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 Oct 2012 Mendax
Alex Podolski
I cried, but I didn't understand why, so I laid there for awhile in thought.
As I became one with darkness, I realized:
I feel inadequate.

I am smart.
You are smarter.
I am strong.
You are stronger.
I am stubborn.
You are stubborner.
(Not that I'd ever tell you to your face.
I've got to keep up appearances you know.)
I'm genuine.
But you are moreso.

So when I told you that I think I love you,
my feeling of inadequacy grew.
I don't want you to admit to feelings that are untrue,
but I wish you could decide if you love me too.

I can't tell you any of this.
You'll draw back inside yourself.
So I'll continue to hide it.

I hope I don't shrivel up and die.
 Oct 2012 Mendax
We were all born old enough to die
We know it, and try to forget by making every moment a lovely lie
Every psyche has been burned
Every brain has been churned
Within this wild concrete maze
We simply strive to survive the days
We feed the city's voiceless hunger
Knowing nonetheless that nothing will make us younger
Nothing will make us too young to die
Death lurks in every lover's sigh
 Oct 2012 Mendax
Dalton Bauder
These hands are now the handlers
of dangerous undress
they tie you in without a rope
by swooning hearts caress.
The union now's been slowly made,
situation assessed,
and so they glide unto your thighs
to hold you while you rest.
as they proceed to slowly tease
the goosebumps to your breast
they do withhold a secret code,
just masked with clever jest
the way they play upon your frays of hair when lips are met.
the subtle call to forfeit all,
your heart lies in my chest.
 Oct 2012 Mendax
Roma Carlo
Can I fall in love with you?
I won’t if you don’t want me to.
I say I won’t - I only hope,
You’ll let me spend my time with you.
 Oct 2012 Mendax
I’ll ask you with kindness one last time:
do not
absolutely, do not
(oh, brown eyes, brown eyes…)

your bones are splintering,
the fibers that knit together your identity
are becoming unwoven
it seems—

& I don’t ask this easily,
nor without understanding
your lingering pain:
for the same ocean you drown in,
I’ve come to know
& the same bridges you’ve jumped from,
I’ve stood upon, aloft—

& with the wind&waves; I bend,
yes, I, too, bend--
with our evenings awash in escapism
& our midnights amiss with noise
[& our daylight alive with passioned kisses
never meant to ever say good night]--

yes we bend, dear friend,
but we absolutely cannot break.

dear love of mine,
we are two branches that ache on the same rotten, fallen tree,
two butterflies with gold-plated wings that labor to sing,
two corpses encased before their time,
two veins that race with the same
bloodlust for living

[but also for dying,
for that is our flaw,
& we do it exceedingly well].

for what I give to you is peace,
& what you give to me is inspiration—
two things that fight to exist
in a world that throws them out with

so in fact it is not love
we share in our greetings,
but rather the
enabling of
& the misery to which
we harbor&cling;.
this leaves the sourest of tastes in my mouth--
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