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Mercy B Sep 2014
If  only I were able to be a more perfect me
I would finally be all the world thought that I  should be

The many failed attempts I have made at fitting in
would be erased, no longer for the world to see

If only I knew how to be that more perfect me
I may finally feel comfortable sitting in my own skin.

I could put away the plethora of mask I've worn, and
instead of being runner up the real me could actually win
Mercy B May 2013
The pounding of the bass pulsates down thru my core.

The lyrics wash over my mind leaving me yearning for more.

Each note entices my body to move along with its rythmic tone.

This overwhelming force takes me to a place of my very own.

Relishing every moment I find myself getting lost in the sound.

With an everlasting melody inside my  head I tune out the world around.
Mercy B May 2013
Sometimes the chaos I feel around me is  stifling and I find myself questioning the importance of my life.

I know that others before me found a way to push onward and triumphed in conquering their strife.

      Myself, I begin to think of you and    
     all you have done.
    I take comfort in knowing that you,
    you are my one.

Life can be twisted and vile, it can leaving you writhing in agony like a horrible dream.

And yet, in an instant, time it's self can stand still and in its magnitude become so picturesque,so serene.

       Trapped with in the confusion, ill think of you and all you have done
       They can't take from me ,that you
   you are my one

With my memories of your actions I am able to face the trials and hurdles life throws in my way.

Living you has ignited a fire into my soul,but if it burns out, and trust me it may.

            I'll just think of you and all you have done.
         Forever more it will always be    true that you,
you are my one.
Mercy B Aug 2013
How is it possible for me to feel utterly alone and at the same time completely suffocated by the people that are surrounding me.

Almost like I'm existing in an out of body experience that has gotten stuck in limbo, doomed to float along side sadness in an empty sea.

Before things even get close to becoming remotely "right" an unseen force, more likely tho it is just me, shifts the balance back  dangerously close to the "wrong"

I feel like I'm twisted amidst a tornado of loss that is sending me plummeting viciously toward the rock face unfortunately I  can not avoid impact for very long

Despite my relentless struggle I find no freedom from this compulsion's grip keeping me confined inside my own subconscious cage.

I agree that living is naturally hard as hell and it takes work to keep a smile on but not even my perfectly painted pretend smile can hide this soul full of sadness, lost hope and rage.

If the parts of me that are worn to show the world could mirror what I stow away deep inside, I wonder if anyone would even recognize this person that the see

Hard as it may be, alone in  silence within this world of only me, I am haunted by the fear that I wont remember how to be part of a world constantly  humming with We.
Mercy B Nov 2014
My existence is a symphony
written a life time ago

These chaotic cords playing
notes lost in my own  limbo
Mercy B Dec 2013
I must resign to the fact that you not are here to hold my hand , able to wipe my tears away, to the painfully reality that you are far beyond my reach.

I know there were times when you thought wasn't listening , just know I heard all your words and now it is those same lessons that I am trying to teach.
                         For, I have not forgotten my way home.

There is so much that now stands between you and I , forever separated by immeasurable distance, never ending time and everlasting space.

I manage to find some solace in the memories we have made, although harder it is becoming to even hear your voice let alone picture your face.  

                       Still I have not forgotten my way home.

I became lost in my own sorrow and the path leading to the other side at times can be so very dark, it feels like insurmountable twists and turns are constantly blocking the way.

Keep those big brown eyes focused, anything that comes easily is just not worth doing, the voice in my soul reminds me of theses words you used to say.

                      That is why I have not forgotten my way home.
Dedicated to my mother, on the 21st of December it will be one year since she had to leave. I can not find the words to articulate how much I truly miss her but maybe one day I will. I have good that each day it will become just a bit easier to move on.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and keeping some kind of solid ground under my feet.
Mercie B ♥
Mercy B Dec 2013
If you stand so very still you just may hear giddy little fireflies (dancing in the moon kissed sky) whisper across the wind a wondrous tale, otherwise kept hidden within their light.

Secrets from the Land of Never Here, a forgotten world where our most coveted dreams are born and shimmering starlight is no longer bound solely to the night.

Fascinating tales of an enchantress, the keeper of bewitched forest, so captivating that even the strongest of hearts fall helpless when caught in the magnetism of her gaze.

Where a hillside water fall displays capricious streams of color crashing down over smooth rocks, the mist creating a delicate rainbow haze.

