then I'll be the warmth she needs.
Dec 2011 · 975
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
Head up to the sky
the street lights feel like eyes

Eyes of the past, present, and future

Memories of love, hate, and regrets
because I was too shy

To shy to make things last, stay, and proceed

Feelings of happiness, sorrow, and pain
rush through my veins

The same very veins that carried blood to my cold heart

The heart that once was whole, happy, and big
is not broken, sad, and tiny

You see it wasn't someone who made my heart the way it was
it was the experiences that it went through

I've only been alive for nineteen years,
but I feel like I've been living for eighty

We all go through our temptations and trials
some conquered some failed, but what really
matters is that we are alive and we can keep our
heads up to the sky
Dec 2011 · 2.0k
Seeing Things Clearly
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
When you see me

You see a peaceful joyful soul

When you see me

You see smiles and happiness

When you see me

You see a strong cheerful young man

When you see me

Yon don't see me like I see me

rorrim gnikool a otni kool I nehW

niap hguorht neeb esohw yob a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

ytitnedi on sah ohw nam gnuoy a ees I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

eb ll'I yas elpoep nam eht ees t'nod I

rorrim gnikool a onti kool I nehW

erutuf on htiw eruliaf a ees I

When you see me

You don't see the real vulnerable

Dec 2011 · 1.0k
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
I've been in this for too long I
don't know what has me stuck
on this song. My head keeps
on tellin me to go for it show
her that you can make it rain,
but my heart is screamin' please
please I don't know how long I can
handle your pain!

What to do, what to do?
The truth hurts but the lies
only heal this open wound.
On one hand I see pain and
strife, but on the other I see
a new happy life. I know whats
good for me and I know what its
gonna take to set me free. I just
can't do it.

You might be thinkin' "What the
hell is this ***** doin? I can feel
your pain by just readin your words.
Why stay and keep on loosin?" I'll tell
you why I stay. I'm too stupid to lead
my feelins astray. When I go for some
thin, I bring all my being into it. I hold
nothin back not willin to quit.

It may **** me in the end, but in the end
I know i was the one who tried to make
things blend. You see. I come to you
writing this poem not for a specific person.
I don't need someone jumpin to a conclusion
and turning this into a car collision.  

Time heals all, but this heart has been up and
down way to many walls...Its time to open up
a new page in this story and this chapter will
be labled Untitled.
Dec 2011 · 594
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
Ever been so happy you wanted to cry?
**** I wish I had wings so I could Fly!
Lookin’ up to the sky thankin’ God I’m alive
You see, I was witherin’ away deep down
inside, but know I’m feelin. so rivived. I can
keep runnin’ this was to my heart’s content.
I promise to give it my all in every single event
just as long as you promise to give it your all in
every single moment of your life. We both know
things in life don’t come easy, but we gotta stick
with what we know and try new things even if it
brings us strife. Don’t worry about the little things
‘cause they clip your wings. You’re as strong as a
giant and as smart as a genius. All you gotta do is
keep your head up through all that is goin on and
I’ll make sure I’m there for you when you need some
one to lean on.
Dec 2011 · 937
New Beginnings
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
Seein' her eye to eye is prolly the hardest thing to do.
I mean, I didn’t cheat or anythin like that
just took things too fast
and I ******
They say it takes two to tango and things will work them
selves out, but with this I don’t think it
will. Jumpin’ to conclusion
just ain’t the
Can’t believe I had somethin’ so good but let it
spoil to somethin’ rotten. I wish I could
go back into time and
listen to my
Shoulda kept **** private but just like a gossip girl,
I went and gossiped girl. I swear I
had the right intentions girl.
I swear I
Feelings are a powerful weapon. They can make one
do things they’ve never believed they could,
but at the same time
they will break
wasn’t just you,
I messed up too. Don’t
listen to what people have to say
we both know you’re a good girl, so believe it.
will get better
girl, just let time do
it’s thing. **** was said about both
of us, but it shouldn’t change who we are girl.
both good people
who moved just a little
too fast. After all, we both run track.
We live, love, laugh and die impacting people.
give up kid.
No matter what listen to
your heart even if you can’t hear it.
I know you’re gonna be big, for you are a giant.
here for you
when you think i’m not.
New beginnings lead to new memories.
I got mad family love for you kid stay strong.
Dec 2011 · 822
Set Free
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
They told me not to jump to conclusions boy, but the others in my head told me to express my joy. My heart told me to keep it to myself and not to tell anyone else. **** she had me feelin’ like a lil’ kid, got me all excited and makin’ crazy vids. How did someone so small got me, out of all people, to fall?

You see, I wasn’t the type of ***** who went head over heels for a girl. I made sure my heart was locked up tight and waited for that one special day where I’d find that one special girl that change my view on this sick twisted world. I’ve been lied to, cheated on and played it seemed like love was just a game that every girl knew how to play.

Her heart has been through many trials and experienced crazy **** as a child. I felt her pain as she told me stories of the past. I promised myself that if we would got together we would forever last. I’d give her better memories than the one before me and show her things that will set her heart free.

I wanted to show her the better things in life than what she has seen through her pain and strife. I saw the little girl in her as she opened up, cryin’ for someone to come and build her up. Somethin’ deep down reached out to take her by the hand and show her that I was the man who was flexible like a rubber band. Who would be the one to protect her from the dark and give her life some excitement with just one spark.

Her heart has been through many trials and experienced crazy **** as a child. I felt her pain as she told me stories of the past. I promised myself that if we would got together we would forever last. I’d give her better memories than the one before me and show her things that will set her heart free.

The story doesn’t end in the love direction. In fact, it ends with a bad connection. Things fell apart as time went on and soon became strangers who were in danger of losing ourselves. To be the only one she’ll ever need just became a figment of my imagination and will never be brought to life like the dead through reanimation.

Her heart as been through many trails and experienced crazy **** as a child. I felt her pain as she told her stories of the past. I thought we’d forever last; I thought I’d give her better moments than the one before me, but in the end, I failed to set her heart free...

— The End —