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Mercy B Apr 2013
Gazing into the mirror, as she adjusts her tempo, she hopes this wont end the way it had before.

A  beautiful chill of bewilderment slowly creeps up her spine, it's the outcome which has her unsure.

Methodically she chooses the perfect mask, one which she is able to hide herself in.

Silently she tries to prepare herself, slowing the constant stir ,she knows that the show will soon begin.

A lonley marrionet , standing alone in a cast of a million unfamilar faces.

A fever of anticipation rages inside of her skin, full of frustration so the floor she paces.

The performance thats given demands petfection if she wants to prove to the world she's okay.

Hopefully this can make them keep their distance, and for a moment keep the wolves at bay.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Who do you think you are?
                                   Talkin outa the side ya mouth, actin real slick, straight lookin at me wit that judgemental frown.
    Who do you think you are?
                                       Frontin,  like ya know me, but check this I ain't pickin up What you puttin down.
  Who do you think you are?
                                    Sayin I'm weak and ya jus throw this out, on the real it ain't nowhere near time to fold.
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Sayin I'ma always be one step behind cuz I let every one see exactly wut  cards  I hold.
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Like you gonna protect me from all the drama,  you think I dont what  most people put out there is fake.    
   Who do you think you are?
                                     Tellin me to quit actin sorry, staighten my *** up real quick like cuz the world took it's turn and now its my move to make
   Who do you think you are?
                          Tellin me to look deeper, look real hard at wuts standin right in my way and  I'll see.
   Who do I think I am.......
****,  now I see that this whole time it was me.
I had to keep going back over this again and again to make sure to use the spelling I wanted. Taking off letters or adding more in. I hope I didn't miss any.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Right Behind ,
                those distant eyes lies a person begging to be understood, a person too scared to admit she needs you.

Far  Behind,
                 this wall made up of all the let down and the desolation in her life is the need to find something new.

   Always  Behind ,
                the brave front put up to keep her safe fear grips ,with a buring hot intensity, down to her very core.

   Still Behind,
                her fradulent smile devastation engulfs her spirit, saddness that she is bound to hide forevermore.

Mixed in  Behind ,
                 her diluted sense of reality, inlies what she precieves as fantasy, but alas it is undeniably what is going on now.

You'll see Behind ,
        a vicious web of self doubt that would consume her, desperately she fights to free herself the only question left is how
Mercy B Apr 2013
Haunted by unkown footsteps echoing through the lonliness that has taken over what once she called her heart.

   Blending into one another they jumble up the different tones and now  they can barely be told apart.

    Some coming and some going, never slowing,  they never last nor do they bother staying with her very long.

   Each one leaves behind a new rythme, imprints a new beat which then becomes part of  her melancholy song.

   She sees images whipping past and all the while she is left wondering who or what they are.

   Each night, for she dare not stray from her  routine, a silent wish of knowing is placed upon a dieing star.

   With the knowledge she yearns so deeply  for there comes a tremendous fear of not having control over what may come to be.

   For now, in a heightened sense of helplessness, she can only watch in agony as they float side by side  in this endless sea.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Your love is like

          That first refreshing breath drawn in after a long cool dive into the ocean.

The one that every fiber of your entire being desperately yearns for.  

Your love is like

          A fire raging inside me, the heat from which makes beads of sweat roll down the knape of my neck.

The intensity growing until I feel like I will explode if it grows anymore .

Your love is like

          A thousand butterfly kisses whispering across my face as our bodies are intertwined.

Wrapped up in a million stolen moon lit moments, secret to all the world accept for you and I.

Your love is like

          Gazing upon a beautiful work of art crafted with such perfection.

The mere idea of it makes tingles cascade throughout my body as a single tear escspes from my eye.

Your love is like

          The sensation I get from the scorching summer sun basking down on my copper skin.

Washing over me it makes me almost dizzy from the grandure of our embrace .

Your love is like

          Deep thoughts entering my soul with emense passion they shake the very ground.

As sweet kisses full of wanting softly you place upon every inch of my face.
Mercy B Apr 2013
The years that pass by her have been plenty and Little Girl Lost my how she's grown.

No surprise she that waits in the early sunrise.

Not willing to let the fear strangle the grace she has left despite all of the sorrow she's known.

Little Girl Lost she locked up her heart oh so tightly for years as the world made attempts to collide.

Readily waiting but softly still shaking.

The light of truth finally showed this shame was not hers only his, in clarity she's able to dry every tear she had cried.

She will never again be so vulnerable, just one more  poor Little Girl Lost, for now she's much wiser, she's strong.

They pretended to care
But save her not dare.

She had survived that horror for some reason, she stayed that sad Little Girl Lost far, far to long.

Now Little Girl Lost you can't frighten, knowledge and strength now are flowing,  as quickly her heart starts to pound.

She lives inside the world's glory no longer feeling ashamed by her story.

It seems there was hidden courage inside,a silent fighter emerged , at last our sweet Little Girl Lost may be found.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Please tell me  Little Girl Lost, why is it that you can 't stop from sobbing.

   Her mind flashes to a memory of a whisper, " Ssshhh I wanna teach you a new game."

Like a feind he craves the innocence in her  that all along he dreams of robbing.

            All because of HIM,  Little Girl Lost despite how she may try , she  just will never be the same.

He knew how to play them and exactly what he should say in order to gain all  their trust.

  He had to use his many charms in this deception to be sure in the room down the hall he would stay.

He demanded from her complete silence, for this game being secret was a must.

      Continually defying his ill-gotten comfort with each new game poor Little Girl Lost he made  play.

      Five years have come to pass before any relief from the torture she endured, at last it was  finally done.

He vanished from sight a haunting left behind  gone much quicker than when he first came.

         Fresh was the warning that gripped her with fear , " Do not speak a word or others will  come join in my fun."

Pieces of her soul that were stolen are forever gone, lost in time, its true that Little Girl Lost's not the same.
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