A land where the wild imagines of poetic minds are captured and given life, where one's inner sprite is encouraged to frolic  and flutter, never stifled or confined.

It is a world of endless wonders where each new dawn  the brilliant sun rises up into the pristine sky singing out  melodious song nourishing the canvas in your mind.

Where fantasy and reality mesh splendidly into the now and the allurement of what tomorrow may bring fills one with anticipation and excitement instead of worry and fear.

A refuge in which time sets forth with specific pace, never late, for one will find themselves right where they should be in the Land of Never Here.
Written for my momma, I know she would have liked this. I miss you more than I could ever express.
Mercy B Feb 2016
I must walk this path alone, if I am to figure myself out.

To understand the reason for this pain, to rid myself of doubt.

I wander thru this life just searching for a clue.

Truth be told, my heart knows well, my answers died with you
Missing you momma
Mercy B Nov 2014
I am nobody
Who are you
Are you nobody too

They can't see me
Hidden in plain view
Lookin at me but right thru
Mercy B Nov 2013
I was convinced that the memories of my past had to be the stepping stones, better yet still, the foundation for how my life was destined to be.

It seemed I was never able to see the light, it became nearly impossible to consider the idea that perhaps fate had her own intentions for me .

I hid my eyes behind false smiles, fighting to contain the sensations of doubt undulating deep within , those which sent shivers down my spine.

Locked in this terribly viscous cycle, a perpetual downward spiral,  from which I was in dire need of breaking , in order to save myself,  Such a familiar line.

I had reached a point in my existence where I wanted nothing more than to completely desensitize, impeding all emotion from reaching my soul, as if that some how would set me free.

Slowly I began to realize that if I allowed myself to succumb to the numbness , I then sacrifice something far more precious, for feeling this passion along with the pain is part of what made me, me.
Mercy B Nov 2013
No time for me
I am  filled to the brink of explosion with my word spinning round my head constantly

No time for me
I cannot steal a moment to put these words to  paper so they float around my head in an endless sea.

No time for stillness
No time for silence
No time for refection

No time for me
Others poor planning somehow always seams to turn into my emergency

No time for me
After all the I needs, can you's, will you and did you there is just no time for me
Mercy B Jun 2013
Looking in your eyes I catch a glimmer of what was once most definitely meant to be.

I can intangibly hear a weary voice inside you and it is screaming to be set free.

Saddly you locked up your spirit tightly deep inside and replaced it with woe and fear.

The person you long to be seems miles away, but keep fighting my love and soon that person will be here.

Let go of everything that ties you down, unleash yourself from the crushing weight that's constructed of all your pain.

Let out that child, the one hidding inside,  for they are in desperate need of time to run wild and frolic in the rain.

That surrounding light, your beauty within, almost blinding its grandure reaches ever so high.

Please don't be afraid to open up your wings, feel the rush of the wind when you finally take to the brilliant sky.

Truthfully this journey will not at all be easy, nor will you always be clear on the way.

If you are willing to endure it you may find yourself a little more with the dawn of each new day."
Mercy B Sep 2014
Amidst the remenets of this dilapidated sanctuary, There stood one.

One relentless warrior
Un willing to be broken
Refusing to admit defeat.

Embarking on the  journey down this treacherous path was one

Still a little shaken
Un clear of what is to come
Yet head still held high

In sight of glory, not daring to look at the road left behind , still was the one

Not completely sure of the ending
Remembering never to make the bed too hard.
Allowing nothing to encroach on her freedom

I just never knew that this one could be me.
Mercy B Mar 2016
I will reach
The stars

Brining back a
Of clouds
Sometimes what we want is closer than we ever thought.
Mercy B May 2013
Sharing stolen lust filled kisses covered by the darkness  of the night.

His teasing whispers caressing my neck underneath the brilliant star-lite.

Enticing the fire raging inside him with the cunning look within my  eyes.

A heated passion unable to restrained but alas must remain in disguise.

The anticipation of each rendezvous is more intense than the one before.

Giving in to our hearts desires even if for just a second more.

The need for our bodies to feel as one is much too hard to fight.

This secret love full of intoxicating emotions is hidden in plain sight.

In the games we play our imaginations are allowed run wild and free.

