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Mercy B May 2013
I am perplexed by the truths in which you allow yourself to hear.

Ignoring all the rest of the pieces will never make them disappear.

You want to fix me, when I fall you rush to help me stand.

But I am not broken, this is what I wish you could understand.

There are not spare parts in a box somewhere, to rebuild my wounded heart.

Slightly damaged goods but this you knew right from the very start.

I know that it is the truest of loves that make behave this way.

But that same emotion that drives you causes you to slowly push me away.
Mercy B May 2013
I am more.

      Than  what you would have me be, just a prize that was waiting to be claimed.

     Provoking ideas and intoxicating imagery  overflow from within and yet somehow you  can't see.

      There are dreams  that run wild inside of this heart and there is no way I'll let them be tamed.

       I have an insatiable hunger to experience all that life has to give that's eagar to be set free.

  I am more

     Than your private enchantrice of bliss used to engorge all of your empty space.

      I beg you to search deeper than what's right infront of your eyes but my pleas fall upon deaf ears.

      Why is it my wishes you just cast aside,yet then you say I'm your saving grace.

        I implore you to understand why I  desperately need this,  I'm afraid that "I" will  disappear more & more over the years.

I am more

        Than your life's great conquest, I can no longer remain just a triumph to glorify your story.

          But if you truely wish to know all of me, you must journey to my depths your efforts will not be in vain.

         Be warned, there are some parts of me that will not freely be revealed, but they are full of mysterious glory.

          However if all of me seems to hard and darkness is ok, dont even begin the journey because I can't deal with let down's pain.
Mercy B May 2013
The pounding of the bass pulsates down thru my core.

The lyrics wash over my mind leaving me yearning for more.

Each note entices my body to move along with its rythmic tone.

This overwhelming force takes me to a place of my very own.

Relishing every moment I find myself getting lost in the sound.

With an everlasting melody inside my  head I tune out the world around.
Mercy B May 2013
Thoughts running rampit create a storm of uncertainties in my mind.

A place to hide from their constant rattling is all I hope to find.

Uneventfully I travel in circles always begining  at the same place where I end.

This chaotic loop is something that can't be broken, at best I hope that it will bend

These chains that bind me come from nightmares black as coal.

Trapped in a downward spiral, quickly it is spinning out of control.

How can you escape when it is your own memories locking you in a cage.

Taunting my soul, breaking me down with the everlasting war that they wage.
Mercy B May 2013



Mercy B May 2013
My Sunshine Rae

The whimsicle sparkle in her eyes outshines the brightest most brilliant star, it puts the moon to shame.

Her sweet smile and cunning little giggle draws my heart closer like a moth drawn to an eternal flame.

The sun in all her majesty is but a small shimmer compared to effervescent glow that comes from within her soul.

She gives me purpose,  she gives me strength but most of all she makes my life worth living its because of her I am whole

I pray that the way she looks at me never changes, that I never see disappointment or judgment behind that loving gaze.

I can not imagine who I would be if I was not blessed with her, the life I led before her is all but a distant haze.
This is for my amazing girlie..without her..... well who knows
Mercy B May 2013
All that lies between us now is  distance  and time.

Mountains, of unspoken words, that we futility climb.

This empty space was once filled with all the beautiful things.

It was replaced by a battle field where a lonley echo rings .

You say atleast we have love,  that  the road won't always  be rough.

The more you attempt to fix me, the more I wonder if love is enough.
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