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Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It's slightly uncomfortable that there is a universe of people who know my feelings
but don't know my name
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I could grow old with you
I could spend the rest of my life with you and be happy
and that could be enough for me
but what if it's not
what if I wake up one morning and don't want it anymore
what if I wake up and lose you
I couldn't do that
so please don't make me try
don't butter me up with compliments
and for the love of God
don't be nice to me.
you're too nice to me
and it's not fair
it's not fair that you know how to make me feel this way
and I still cant
figure out how to use your microwave
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I found something worth crying for
And it's the fact that tears were gathering in your eyes as we had to say goodbye
It was the first time I could really tell you loved me.
I could tell you were trying to hold back streams of tears
I wish we had both let it out
One last cry in the arms of the person I loved most in the world.
The person I trusted most.
A final gift
A final hug
And like that you were gone
And I was left to explain where you had gone to
"He's gone"
That's all you want me to tell people
So that's what I will tell people.
Hello World!!!
He's gone!!!
And I really hope he comes back
But I just don't know.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It's not about me and I'm not trying to make it that way
But I can't shake the feeling that I could have saved you but didn't
That I didn't try hard enough to save you from the substances
That you use as a crutch to walk over the eggshells that makeup your life
The broked shards or your glass heart
Transparent and true
And when you come down there is no where to hide
I see you
I see you truthfully and you can't run away from that
I'll be your crutch
Turn away from the bottle
Lean on me
Unlike your product
I'll never let you down
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
Everything I write I write for you
Every syllable every word
Is all I wish I had the courage so say to you
But don't.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
We never held hands, at least you never held my hand
And now I'm worried that will never happen
that my hands will stay empty forever.
My hands are perpetual black holes of happiness
******* the joy out of everything they touch
and I'm sorry you got caught up in that
you had no idea what you were doing to yourself when you asked me to talk
and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the mess you were willingly walking into.
Maybe things would have turned out differently
but I can tell you one thing;
the next time I see you
the first thing I will do is hold my own hand
and pretend it's you.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
All I have left to give you is hope
That's all I have left
This just makes it real.
I guess I never noticed how bad it had gotten for you.
But it did.
And now you're gone
For a while anyway.
I'll miss you but I know that this is whats right.
If you come back the same person you left as...
well we will cross that bridge when we get to it
I want you to get better
I do
I just want you to come home.
For now I'll give you hope
Because that's all I have left to give you.
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