Refreshened by love and new passion are why husband and wife we will always be.
Mercy B Oct 2013
The sky has just began to grow dark and a slight chill rushes up her spine as the cool water washes across her toes.

The sand beneath her body is soft and still warm as she sprawls out, remembering his words, her eyes gently close.

She recalls his piercing stare and how she could not break their gaze, no matter how deep within he just may see.

The way he effortlessly drew out her feelings, unable to fight it, nor was their any fear of letting her words flow free.

Her body blended so comfortably, almost as if fate had designed her to fit perfectly into his soothing embrace.

Neither willing to acknowledge the impending goodbye, longing to get lost in this perfect moment, and hide from the time they chase.  

She curled up in her memories of him, blocking out all of the clutter her days can bring, she wanted to hold onto this feeling for just a bit more.

As he walks away he glances back once more, his thoughts drowning in anticipation for another night like this, a night like never before.
Mercy B May 2013
The leaves of my family tree are few but the vibrant color display scattered across its branches makes it reach incredible heights.

Some nights I think about how we all mesh together into this spectacular rainbow , yea I  really love those nights.  

Looking back I know my  Momma had no idea how hard it would be having a family  like ours.

Each child from a different man that didn't stick around,but in her eyes we were shinning stars.

Momma took in young  souls that had nowhere to go and gave them a place to call home.

In my eyes it just made sense that they became family because it was all I have ever known.

Most families are bound by blood, while that was partly true about ours, it was also held together by something more.

As time went by we had lil ones of our own ,I wish more than anything Momma could see how our beautiful tree has grown.
Mercy B Mar 2015
An outcast battered
From the brutality the lonesome world has shown.

Shunned for non-compliance
Never fitting into all that is said to be known.

Her mind rambles
Constantly yet remains silent, for she is mute.

Failing to see
Her own relevance fuled by the inability to follow suit.
Mercy B Oct 2014
I am

The perfect blend of light Carmel vanilla mocha skin

A crazy beautiful monumental disaster locked within.

I am

The creation of good and evil, their secrets bound to keep.

An ever flowing combination of joy and despair and this is why I weep
Multiracial, mixed and happy
Mercy B May 2013
Oh pluie, la pluie s'il vous plaît restez.

Ma petite Cita a jeux à jouer.

Saut d'obstacles


Oh la pluie, la pluie avec votre battement rythmique.

À la première goutte que nous hop à nos pieds.

Saut d'obstacles

Oh Rain, Rain please do stay

My little Cita has games to play.



Oh rain, rain with your rhythmic beat.

At the first drop we hop to our feet.


Mercy B May 2013
Thoughts running rampit create a storm of uncertainties in my mind.

A place to hide from their constant rattling is all I hope to find.

Uneventfully I travel in circles always begining  at the same place where I end.

This chaotic loop is something that can't be broken, at best I hope that it will bend

These chains that bind me come from nightmares black as coal.

Trapped in a downward spiral, quickly it is spinning out of control.

How can you escape when it is your own memories locking you in a cage.

Taunting my soul, breaking me down with the everlasting war that they wage.
Mercy B Jun 2015
Why is it when we are at our lowest point...and we are the most lonely inside.

We bottle up our true feelings...and try to keep up the appearance that we can survive.

When we are trapped in our own mind..bound by the darkest of night.

Why are we so blinded..afraid to make the first step toward the light
Constantly questioning myself
Mercy B May 2013
My Sunshine Rae

The whimsicle sparkle in her eyes outshines the brightest most brilliant star, it puts the moon to shame.

Her sweet smile and cunning little giggle draws my heart closer like a moth drawn to an eternal flame.

The sun in all her majesty is but a small shimmer compared to effervescent glow that comes from within her soul.

She gives me purpose,  she gives me strength but most of all she makes my life worth living its because of her I am whole

I pray that the way she looks at me never changes, that I never see disappointment or judgment behind that loving gaze.

I can not imagine who I would be if I was not blessed with her, the life I led before her is all but a distant haze.
This is for my amazing girlie..without her..... well who knows
Mercy B Dec 2013

        Take the time to drink in all of the loveliness veiled by constant chaos or simply cast away.

        Do  not take for granted that we are indeed on borrowed time, and with no for warning we must repay.


         Just long enough to actually listen not only hear what is hidden with in the depths of someone's heart.

