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Mia Marie Sep 2013
I am not a barely passing score.
I am not a C- on
Last week's Algebra test.

I am not the hours spent
With my nose in a textbook,
Trying to solve a puzzle
That I will never use again.

I am not constant late nights
That are wasted studying
And stressing for my future;
A future that I'm supposed
To figure out right now.

I am not the answer that I need
When I raise my hand to ask "Why?"
And the teacher just ignores
My question, once again.

I am simply a human,
Attempting to find a place in this life,
Trying to grow and learn in wisdom.
**And wisdom is not a barely passing score
Mia Marie Aug 2013
"But (I) will help with anything you (need).
I won't judge or think any less of you
You can tell me anything and everything.
I will be here, I will (help.)"
Mia Marie Aug 2013
And why am I here,
In this land of the living?
Are we even living at all?

And why am I here,
In this odd thinking society?
Are we even thinking at all?
Mia Marie Aug 2013
It's odd to think that
We all use these
As a sort of tool
To escape reality.

They are a type
Of  hallucination,
And yet, they are
Completely accepted
In our society.
Mia Marie Jul 2013
******** doesn't quite satisfy me.
I trip, fall, and stumble
As I search for a better term
To describe this so-called
"Relationship" between us.
But I suppose it will do,
Because that's all this really is:

Mia Marie Jul 2013
I cry to the wind
Every night
In hopes that it will
Carry my words to you.
But they must have faded
By the time they reach you,
For you still haven't
Returned to me.
Mia Marie Jul 2013
My mind swims in an ocean of questions,
And this ocean is slowly filling my lungs,
Making it harder and harder for me to breath.
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