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Melissa Thorne Dec 2011
In the middle of two sloping hills,
There sits a weathered barn.
It’s almost as old as the trees,
The trees it’s hiding behind.

On the side,
There is a note scrawled.
In crackling yellow paint
It reads

“Shelter Valley”
Melissa Thorne Dec 2011
We’ve taken the string between our hands,
Drawn it tight, hoping it would sing,
Instead it snapped, with a ringing scream,
Maybe we shouldn’t have twisted it up,
Each little knot scarring it,
We cried, “Complexity,”
Before it was so straight and narrow,
How boring the little string was,
It wasn’t even dyed,
It was pure natural cotton,
We cried, “Colour,”
But we covered it with our soot,
Our greasy hands defiled it,
Poor little string,
We never said we’re sorry,
After all, it was entirely your fault.
Melissa Thorne Nov 2011
The ice
a tingling             caress
          across my
Melissa Thorne Nov 2011
We climb the ropes and ladders to success,
Jumping from rung to rung,
assuring our social status.
But the wood is slick and so often we fall.
The bars drop and
we are caught by material things.
We are trapped,
restrained from our normal snooping.
The community drives the wedge home,
and individuals are born.
Next envy sprouts and
slowly twists up the body.
We are left boxed in,
yet seemingly
empty and
Melissa Thorne Nov 2011
This hand is perfect
                                                    and it never falters
Melissa Thorne Nov 2011
The flies gather on the window,
They’re holding a meeting,
And I know they’re talking about me,
I crunch them individually,
It’s personal.
But afterwards I just stare out the window,
Watching the horrible lights flicker,
Those lights have trapped me,
Like they trap the flies,
I know they’re false,
On rainy days the flies don’t visit,
And I cry because I miss them.
Melissa Thorne Nov 2011
Knowledge has a purpose,
I need it for it sustains me,
Yet the more so called *know
ledge I gain,
The less I seem to know.
I regurgitate facts,
But I don’t claim to understand them.
I thirst for answers,
But gain only questions.
The more I drink,
The more parched I become.

Who can help me?

I’m told by others to question,
With the promise of an answer.
I’ve yet to receive an answer.
Instead, I’m fed more questions,
But I already have those.
I’m thirsty not hungry.
I’ve gorged all my life,
Producing questions.
All I beg for is a drop,
A tiny speck of true knowledge.
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