         So we may remember that every beginning has to come from another's end, but fret not, prepare for the adventure's start.


  To take ourself so seriously, if we learn to laugh at our little     quirks they will never be able to become a weapon.

   Acceptance of the inclination that someone has a better ability to live your life, flee from that kind of deception.
Mercy B Jan 2014
Strange reflections, indistinct flickers whipping past, caught out of the corner of my eye.

An eldritch feeling takes over, as if to say this is what it to feel like to watch time pass by.

I lay witness to a whirlwind of intricate memories being swept away, jostled getting lost between the spaces.

The remnants of a hurricane filled with moments doomed to oblivion, intertwined inside an eternity of forgotten faces.

Anxiously I sit inside a cage of my own mold as I contemplate if this place is a sanctuary at all.

Finally realizing that those reflections were small glimmers of the pieces I let go during my own painfully beautiful fall.

Weep not for this wayward stranger, the trial and tribulations are something that we all must soldiers through.

Diligently stripping layers away, remaining hopefully that the journey will lead to something magnificently brand new.
I hope that it makes sense to ay t least one other person beside myself....
Mercy B Sep 2014

    Of bed each morning and attempt to embrace whatever the world may throw your way.

Try honoring  our nations diversity ,because  like it or not, its here to stay.


The old and bring in a new line of thinking towards the betterment of human kind.

Rid ourselves of our inhibitions to concieve another's dreams , release the shackles inclined to bind.


Of the way if you are set on your ways, because for growth change is a must.

Not here to judge, I have my own demons, but instead of casting stones you can simply just....

Mercy B Jun 2013
Confined to this asylum bound by massive chains
restricting me to my own mis- guided  perception,  oh how I long to break free.

   In the distance there lies a sea of disconsolate faces washing ashore  so I keep watch to see if I can find me.

   There is this hollowness inside me, it's presence so utterly dominating, like a raging river it runs wild.

The idea of feeling completely numb is ever so enchanting,  an escape from all the dishevelment that thru the years I have compiled.

The air around me has  becime so stifiling, it is  slowly crushing my lungs, under its magnitude I will be forced to give in before too long.

Willing my breath to please slow so I can calm myself before the storm, I focus on my hearts rythmic sound, such melancholy song..
Mercy B Apr 2013
Silence echoing all around
Pounds like thunder it's painful hush engulfs me
mocks me with its presence everywhere but inside my head.

    The same stillness where most  find solace
In my case lets all the noise of my mind assult me
For this reason silence is what I dread.

The  intensity of my memories rob me of my todays
They steal away my time and space
Then with no particular purpous they collide.

   I need a distraction from my thoughts
To escape their overwhelming annoyance  and keep them contained
The relief I seek only volume can provide.

  Silence is not always golden
I find no tranquility in its midst
Stillness please don't linger  then my memories will invade me.

   An escape from a self constructed prision
Full of my own thoughts is all I desire
Silence please don't ignore the screaming of my plea.
Mercy B Nov 2014
Mercie B
Apr 19, 2013      Apr 22, 2013
It has been well over a year since I posted this and yet these words haunt me now more than ever

*Silence echoing all around
Pounds like thunder it's painful hush engulfs me
mocks me with its presence everywhere but inside my head.

    The same stillness where most  find solace
In my case lets all the noise of my mind assult me
For this reason silence is what I dread.

The  intensity of my memories rob me of my todays
They steal away my time and space
Then with no particular purpous they collide.

   I need a distraction from my thoughts
To escape their overwhelming annoyance  and keep them contained
The relief I seek only volume can provide.

  Silence is not always golden
I find no tranquility in its midst
Stillness please don't linger  then my memories will invade me.

   An escape from a self constructed prision
Full of my own thoughts is all I desire
Silence please don't ignore the screaming of my plea
My words are the only release I have and at the same time i feel them condeming me
Mercy B Apr 2013
Who do you think you are?
                                   Talkin outa the side ya mouth, actin real slick, straight lookin at me wit that judgemental frown.
    Who do you think you are?
                                       Frontin,  like ya know me, but check this I ain't pickin up What you puttin down.
  Who do you think you are?
                                    Sayin I'm weak and ya jus throw this out, on the real it ain't nowhere near time to fold.
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Sayin I'ma always be one step behind cuz I let every one see exactly wut  cards  I hold.
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Like you gonna protect me from all the drama,  you think I dont what  most people put out there is fake.    
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Tellin me to quit actin sorry, staighten my *** up real quick like cuz the world took it's turn and now its my move to make
   Who do you think you are?
                          Tellin me to look deeper, look real hard at wuts standin right in my way and  I'll see.
   Who do I think I am.......
****,  now I see that this whole time it was me.
I had to keep going back over this again and again to make sure to use the spelling I wanted. Taking off letters or adding more in. I hope I didn't miss any.
Mercy B Jul 2013
From within the depths of me I fight so hard, my intention never giving up, but in exhausted and my hope... Well... simply has run dry.

