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Mercy B Oct 2013
The sky has just began to grow dark and a slight chill rushes up her spine as the cool water washes across her toes.

The sand beneath her body is soft and still warm as she sprawls out, remembering his words, her eyes gently close.

She recalls his piercing stare and how she could not break their gaze, no matter how deep within he just may see.

The way he effortlessly drew out her feelings, unable to fight it, nor was their any fear of letting her words flow free.

Her body blended so comfortably, almost as if fate had designed her to fit perfectly into his soothing embrace.

Neither willing to acknowledge the impending goodbye, longing to get lost in this perfect moment, and hide from the time they chase.  

She curled up in her memories of him, blocking out all of the clutter her days can bring, she wanted to hold onto this feeling for just a bit more.

As he walks away he glances back once more, his thoughts drowning in anticipation for another night like this, a night like never before.
Mercy B Oct 2013
The fall, in itself, can be so painstakingly long and drawn out so why is it that getting back up is the hardest part.

Fighting to shield your soul from the pain of that impact, desperately trying to spare yourself from bearing  witness as the pieces of your life chaotically fly apart.

My castle is my safe Haven  and at the same time, this my fortress ,stifles so many parts of me  behind its imposing walls of stone.

I find solace in my  sequestration, able to hide from this cold world, but at what cost, I wonder as I sit shivering upon my lonely throne.

The sound of the words that failed to escaped my lips is  echoing with deafening force throughout these empty halls.

For this moment, however, I must find the courage to rise again , I tell myself at some point everyone, even the strongest warrior eventually falls.
Mercy B Sep 2013
In the wake of my self destruction, when i thought all hope had escaped my reach , a whisper of a voice came calling deep with in the night.

Softly wrapping me up in tender words of encouragment, unbeknownst to me this voice had a goal to vanquish all my self-hatred by gently nudging me to rise up and  fight.

Willing me to stand and face the devilish hauntings that are relentlessly  stalking me ,constanly tring to creep through the past's closed door.

Pushing me to believe in my self and my inner strenght, validating that i can no longer hide from the shadows of uncertainty nor fear what they have in store.

Make no mistake it is painfully obviouse that I have only been treading water barely keeping my head above the surface just waiting for the current t o drag me under.

Stiffin up that upper lip and walk with your held held up high, almost maternally spoke this whisper of a voice, which is  now reigning down like thunder .
I had to work thru a bunch of things this past month. I know that I must stay on a positive path so here is my beginning of that journey.
Mercy B Sep 2013
I wish that there was a way that made sense for me to show you all of the chaotic nonsense that is lingering along side of me inside my already crowded head.

There are days when i just want to laugh at the silliest things and wear my smile for all the world to see, other days I get trapped in the darkness and I dread the idea of leaving the sanctity of my bed.

Sometimes I feel like all the noise cluttering this world has over run me and is now squatting un welcomed inside my skin and it is enough to drive me mad.

Then in the blink of an eye the nothingness gains back its control and the silence locks me in with my tormented thoughts and memories making me long for the noise I once had.

Like most in this world I have longed to find my One, the missing piece to my puzzle , but i fear my puzzle is defective and I do not deserve the same love back that I wish to give to only you.

Who is this person hidden behind my eyes, she is passionate, firery and can at times be quite playful intertwined with this introverted, angry, and sad entity that has lost her way, not knowing what to do.

Im am drowning in the uncertainty of half the time feeling alone like there is no one that would understand me while I secretly pray  that they don't make it past my defensive wall.

Pushing people away is how I have always made sure I was safe, it is what I have done best, but beneath the scars of my heart I  have been waiting for you to protect me from the scattering debris when inevitably my wall begins to fall.
Mercy B Sep 2013
I remember looking into your eyes and realizing how I was now responsible for this beautiful little life, thirteen years later our connection is so much stronger, as cliche as it may sound.

Your are truly my rae of sunshine, no matter how dark my life can be with out a doubt  it most definitely starts to lighten up the moment that you come around.

I've memorized your smile and each and every little freckle on  your sweet face and only you truly know when i need my space and when to snuggle up close cuz i need you to stay.

I just could not shake the uneasy feeling lingering in  my mind, I now wish that i had listened to my hearts warning for it must have sensed the tragic events that were still to come that  day.

Startled and confused I am awaken from a deep sleep by a sound that starts off a million miles away and steadily grows, a lump caught in my throat as  answered the phone.

His voice angrily shouts commands but all I hear the panicked cries from her, Mommy I'm so sorry I should not have taken them, Mommy I need you, Daddy stop screaming at me just leave me alone.

My mind turning completely numb I am not sure but some how I reacted: What hospital, When and what did she take and if you do not to screaming at her I warned, my adrenaline rushing as we flew out the door.

An hours drive stood between me and my sweet little Sunshine - Rae, I almost lost my baby by her own hand, my mind kept replaying her walking out the door for the weekend, as she turned from the car door with her scrunched up lil nose and said " No Momma I love you more"
It took me a while to even say out loud what happened that night.
Two weeks ago my baby girl was driven to her breaking point and thought it would just be better not to be at all.
I wish I could take on all of her pain and sadness because I would gladly do it without hesitation.
Thank the lord that she was found early enough and is now talking to someone.
I have explained very elaborately to her father that her emotions are just as real, intense and important as any one else's and should not be ignored.
We seem to have a difference of opinions when it comes to listening to our child.
But ther biggest difference may be I will defend, protect and stand behind my girl against whom ever wants give her grief I don't care who even him..
Mercy B Aug 2013
If only there was a way that I could take pieces of you and put them in place of the distorted parts that spread their pollution inside of me.

It amazes me how your sadness never kept you down ,no matter how tremendous it was, your strength is all that you would allow the outside world to see.

I wish i could mimic the kindness that you used to show to so many , even to those that repeatedly and intentionally tried to beat down your lovely soul.

If only i could have bathed myself in your charisma or the ability you had to keep moving forward instead of getting swallowed up by misery's black hole.

I imagine myself painting this dark world with the many splendid colors that once poured out from with in your beautiful heart.

I've longed to be able imitate the sparkle that for so long  filled your eyes, only if i were able to use these pieces of you to better myself , but with so much allure I am not sure where to start.
If only all my love could bring you back by my side.
If only I had that one more chance to say how much I loved you and how much you have taught me
If only
Mercy B Aug 2013
There is a storm steadily growing with in me and with unnerving persistence it chips away at the enclosure where my demons hide.

Like massive thunder claps memories bang around my inner fortress, scattering in all directions, flawlessly painful for there are no rules in which they must abide.

Comparable to the intensity of a white hot lightning streak intrusive thoughts flash throughout my mind, I become momentarily blind from the wicked radiance continuously antagonizing me.

I use my tear stained pillow case to shelter my face from the rainfall of sadness in an attempt to forget, but I soon realize that ignored this storm simply will not be.

My spirit resembles the broken branches lying in chaos in the aftermath of a tornado, they will never be whole again but from which they came may still have a chance .

Be strong I tell myself, while in the corner I quietly quiver, you must whether this storm  and never back down, how can I convince myself when I know it is just the same old song and dance.
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