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Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I can't pour white out all over my life
And erase all the mistakes I've made
And I wouldn't want to
Without those I've learned nothing in my life
I've never tripped on my doubt
Or spilled milk all over my hate
And that scares me more than
Hitting myself in the face with my jealousy
Or sleeping with fear in my mouth
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I'm not the first thing on your
I don't even think I make
A guest appearance
I can feel you slipping out of
My hands
Like water
You are cold and fleeting
And the worst part is
I know it's the best for you
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Every firework reminds me of you.
But everything reminds me of you
So I guess that isn't so special.  
But what can I do?
You keep me trailing behind you
Like a lost puppy
When I always thought I was the one
Guiding you.
You asked me how I love you
In what way do I
And I couldn't tell you honestly
Because I'm not entirely certain
But my times up.
I had my two weeks of peace
But the flame is back
And your just a moth flying blindly
To a false warmth
Of someone who is in love
Just not with you.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I saw somewhere that you shouldn't give up someone you need for someone you want
You obviously aren't reading the same literature as me
But that's not our only difference
I won't go into the different way we could
Or couldn't
I've done enough of that
for this lifetime and the next
But just know
The next time you preach honesty and forgiveness
Know that it was your honesty
That put another crack in my heart
Though it seems like I am collecting those
And next time you feel this way
See how willing you are to forgive
A person who doesn't realize
He is doing anything
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
You always seem to know the wrong things to say
At the right time
Or is it the right things to say
At the wrong time
Or maybe it's both
No matter what
The wrong always outshines the right
Because in the end the timing doesn't matter
It's what you said in the time that you were given
That will dictate how people remember you
But you are hollow
And I will always remember you as
The boy
With the chocolate coated nothing words
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Last night as we sat under the stars
We were so far away but I felt close
Due to how tightly I was holding a piece of metal to my head
Just so I wouldn't miss a syllable
A breath
I wanted to hear everything.
That's the closest I have felt to you in a while
And I came clean
But you left me with questions I don't know how to answer
And comments I don't know how to process
In the simplistic head I wear above my shoulders
For me, not a necessity
But an accessory
Because my head never really did me any good
It's just there to pull the look together
It has no real purpose.
My thoughts are small and unimportant
Especially to a person like you
Whose thoughts could change the world
If you would just try
So thank you for every time you made me feel as if
I was smart enough to match you
But I then take them all back
For there are equal times you made me feel
Less than
But at least you have a solid ratio.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Since when are you easy because you don't play hard to get
Is it wrong to want something and to get upset
When the one thing you trusted in consistently let
Your heart break
And since the day I saw you
You blew
And *******
And I knew
But there was nothing I could ever do
But sit back and watch you make a fool
of the person you thought you were.
The whole thing happened so quick
And too fast you became my walking stick
You were there for support when I needed kick
But never when I just wanted a friend.
They say people in glass houses should't throw stones
But the people on the outside will always be prone
To the curiosity of the unknown
And what's hidden beyond your crystal home
And I'm no exception.
I will always be leading that pack
until my blood runs cold and my heart turns black
I'm waiting for the day when the world will finally attack
And all I want is to see you fight back
Cause you've got me addicted to that smack
That runs through your veins.
And it's 11:11 somewhere and all I'm thinking about
Are all the times you were blazed out
Burnt out
And knocked out
Waiting for me to carry you out
Of the hole you made yourself out of pity and self doubt
Hoping that from my actions might sprout
some real human emotion.
I'm picking at scabs you left on my body and on my soul
Because all you did was laugh and roll
And I'm the one that has to pay the toll
Because somehow that means you accomplished your goal
Because for some reason that was my heart, which you stole
Along with other material things.
And now you have to rot and pay the price
Of a life gone wrong and a bad role of the dice
You and I represent lives that were sliced
And childhoods taken that would have been nice
And the next time you see me I hope you think twice
Because we are skating on such thin ice
But I don't seem to mind because I'm with you.
And now that I'm done ******* I guess its time to forgive and let go
Of all the the lonely nights that moved too slow
And the days of putting on the same show
And the love that just wouldn't grow
From a heart that just could't let emotion flow
Even though your broken heart would fit perfectly with mine.
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