It's something I lack
Because the words you placed in my palm
Are bleeding through my paper thin skin
And becoming unbearable to think about
Because I know they weren't meant for me
I'm the last one picked in dodge-ball
I'm the last one picked at heart
And I will always be a safety to people like you
Who live their life trying to impress people
Who don't matter
Because they will never care about you
And I will never lie to you
So I will never tell you that I'm fine
I just wont offer the information
You are too busy to care about
I'll give it to the people who pray
Because maybe they will be able to do something
My feeble heart could never accomplish
No matter how hard I held onto the fall leaves
That fell into my hands
As I walked down the dirt roads
that made up your last night at home
And we watched the sunset at midnight
All I wanted to do was set the world on fire
Just to see people feel the heat again
Feel something again
We get so caught up in what we can't change
Why not focus on the things you wouldn't want to change
Like the sound of waking up to light rain
Or the smell of grass in late July
Roses never bloom when they are told
But while they might not always have their beauty
They always have their thorns
And I wish i had to the strength of a rose
I wish that every time you came near me you would feel pain
But instead I welcome you in
Because there is nothing you could do
That would make me feel like
You aren't good enough for love
So until you find someone to love you
I will just keep doing it
Because I know she is out there
And I know she'd want you to be loved
So I will
I will love you for the woman I have not met
For the woman who will take you away from me