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Melissa Vance Sep 2012
The words cut you like a knife cutting into your skin
Words you never thought you'd hear uttered from those lips to yours
Words that never do good--only damage
Damaging the person they're said to but also the reputation of the one who said it
Damaging the trust between the two people
Breaking the bond that they once might have shared
Two words; seven letters; doing irrevocable damage never thought possible
Everything is different now--even if you don't know it
You changed everything with your words and there's no going back to where we once were
I hope this is what you wanted because the damage is already done
Hey everyone! So I wrote this last year and would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks :)

Melissa Vance Jul 2012
You can't believe this happened
You fell into the trap
You never believed that it would happen like that
You said it would be different
But it's very much the same
And now you'll do anything to  erase all the pain
It brings back memories best forgotten
It makes a grown woman fall apart
And become the little girl you still are at heart

It brings you back to when it used to happen all the time
When you would live in fear of when you would be subjugated to the crime
You remember the memories so well suppressed
The ones you can't bare to get off of your chest
And to think this is all because of some little game
Something that you don't look at the same
He didn't mean to hurt you, or at least that's what you think
But just one violent touch makes you fall back and shrink

He unknowingly caused a trigger that started everything else
All those memories once forgotten have found their way off of the shelf
You need a way to escape before you self destruct
Because the crying and the screaming just make you feel amuck

You find a savior in someone else willing to lend an ear
Never really knowing exactly what they're in to hear
They learn just how you're damaged
And more of why you are the way you are
They try to make you smile
To see the future is alright to bear
They help you through the pain a little at a time
Until you can contain it again and put it away like you are fine

But you just wait for the next time that this will all happen again
Because you know you aren't as well composed as you tell your friend
You can't be after what happened--your whole world is shaken up
A once good guy became a bad guy before you could say enough is enough
This makes you feel like the lowest of the low
Like you've fallen into someone's trap
Because you always told yourself you would be better than that
Now you're not so sure and you'll probably never be
All you can do is hope and pray that you are smarter than you think.
Hey guys. This one is really personal to me and I'd really appreciate feedback on it. It was probably one of the hardest poems I've written but also one of the most healing I've written. I might add more to it later, but right now, I can't. Let me know what you think.
Melissa Vance Apr 2012
You Only Live Once…
So laugh as much as you can
Laughter can cure even the greatest ills and make even the worst days better
It can even reconcile the most troubled of friendships
You Only Live Once…
So find those who love you for you and stick by them
Those are the people who will matter in the long run
And those are the people who will stand by you when things fall apart
They will ALWAYS be there to pick you up if you let them.
You Only Live Once…
So don’t sweat the small stuff
You will make mistakes but everyone does
It’s not about the mistakes that you make but how you handle them after the fact
Pick yourself back up. Keep moving. Everything will be OK.
You Only Live Once…
So find what you are passionate for and go for it
When you find your passion, you find something that will get you up in the morning and make you excited to live.
Passion exhilarates you. It makes you alive.
Embrace that. You will never regret that.
You Only Live Once…
So trust in God and His plan.
He knows what He wants for you and when you let Him take the wheel, everything will fall into place.
Believe in Him. He won’t let you fall.
You Only Live Once…
So give it your all and nothing less.
This way you don’t ever have regrets and no one can ever tell you that you have to try harder
Also this way you know at the end of the day that you’ve done all that you could to make your day the best it could be
You Only Live Once…
So be happy. Take chances. Make the best out of what you were given and never take anything for granted.
You never know when something could be taken away from you and you never know when your time will come to an end
You only know that You Only Live Once…
Today, during one of my classes I was inspired to write this after seeing someone post something on a social network about YOLO which means "You Only Live Once." This is my end result. Please let me know what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Melissa Vance Feb 2012
“Lose one friend. Lose all friends. Lose yourself.”
Three simple sentences said by a favorite TV persona that ring truer and truer by the day
I used to think them hogwash, certainly not right
But now I see the truth in the words and because of that I feel fright

Lose one friend
This is because of some simple riff or fight
You didn’t think anything of it
You think that everything would be alright
Little did you know that this one thing would change it all
It would change how you viewed the world;
How you saw through your crystal ball

Lose all friends
Simply because all friends take sides
They may claim they want to be Switzerland
But they can’t just run and hide
This causes a division—
A civil war among you all
Those people you used to hold dearest
Now seem like strangers behind a wall

Lose yourself
Because they have become a part of you in their own way
It happens every time someone touches your life
Whether long term or just for a day
You molded them into your life
And made them your comfort zone
You never would have expected
That one day they would be gone
It’s sad that they took part of you with them
And this makes you feel so wrong

I guess it comes with the territory
Of making and losing friends
You always hope for the best
But you really don’t know until the end
The quote from the beginning is from the TV show "Boy Meets World." It is said by the character of Eric Matthews. It's really stuck to me lately and I just had to write this to get it out.

