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Mia Marie Jun 2013
Believe me, please.
I am extremely thankful
To live in such a beautiful
And blessed place
Such as this one.

But I have a best friend,
Who is snorting his life away
Through the poison called Coke.
I have countless friends fighting
The slow, merciless Depression.
Stress, Hate, and Anger
Swarm my body,
If not my head,
Almost every day.
My "closest" friends don't understand.
They've lost my Trust,
And I can't say a word
To my "supportive" family.
I constantly feel so Alone.
I must sit here,
In Silence,
And keep this God ******
Smile on my face.

So yes,
It can be hard sometimes,
*Even for a white girl,
Living in beautiful California.
Mia Marie Jun 2013
Written ever so secretly
In my hopes,
My dreams,
And my actions,
Are signs about you.
They are carefully etched,
They are so slightly engraved,
And yet, you don't seem to notice them
Unless they turn into
Bright neon signs on a rainy night.

But its understandable.
It can be hard to read
Such delicate little messages.
Mia Marie Jun 2013
I never could have imagined
Falling even harder for you,
But here I am,
That you are as much of a lover
As you are a friend.

And I admit,
*You are best at both.
Mia Marie Jun 2013
If only I could make her realize,
That she doesn't have to hide.
If only I could show her,
How beautiful she truly is.
If only she would accept the fact,
That so many really love her.
Maybe her smile will shine,
As bright as the stars in the sky.

Because I know it has,
And I know it can again,
Yet I don’t know how to show her
That her so-called "imperfections"
Cause her to be truly *perfect.
Mia Marie Jun 2013
Even after how many times I've washed these sheets
I still smell them and think of you.
Even after I hear that song for the hundredth time,
I still wait for the line that we used to sing together.
Even after I see you with her,
I still hold onto the hope that we’ll work it out.
But it’s hard to realize that
Even after
Doesn't mean *ever after.
Mia Marie Jun 2013
Do you speak the truth,
Or sputter lies when you’re intoxicated?
Do you truly mean what you slur?
For when we are sober,
Nothing is the same
As the drunken night before.
Mia Marie May 2013
A small acorn falls to the ground
In a quiet forest.
An oak is born,
he slowly rises and develops,
and is captured in awe at the world around him.
He learns to grow and bask in the sun,
which shines through his taller brothers’ leaves.
He begins to bear food for his friends
who live in his young branches,
and the deer and spiders smile up at him
as they rest in his shade.

Yet a low rumble begins to grow in the distance,
and his friends are frightened away.
The deer and spiders don’t rest in his shade
and his friends don’t take his food anymore.

The noise grows louder and closer
and he looks to his older brothers for questions.
But before they can answer,
one by one he hears their branches snap.
Their roots lose their grip in the cold soil,
which they always called home.
The sun becomes easier to feel for the young oak,
and a sharp pain is felt at his feet
as his brothers crash around him,
screaming and tearing their way to the ground.
He feels his own roots snap
and his branches crack on the cold hard ground.
The warmth of the sun begins to fade
while the sharp pain is felt splitting him apart,
and another small acorn falls to the ground
in a quiet forest.
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