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135 · Mar 2018
Emma Nicole Mar 2018
She runs into the wind
With the glare of sun
In her bright eyes
128 · Feb 2018
Emma Nicole Feb 2018
You picked up my *****, cracked,
******-up glasses from the concrete,
Wiped them off with your sweatshirt,
Balanced them between my eyes,
And everything became a little clearer.
128 · Feb 2018
Afternoon Nap
Emma Nicole Feb 2018
Laying on my back under the covers
Staring at the popcorn in the ceiling
The sun is peeking through the blinds
The dust is swirling through the air

Feeling the thumping of the broken fan
Breathing in the stale afternoon
The air is rattling through the vents
The pup is snoring through her dreams

Is the ceiling spinning, or am I?
The sun lady says, “Patience.”
119 · Mar 2020
Emma Nicole Mar 2020
I have been throwing around tolerance
Like a flower girl tosses her petals.
You have taken advantage of it
And learned the wrong way to treat me.
I feel your boots stomping all over me,
Stomping so hard that I can no longer speak.
I am squished, I am flat, I am buried.
The only direction I can go from here is down.
116 · Nov 2018
Looking, Seeing
Emma Nicole Nov 2018
No one desires to be looked at
With a tired pair of eyes:
Grazed over, thrown away.
Everyone desires to be seen
With brand new eyes:
Analyzed, every detail noticed.

Do you see me, love?
It’s been a while since
You first laid eyes on me.
I long to be recognized—
Open up those weary eyes
And you might see again.
107 · Mar 2018
Too Much/Not Enough
Emma Nicole Mar 2018
I believed that I had etched out exactly what I needed from you,
When my grandmother stopped working in the back garden last year.
You misread every feeling that I sent to you across the night sky.
Somehow, you did too much and not enough at the same moments.

Dear God, I pray that I can fall in the crack between and love you the way you need to be loved.
96 · Jan 2018
Emma Nicole Jan 2018
When a fragile thing is dropped,
It shatters and becomes a weapon.

— The End —