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Mercy B Dec 2013
If you stand so very still you just may hear giddy little fireflies (dancing in the moon kissed sky) whisper across the wind a wondrous tale, otherwise kept hidden within their light.

Secrets from the Land of Never Here, a forgotten world where our most coveted dreams are born and shimmering starlight is no longer bound solely to the night.

Fascinating tales of an enchantress, the keeper of bewitched forest, so captivating that even the strongest of hearts fall helpless when caught in the magnetism of her gaze.

Where a hillside water fall displays capricious streams of color crashing down over smooth rocks, the mist creating a delicate rainbow haze.

A land where the wild imagines of poetic minds are captured and given life, where one's inner sprite is encouraged to frolic  and flutter, never stifled or confined.

It is a world of endless wonders where each new dawn  the brilliant sun rises up into the pristine sky singing out  melodious song nourishing the canvas in your mind.

Where fantasy and reality mesh splendidly into the now and the allurement of what tomorrow may bring fills one with anticipation and excitement instead of worry and fear.

A refuge in which time sets forth with specific pace, never late, for one will find themselves right where they should be in the Land of Never Here.
Written for my momma, I know she would have liked this. I miss you more than I could ever express.
Mercy B Dec 2013
I will not allow anyone' s judgments further even one more moment of self doubt
              They can't break me.
The demoralizing words cast my way mean nothing and the lack of faith,
              Stronger it will make me.

Finally I have realized that I do not have to live up to their set of standards, always trying to impress.
               I alone will break their mold.
No longer will I vie for others affection or seek to achieve someone else's perfection,
                I will let my own story unfold.

My mistakes are unique to just myself, I will embrace them, learn and keep moving on.
                Standing true on my own two feet.
I will have both successes and failures throughout the journey  before me.
                 Never again shall I give into defeat.
So much more true than the day I wrote this.
Mercy B Dec 2013
I still have not found a way or maybe it is just that I have not got the will to, once and for all say my final goodbye.

I have tried to make my peace, many a long and lonesome night, each time I begin my heart only screams out why.

Painfully  I replay the memories of our lives as to never forget, keep them vivid right up until the very end.

I hold on to you because without you I feel lost, at the same time knowing goodbye is what will help my heart mend.

The meaning of the word rattles me, in essence the sheer magnitude of it  is what I can not get past.

Almost a year has gone bye and the anguish inside me has not yet begun to ease, how much longer can it last?

Each time the quite settles in and the stillness takes it's hold, I hear her voice urging me to move on, so once again I try.

Lord grant me the knowledge, I implore thee on bended knee, tell me how to begin to say goodbye.
Mercy B Nov 2013
What you want

Don't let my sorrowful thoughts dominate my mind for they take me to a place that which no one else can see....

            I Try, ever so hard to give you what you want.

I should not put all I have into so many things, spreading myself out so thin soon there will be nothing left for me....

            I wish I knew how to give you what you want.

Do not let a single teardrop spill out for those that have proven they will never fail to let me down.....

             My mind fights my heart to give you what you want.

Stop allowing others to tangle me up in their twisted tribulations, dragging me under then leaving me to drown...

             You want the best for me and still I don't  know how
          To give you what you want.
Mercy B Nov 2013
I was convinced that the memories of my past had to be the stepping stones, better yet still, the foundation for how my life was destined to be.

It seemed I was never able to see the light, it became nearly impossible to consider the idea that perhaps fate had her own intentions for me .

I hid my eyes behind false smiles, fighting to contain the sensations of doubt undulating deep within , those which sent shivers down my spine.

Locked in this terribly viscous cycle, a perpetual downward spiral,  from which I was in dire need of breaking , in order to save myself,  Such a familiar line.

I had reached a point in my existence where I wanted nothing more than to completely desensitize, impeding all emotion from reaching my soul, as if that some how would set me free.

Slowly I began to realize that if I allowed myself to succumb to the numbness , I then sacrifice something far more precious, for feeling this passion along with the pain is part of what made me, me.
Mercy B Nov 2013
No time for me
I am  filled to the brink of explosion with my word spinning round my head constantly

No time for me
I cannot steal a moment to put these words to  paper so they float around my head in an endless sea.

No time for stillness
No time for silence
No time for refection

No time for me
Others poor planning somehow always seams to turn into my emergency

No time for me
After all the I needs, can you's, will you and did you there is just no time for me
Mercy B Oct 2013
It is hard to fabricate tangible words thru the knot in my throat, in which these apprehensive feelings continue to tie.

Trying to portray this state of felicity, while  inside feeling so overwhelmed with confusion, afraid I  will breakdown, making visible the tears I cry.

Questioning whether or not I possess the fortitude to maintain this pace I have set,  traveling on the path that must be taken .

Every thing is flying by so wildly out of control and my mind won't stop racing, but I will not allow my soul to be shaken.

I have peered long and deep into the mirror and although full of many uncertainties, I do not shutter at the reflection staring back at me.

My eyes were once clouded by other's notions of what my life should be and now as if a veil has been lifted it is a more true me I begin to see.
All the understanding and positive energy I recieve from all of you that read my poems has most definitely helped me begin to find a better place, a place of healing. It will be a long road I know but thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done. It means so much more than any of you may ever realize to have all of you here on Hello Poetry. You can make me smile, laugh, cry and feel understood and I have never had the pleasure of thanking you face to face.
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