Familiar faces are constantly surrounding me but thru the haze, ruling the majority of my mind,they are nothing more than strangers walking by.

This overbearing feeling if lonesomeness is a wretched sickness spreading thru what once was me, the harder I try to suppress it the worse it makes me feel.  

My perpetual sadness is an unfortunate symptom that plagues me and no matter how I tend to these lacerations on my soul they never seem to heal.

Bitterly I must swallow down  the wickedly perfect blend of endless anguish and just a little more provocation then one should take in.

Almost ritualistically I choke back the desire to purge myself of this insignificant existence, as I long for a new one to begin.

This affliction has left behind an emptiness which reeks such havoc inside me and it is perfected by my alienation.

Struggling in my seclusion I search frantically for the part of me that somehow had gotten somewhere in translation.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Please Stay

If only for just one moment longer

Stay and

Hold me, till inside I feel stronger

Just Stay

So we can watch the night turn into day

Stay because

With you I can chase my thoughts away.

I need you to Stay

Without you here my soul grows weak

Stay let me

For once, be the comfort that you seek

If you Stay

I can drift away to your heart's rythmic tone

Stay for inside

I dread the idea of going thru this all alone

You must Stay

In your eyes I have found my way home

Stay and save me

From my broken soul doomed to blindly roam
This is dedicated to my best friend Angel and her boyfriend Adam... I love them with all my heart...
Mercy B Jun 2014
Facing the reality that I can, at any given moment, lose everything
       Finally forced me to accept
That I had to allow myself to, once and for all, be truly free.

With eyes wide shut, fearlessly I had no choice but to dive in
      Creating my own eternal ripple
Instead of complacently watching still water just be.

So many silenced words have sustained the cconfinment
      Of who I genuinely am
Often escaping through moments sadly swept away by time.

Like an imperfection of a mis-shapened candle I refined this art
      Of surpressing my light
The rythme left only to long for the remminants of my hearts rhyme.

Blinded by the beautiful brilliance of this magnificent darkness
       Full of fears inhibitions
The horizon teased with ideas,  brought about by acceptance of a  new way.

It was vulnerability that lead me to receive the notion
     That the less I resist the embrace of the unknown
The further from the norm I will stray.
With so much chaos in the world around me I had to return to the one place that allows me to be me and accepts plain old Mercie B. Thank you all.
Mercy B Aug 2013
There is a storm steadily growing with in me and with unnerving persistence it chips away at the enclosure where my demons hide.

Like massive thunder claps memories bang around my inner fortress, scattering in all directions, flawlessly painful for there are no rules in which they must abide.

Comparable to the intensity of a white hot lightning streak intrusive thoughts flash throughout my mind, I become momentarily blind from the wicked radiance continuously antagonizing me.

I use my tear stained pillow case to shelter my face from the rainfall of sadness in an attempt to forget, but I soon realize that ignored this storm simply will not be.

My spirit resembles the broken branches lying in chaos in the aftermath of a tornado, they will never be whole again but from which they came may still have a chance .

Be strong I tell myself, while in the corner I quietly quiver, you must whether this storm  and never back down, how can I convince myself when I know it is just the same old song and dance.
Mercy B Sep 2013
I remember looking into your eyes and realizing how I was now responsible for this beautiful little life, thirteen years later our connection is so much stronger, as cliche as it may sound.

Your are truly my rae of sunshine, no matter how dark my life can be with out a doubt  it most definitely starts to lighten up the moment that you come around.

I've memorized your smile and each and every little freckle on  your sweet face and only you truly know when i need my space and when to snuggle up close cuz i need you to stay.

