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Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Don't call me "punk", don't call me "druggy"
And don't you care call me by my home town.
That's where I've been not who I am
And if that is your impression of me
you obviously don't know who I am.
But that doesn't surprise me
No one in this town ever really knew
Next door doesn't even grasp it
So let me explain it to you
Though I am always myself I am not always the same person.
When I'm with you I'm the person you want
When I'm with them...
But it always seems I'm a little too much for you
And not enough for them
But unlike you
They don't seem to mind
They don't criticize my every move
And they love me without putting me down
Or trying to put me into a box where I don't fit
I'm sorry
But I just don't fit in your box.
I'm not made of clay that you can bend into a desired shape
And my heart doesn't have strings attached that you can pull like a puppet
And make me dance
You cant control who I am
Who I was
Who I will be
I can't even do that.
So you can put on your show
And make everyone believe you are something you are not
But I know who you are
Because I don't try to put you into any boxes
Not even the one that you are bending over backwards to get into.
Am I the only one who finds it liberating to breathe in the fresh air
Instead of being confined to breathing the same air
As you are passed on from one box to another
Until the only one left is a pine box that will hold you forever
Excuse me if that is the only box I ever want to fit into
The shapes I make are way too elaborate to be labeled as "punk" or "druggy"
And especially not by my hometown.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Turn it off
Turn it on
That's what you always said
Turn it off
Turn it on
Anything that needed too much energy
Too much caring
Too much emotion
Turn it off
Turn it on
Anyone who caused too much hurt
But you can't turn me off
I am the light constantly on in the back of your head
I am the street lamp outside turning on with the moon
I'm the one thing you can't turn off
Deal with it
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
You seem to enjoy fixing things that aren't
Like my stairs
Or my swing set
Or my home.
No one asked you to step in
And try to make everything better
I don't need you painting my room
Or planting my grass
Or loving my my mom back to health.
We are broken.
And maybe I liked it that way.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
You have me hooked on your song.
I am absorbed with your smell
Habituated to your eyes
And attached to your smile.
I am imbued to your soft words, your empty words
And inclined to trust in your syllables.
I am obsessed with your name
Devoted to your voice
Dependent on your approval
And prone to the knife you hold behind my back.
I am accustomed to your empty promises
And under the influence of the false hope you give me.
I am addicted to you
When all I want is to be clean.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It's happy this morning, peaceful
And that's because I've realized you aren't all I have
My love is plastered on my walls
And you are just one picture
Out of a thousand
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
Please let me know if you cant talk to me
Because I'm tired of pouring my heart out
To someone who's not listening.
I know you've got you're new girl
I knew you'd find someone better
We are falling apart at the seams
And promises I thought would last forever
Are crumbling before my eyes
They are ash in the wind
That you will just blow into the next persons face.
I can't concentrate on a **** thing
because I'm either trying to figure out what to say next
Or worrying because it wasn't good enough for you
Because nothing I ever do is good enough for anyone.
I don't need you every minute
Even though I can't remember the last time
I didn't answer when you called
But I would just love if you could answer me that simple question
Do you still care?
Yes or No?
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I've lost a lot in the past few weeks
Given up on almost everything, everyone
And I thought you would be there for me
Merely because I am for you
I thought for once I might come first
Only because you always come first to me
I was naive to think you would try anything but the bare minimum
To make me happy
I'm not blind
I can see what you're doing
I'm not deaf
I can hear what you're saying
And I'm not numb
I can feel you breaking my heart.
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