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Mercy B Sep 2014
If  only I were able to be a more perfect me
I would finally be all the world thought that I  should be

The many failed attempts I have made at fitting in
would be erased, no longer for the world to see

If only I knew how to be that more perfect me
I may finally feel comfortable sitting in my own skin.

I could put away the plethora of mask I've worn, and
instead of being runner up the real me could actually win
Mercy B Sep 2014
I am in awe of the deep silence of an eternal sleep, one which is unable to ever be broken.

          Indulging in the notion that no longer shall i be tormented by these thoughts and words never spoken.

A peaceful hush, that is capable of washing away all of the constant clammering inside mind.

           A place of refuge from the chaos which lingers in my dreams, such a place I fear I will never find.

Watching the world, standing beside myself, knowing that the screams in my head no one will never hear.

              I hold on to the hope that on the day before your life changes forever the answers may not be fully known, but at least become more clear.
Mercy B Jun 2014
Perhaps the truth is that my heart has become far too concerned with all the sorrow this world has tossed my way.

It is more likely tho that it is tarnished, leaving an ugly stain, ruined by the hardships that I can not  simply not wash away.

Words became my weapons, strategically used to grant the illusion of peace and disregard, whilst I hide behind a facade

The more intentally I struggled to perfect my shadow dance it seamed more wandering eyes begin to ****

Desperately, I search my soul to remember a time in which my heart would open up and embrace the love around me.

Somewhere buried deep inside this broken shell lies my longing, but my memories will not allow it to be free.
Mercy B Jun 2014
Facing the reality that I can, at any given moment, lose everything
       Finally forced me to accept
That I had to allow myself to, once and for all, be truly free.

With eyes wide shut, fearlessly I had no choice but to dive in
      Creating my own eternal ripple
Instead of complacently watching still water just be.

So many silenced words have sustained the cconfinment
      Of who I genuinely am
Often escaping through moments sadly swept away by time.

Like an imperfection of a mis-shapened candle I refined this art
      Of surpressing my light
The rythme left only to long for the remminants of my hearts rhyme.

Blinded by the beautiful brilliance of this magnificent darkness
       Full of fears inhibitions
The horizon teased with ideas,  brought about by acceptance of a  new way.

It was vulnerability that lead me to receive the notion
     That the less I resist the embrace of the unknown
The further from the norm I will stray.
With so much chaos in the world around me I had to return to the one place that allows me to be me and accepts plain old Mercie B. Thank you all.
Mercy B Jan 2014
Strange reflections, indistinct flickers whipping past, caught out of the corner of my eye.

An eldritch feeling takes over, as if to say this is what it to feel like to watch time pass by.

I lay witness to a whirlwind of intricate memories being swept away, jostled getting lost between the spaces.

The remnants of a hurricane filled with moments doomed to oblivion, intertwined inside an eternity of forgotten faces.

Anxiously I sit inside a cage of my own mold as I contemplate if this place is a sanctuary at all.

Finally realizing that those reflections were small glimmers of the pieces I let go during my own painfully beautiful fall.

Weep not for this wayward stranger, the trial and tribulations are something that we all must soldiers through.

Diligently stripping layers away, remaining hopefully that the journey will lead to something magnificently brand new.
I hope that it makes sense to ay t least one other person beside myself....
Mercy B Dec 2013
I must resign to the fact that you not are here to hold my hand , able to wipe my tears away, to the painfully reality that you are far beyond my reach.

I know there were times when you thought wasn't listening , just know I heard all your words and now it is those same lessons that I am trying to teach.
                         For, I have not forgotten my way home.

There is so much that now stands between you and I , forever separated by immeasurable distance, never ending time and everlasting space.

I manage to find some solace in the memories we have made, although harder it is becoming to even hear your voice let alone picture your face.  

                       Still I have not forgotten my way home.

I became lost in my own sorrow and the path leading to the other side at times can be so very dark, it feels like insurmountable twists and turns are constantly blocking the way.

Keep those big brown eyes focused, anything that comes easily is just not worth doing, the voice in my soul reminds me of theses words you used to say.

                      That is why I have not forgotten my way home.
Dedicated to my mother, on the 21st of December it will be one year since she had to leave. I can not find the words to articulate how much I truly miss her but maybe one day I will. I have good that each day it will become just a bit easier to move on.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and keeping some kind of solid ground under my feet.
Mercie B ♥
Mercy B Dec 2013

        Take the time to drink in all of the loveliness veiled by constant chaos or simply cast away.

        Do  not take for granted that we are indeed on borrowed time, and with no for warning we must repay.


         Just long enough to actually listen not only hear what is hidden with in the depths of someone's heart.

         So we may remember that every beginning has to come from another's end, but fret not, prepare for the adventure's start.


  To take ourself so seriously, if we learn to laugh at our little     quirks they will never be able to become a weapon.

   Acceptance of the inclination that someone has a better ability to live your life, flee from that kind of deception.
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