The ending is really rough and I know that. Feedback and commentary would be greatly appreciated. Thank you a lot! Have a great day :)
Melissa Vance Feb 2012
Expectations fall short
As I thought they never would
I didn't expect to lose you like I did
I didn't think you would just walk away from me like you did
Little did I know how wrong I was

Don't you see that I still care?!
Don't you see that I don't want this to fall to shambles yet I’m watching you leave
Like you don't care.
Like you want us to fail
It’s a bittersweet realization to say the least.
You were one person I thought would be there til the end
One person I could always call my best friend

Stuff got messed up
Stuff blew up
It wasn't supposed to happen this way but this is our new reality
It’s a reality where I see you every day and wonder if you think of me
Do you wonder how I am or do you not care?
Do you ask how I’ve been or do you go on your way like we never met?

I thought we would make it
But this doesn't deplete the memories I have
It just makes it that much more nostalgic of what we won’t have
I thought I had so much more time
So many more memories to create
I didn't know that they would be taken from me in a heartbeat
From one incident that changed everything
That thought brings tears to my eyes—
It makes me despise
All the passed time—
I lost it like a crime

No words can describe
What I would do to fix this
Stupid pride gets in the way
And it plays us just like any other day
Suddenly I’m at a loss for words
Because I don’t know what to do!
All I can say is, I lost you, but you lost me too

You didn’t try either and that hurts the most
You didn’t fight for me, you just let me go
I’m not sure if this will ever be right
And after this I’ll act like I don’t care
But know this—
If you ever need me, I will ALWAYS be there.
It's been a while since I've written something, but today I had to get this out so here it is. It might not make a lot of sense. I might be all over the place; that's how it should be. It's how my mind is today and that's what mindset you kind of need to read this. Feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

PS... The title is still a work in progress. If you have any suggestions, please send them my way.
Melissa Vance Jan 2011
Over time you became guarded
After they brought you down
You learned to trust no one
Because they made you feel like a clown

So you put up this wall
To protect you from the pain
Even when putting up this wall
Made you feel insane

You found that you need to stay guarded
Because no one wants to know
What goes on in your life
So you put on a show

No one’s life is perfect
But no one lets anyone see
Just how messed up
Their life just may be

Some deal with abuse
Though you could never tell
Whether physical or emotional
They are truly dealing with hell

Others may have lost someone
Through divorce or through a death
To them it’s like their once perfect life
Was taken by a theft

The thing is, we all have problems
That we don’t let others see
That’s why you can never judge someone
No matter how happy they seem to be

Always take into account
All the secrets that you keep
And that someone else could have secrets too;
You aren’t the only one in so deep

No one likes their secrets
Or that they cannot tell
But they have this sturdy wall
That they wish would’ve already fell

Some people are lucky;
They have people to break them free
Their walls get chipped away
Until they can simply just be

This wall is sometimes sacred
As it hides people from their pain
It acts like a lifesaver
That helps them to stay sane

One day people will be able
To move away from their wall
But until they are strong enough to do so
They use their wall to get through it all
A while back, I got a critique on one of my other poems, Nothing to Say, saying that I should describe the wall that I talk about in the end of that poem more, so this is my description of it. I know that this isn't exactly what that person wanted but, I felt like this description and poem was needed to capture all of my feelings about it.

Please leave your feedback. I had a lot of trouble with the ending of this and it would really help to know what everyone thinks.

Thank you for reading and for all of your support. :)
Melissa Vance Nov 2010
Are there when you need them
And help you through the bad
We don’t always see them
Especially when we’re sad

Come in our darkest times
To pull us into the pain
Though you do not always understand the crimes
You always feel the shame

You do not always see them
As they come and go
But after we leave them
They hold a place inside our soul

You do not always understand the crime
That they bring upon our self
It’s then when we usually go to the divine
And take Him off the shelf

We often take them for granted
And forget to thank the Lord
For bringing them into our lives
When we go out to face the world

Are something never wanted
But they always take
You seem to feel like you’re being haunted
And you hope that the feeling is fake

We don’t really understand them
But they are always in our life
They are our worst enemies
And our best friends for life

Is an angel always an angel,
Or can it be a demon too?
Most think there is a clear difference,
But they don’t have a clue

How do we differentiate
When the line between them isn’t clear?
This fact becomes very obvious
In all the stories that we hear

We hear about a best friend
Who turned their back when their friend fell
In that instance that once beautiful angel
Turned into a demon from hell

It can also be the opposite
Because it’s not always black and white
Without ever expecting it,
Our greatest demons can bring us light

You must always be careful
To not judge on a whim
For if you judge to quickly
The outcome might be grim

So be grateful for your angels
But expect the demons too
If you live in knowing
Then you won’t be as askew
Let me know what you think. All commentary is greatly appreciated :)
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