I just could not shake the uneasy feeling lingering in  my mind, I now wish that i had listened to my hearts warning for it must have sensed the tragic events that were still to come that  day.

Startled and confused I am awaken from a deep sleep by a sound that starts off a million miles away and steadily grows, a lump caught in my throat as  answered the phone.

His voice angrily shouts commands but all I hear the panicked cries from her, Mommy I'm so sorry I should not have taken them, Mommy I need you, Daddy stop screaming at me just leave me alone.

My mind turning completely numb I am not sure but some how I reacted: What hospital, When and what did she take and if you do not to screaming at her I warned, my adrenaline rushing as we flew out the door.

An hours drive stood between me and my sweet little Sunshine - Rae, I almost lost my baby by her own hand, my mind kept replaying her walking out the door for the weekend, as she turned from the car door with her scrunched up lil nose and said " No Momma I love you more"
It took me a while to even say out loud what happened that night.
Two weeks ago my baby girl was driven to her breaking point and thought it would just be better not to be at all.
I wish I could take on all of her pain and sadness because I would gladly do it without hesitation.
Thank the lord that she was found early enough and is now talking to someone.
I have explained very elaborately to her father that her emotions are just as real, intense and important as any one else's and should not be ignored.
We seem to have a difference of opinions when it comes to listening to our child.
But ther biggest difference may be I will defend, protect and stand behind my girl against whom ever wants give her grief I don't care who even him..
Mercy B Jan 2015
Branches stretched towards the heavens
Whipping in the wind remaining strong and tall.

Her leaves like tiny rays of hope
Glisten in the sunlight as they gently fall.

A labyrinth of twisted roots
Hidden deep beneath the tear stained earth.

She casts a shadow on a world
Which sadly has yet to see her worth.

Long has she waited for the storm to end
Alone and still her spirit remains free.

Willing to give someone her everything
For she is the giving tree
Inspired by Silverstien
The giving tree my first taste of poetry
Mercy B Oct 2013
It is hard to fabricate tangible words thru the knot in my throat, in which these apprehensive feelings continue to tie.

Trying to portray this state of felicity, while  inside feeling so overwhelmed with confusion, afraid I  will breakdown, making visible the tears I cry.

Questioning whether or not I possess the fortitude to maintain this pace I have set,  traveling on the path that must be taken .

Every thing is flying by so wildly out of control and my mind won't stop racing, but I will not allow my soul to be shaken.

I have peered long and deep into the mirror and although full of many uncertainties, I do not shutter at the reflection staring back at me.

My eyes were once clouded by other's notions of what my life should be and now as if a veil has been lifted it is a more true me I begin to see.
All the understanding and positive energy I recieve from all of you that read my poems has most definitely helped me begin to find a better place, a place of healing. It will be a long road I know but thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done. It means so much more than any of you may ever realize to have all of you here on Hello Poetry. You can make me smile, laugh, cry and feel understood and I have never had the pleasure of thanking you face to face.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Barely above a whisper I hear a calling to me

Drawing my body near

The seductive voice that beckons belongs to the beautiful sea.

A gentle kiss by the waves sprays across my face

As slowly I dip in my toes

Refreshing is the coolness captured in our first embrace.

I'm in awe of her power each ripple she makes is so bold

Exploring  myself as I dive

Deeper and deeper I sink releasing my secrets untold

My senses may burst from my journey tring to take it all in

A memory eched in my soul

The wonder inside me when the sea washes over my skin.
Mercy B Sep 2014
These eyes

Are like infinitesimal notches to my soul, yet the story remains to be untold

Allowing glimpse of what may be, and  still I am  petrified  to let you watch it unfold.  

These eyes

Can be full of compassion and fury , and manage find just enough room to house lust and rage.

Act as a gateway into my mind, which also tends to be my most frequented cage.

These eyes

Help keep at bay unwanted strangers, and somehow that same intensity is what draws others near.

For far to long were hidden behind unfathomable pain, but no longer will i allow it to cause even one more lonely tear
Mercy B Apr 2013
Gazing into the mirror, as she adjusts her tempo, she hopes this wont end the way it had before.

A  beautiful chill of bewilderment slowly creeps up her spine, it's the outcome which has her unsure.

Methodically she chooses the perfect mask, one which she is able to hide herself in.

Silently she tries to prepare herself, slowing the constant stir ,she knows that the show will soon begin.

