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Mercy B Jun 2013
Looking in your eyes I catch a glimmer of what was once most definitely meant to be.

I can intangibly hear a weary voice inside you and it is screaming to be set free.

Saddly you locked up your spirit tightly deep inside and replaced it with woe and fear.

The person you long to be seems miles away, but keep fighting my love and soon that person will be here.

Let go of everything that ties you down, unleash yourself from the crushing weight that's constructed of all your pain.

Let out that child, the one hidding inside,  for they are in desperate need of time to run wild and frolic in the rain.

That surrounding light, your beauty within, almost blinding its grandure reaches ever so high.

Please don't be afraid to open up your wings, feel the rush of the wind when you finally take to the brilliant sky.

Truthfully this journey will not at all be easy, nor will you always be clear on the way.

If you are willing to endure it you may find yourself a little more with the dawn of each new day."
Mercy B Jun 2013
I am usually so well with words accepted for at this moment right now.

I can not explain this emptiness that has swallowed me up some how.

Like a deep penetrating sadness but also it is so much more.

A voice inside my head taunts me that I know was not there before.  

Like diving head first right into the shallow end of the pool.

My mind hits a brick wall when trying to explain my emotions, instead out pours endless drool.  

This nothingness grows inside me and leaves devastation along its path.

Everything that is me soon will be destroyed by this no named beast's wrath.
Mercy B Jun 2013
Little girl blue
                   Why is it that you are so full of this overwheming sorrow?
                    Isn't there someone, somewhere with a smile that you can borrow?

Little girl blue
                  Why do you keep those secrets locked behind those sullen eyes?
                  Did this world get the best of you with it's truth filled with lies?

Little girl blue
                   Do you feel safe wrapped in your self inflicted solitude?
                   Do you really wish to hide or do you long to be rescued?
Mercy B May 2013
Sometimes the chaos I feel around me is  stifling and I find myself questioning the importance of my life.

I know that others before me found a way to push onward and triumphed in conquering their strife.

      Myself, I begin to think of you and    
     all you have done.
    I take comfort in knowing that you,
    you are my one.

Life can be twisted and vile, it can leaving you writhing in agony like a horrible dream.

And yet, in an instant, time it's self can stand still and in its magnitude become so picturesque,so serene.

       Trapped with in the confusion, ill think of you and all you have done
       They can't take from me ,that you
   you are my one

With my memories of your actions I am able to face the trials and hurdles life throws in my way.

Living you has ignited a fire into my soul,but if it burns out, and trust me it may.

            I'll just think of you and all you have done.
         Forever more it will always be    true that you,
you are my one.
Mercy B May 2013
While you we're out chasing those **** dragons I  was forced to take  on the world  all  alone.

So many times I have heard " just this last time" in that same "I hope she buys it" tone.  

All your time is spent running after that next high and all the while your life just passes by.

That methodical monster's grasp is so tight you  don't even realize who you hurt when you speak that same old lie.

I'm standing right in front of you  begging for you to see me , love me but your thoughts are on only one desire.

You plot and plan, scheme and swindle your way into that next long pull off my replacement, I remember when I used to take you higher.

While you were out for number one, thinking your life needs is a lil tweek and how you could get it done.

You missed it when  I said goodbye, as I walked away closing that door behind me all I could think was RUN
We all have our own demons to battle this I know too well.
When these demons destroy or take over your life
You must battle that much harder
Do not sell yourself short
For I know the greatness you
Lock away inside
Don't let them win
Live to fight another day
If not for yourself
Then at least for
All that love you
Just give me one more day.
Mercy B May 2013

Grimy      &

Thrilling     &


Mercy B May 2013
The words of anger you spill can penetrate deep into my soul, your icy chill makes my blood run cold.  

The constant judging glances that you  cast my way can instantly make my courage fold.  

                     But that's just a family affair.

It cuts so much deeper when the knife thrusted into my back is wielded by one that shares my family name.

A person that I  would die to protect suddenly has me second guessing if they would do the same.

             But hey , that's a family affair.

You can bring out of me a rage like no other person can and in an instant all I can see is a fiery red hue.

But despite it all we are family, you will always be connected me and I will always be connected to you.

   That's how it goes when it's a family affair
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