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Mercy B Apr 2013
There are two sides of me struggling against each other yet they remain joined in an epic campaign.
Both are determind to remove any obstacle which lies in their way

The constant pull from these two conflicting forces is stifling, their goal to maximize my pain.
Together they make me whole, but their differences are as drastic as the night is to the day.

I swear some moments  I can hear the moon lit sky calling out to me.
When the  taste of the wind makes everthing burst into a magnificent spark.

Within a flash I'm drowing a million hands drag me to the bottom of the sea.
In this frenzy I'm left silently screaming ,scared and in the dark.

There are times when the love within me almost consumes me, my entire heart and soul, it has a furious intensity only matched if the sun and moon would collide.
Without warning a nothingness slowly starts to creep thrusting me into a darkness, swallowing my everything , from it I can not hide.
The purity in which I can feel some emotions is nearly impossible to bare.
The force behind them starts to frantically grow until it begins devouring me.

Keep your head held high I whisper, as our eyes  deadlock in a wandering stare.
Reminding myself that they are only able to see the me I choose  them to see.
Mercy B Apr 2013
The night in its ever-looming loneliness taunts me and at the same time it encompasses everthing that I am, or so it may seam.

You see the days they may linger, however it is the night that tortures me with dreams that are not wished to dream.  

I try to quite my stirring mind, to calm the sea of thoughts inside and find slumber in the evenings grace.

Once again, like many times before, the darkness ridicules me, it allows tormented memories to creep back in, I awake and wipe my tear stained face.

The Moon, the undeniable queen of the night, mocks me with her soft soothing glow like a double edge knife she also shine her light to guide the sadness headed my way.

The stars they penetrate the darkness with their brilliant beams but they show the world the madness inside me that is most detetmined to stay.
Like great enemies turned into friends or the other way around,  it is just the night and I locked in a never-ending battle of love and hate.
The greatest weapon in her arsenal is silence for it is one I can't defeat, my only choice is to endure it,until the morning comes, for only the dawn can change my fate.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Like a drop of rain that trickles down a crisp blade of grass only to dissapear, I sprinkle my emotions onto this page with the hope that when they reach the end they will be absorbed in.

In the solitude of my scribblings I can SCREAM and not worry about who I offend, I can cry or be invisible to judging eyes that would persecuite me for divulging  my secrets, my hidden sin.

The walls of life can come crashing down around me and the sky may fill with dis-heartening clouds of doom,  but I can hide from it all behind the safety of my paper and pen.

I can be anyonomous, no one
has to know that these worries are mine, or I can be bold shoutting my sorrows from the rooftop, I can be a giant among men.

Just like the effervescent glow from the moon on a brisk fall evening washes over all, I am able  share the beauty of the words I feel inside with the world, I'm able to let them shine on.

Thru my writting my thoughts can become immortalized and these words that are written on my heart are then bared for all to see until the moment when all time is gone.
Mercy B Apr 2013
Silence echoing all around
Pounds like thunder it's painful hush engulfs me
mocks me with its presence everywhere but inside my head.

    The same stillness where most  find solace
In my case lets all the noise of my mind assult me
For this reason silence is what I dread.

The  intensity of my memories rob me of my todays
They steal away my time and space
Then with no particular purpous they collide.

   I need a distraction from my thoughts
To escape their overwhelming annoyance  and keep them contained
The relief I seek only volume can provide.

  Silence is not always golden
I find no tranquility in its midst
Stillness please don't linger  then my memories will invade me.

   An escape from a self constructed prision
Full of my own thoughts is all I desire
Silence please don't ignore the screaming of my plea.

— The End —