A lonley marrionet , standing alone in a cast of a million unfamilar faces.

A fever of anticipation rages inside of her skin, full of frustration so the floor she paces.

The performance thats given demands petfection if she wants to prove to the world she's okay.

Hopefully this can make them keep their distance, and for a moment keep the wolves at bay.
Mercy B Apr 2013
There are two sides of me struggling against each other yet they remain joined in an epic campaign.
Both are determind to remove any obstacle which lies in their way

The constant pull from these two conflicting forces is stifling, their goal to maximize my pain.
Together they make me whole, but their differences are as drastic as the night is to the day.

I swear some moments  I can hear the moon lit sky calling out to me.
When the  taste of the wind makes everthing burst into a magnificent spark.

Within a flash I'm drowing a million hands drag me to the bottom of the sea.
In this frenzy I'm left silently screaming ,scared and in the dark.

There are times when the love within me almost consumes me, my entire heart and soul, it has a furious intensity only matched if the sun and moon would collide.
Without warning a nothingness slowly starts to creep thrusting me into a darkness, swallowing my everything , from it I can not hide.
The purity in which I can feel some emotions is nearly impossible to bare.
The force behind them starts to frantically grow until it begins devouring me.

Keep your head held high I whisper, as our eyes  deadlock in a wandering stare.
Reminding myself that they are only able to see the me I choose  them to see.
Mercy B Jun 2013
I am usually so well with words accepted for at this moment right now.

I can not explain this emptiness that has swallowed me up some how.

Like a deep penetrating sadness but also it is so much more.

A voice inside my head taunts me that I know was not there before.  

Like diving head first right into the shallow end of the pool.

My mind hits a brick wall when trying to explain my emotions, instead out pours endless drool.  

This nothingness grows inside me and leaves devastation along its path.

Everything that is me soon will be destroyed by this no named beast's wrath.
Mercy B Jun 2015
Rising from the destruction knowing that this girl always survives
I may be down but I will get back up
Mercy B May 2013
The sadness of today is chasing the hope of my tomorrow's out of my head.

This endless torment I allow to take hold is so fierce , like a savage beast it waits to be fed.

On display for the world to see my madness, frantically  I try to hide behind the glass.

I try to convince myself that one day it will be different, that this too will pass.

My mind wanders to happier days when I was able to be the only thing I've ever wanted to be, ME.

I shut myself off from the world and in my sweet solitude I am able to keep secret what I don't want them to see.

Paralyzed by the curiosity of what they must think I try once again to open up and let them back inside.

The idea of them prying into my thoughts, telling me all I've done wrong, only makes me wish I had continued to hide.
Mercy B May 2013



Mercy B Sep 2015
I don't know how to quiet the thoughts echoing within my temples, filling in the spaces.

The blank stare behind my eyes shows not how my overflowing mind continually
Longing for silence
Mercy B Oct 2014
I sense myself



Captured by lost



Become hopelessly adrift
Mercy B May 2015
This is a poem I wrote and posted in 2013 and it hits homes so very much for me I had to revisit it.

I will not allow anyone' s judgments further even one more moment of self doubt
              They can't break me.
The demoralizing words cast my way mean nothing and the lack of faith,
              Stronger it will make me.

Finally I have realized that I do not have to live up to their set of standards, always trying to impress.
               I alone will break their mold.
No longer will I vie for others affection or seek to achieve someone else's perfection,
                I will let my own story unfold.

My mistakes are unique to just myself, I will embrace them, learn and keep moving on.
                Standing true on my own two feet.
I will have both successes and failures throughout the journey  before me.
                 Never again shall I give into defeat.
I will never surrender
Mercy B Dec 2013
I will not allow anyone' s judgments further even one more moment of self doubt
              They can't break me.
The demoralizing words cast my way mean nothing and the lack of faith,
              Stronger it will make me.

Finally I have realized that I do not have to live up to their set of standards, always trying to impress.
               I alone will break their mold.
No longer will I vie for others affection or seek to achieve someone else's perfection,
                I will let my own story unfold.

My mistakes are unique to just myself, I will embrace them, learn and keep moving on.
                Standing true on my own two feet.
I will have both successes and failures throughout the journey  before me.
                 Never again shall I give into defeat.
So much more true than the day I wrote this.
Mercy B Sep 2014

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