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33.3k · Jun 2012
Melissa S Jun 2012
You have me bewitched...weaved around some magic wicked spell
It's like my body is mine no more
You have brought this woman out of her shell

How did you know where to find me
How did you know you could do this to me
How did you know control would be relinquished so easily

You are *** in every breath, every beat, and every motion
You are all of this and more without commitment and void of any emotion

You are a fire within my wondrous sea
A great burning rush that consumes me

The silky flick and swirl of your tongue on my flesh
Has brought me this intense current of desire
Your touch has magnified all my senses in a warm liquid fire

Your lips are soft and searing on the inside of my thighs
Your ******* a teasing length on my leg waiting to comply

Gasping... my lips are licked and bit in a wordless plea for more
As you start exploring and teasing my throbbing aching core

My thighs are now split on both sides of your hips
My breast in your mouth caught between your teeth and your lips

Our bodies melded together..heated skin on skin
Do not know where your limbs end and mine begin

To be desired by you is such a gift beyond measure
The submissive in me aiming to please and always give you pleasure
Was inspired to write this after reading Fifty Shades of Grey
Melissa S Nov 2014
She has her own star
Down on the boulevard
Where they all line up to see her
Welcome to her life
Welcome to her world
Her life did not go as planned
She thought the whole world was in her hands
She craves intimacy in the worst way
But has to settle for whatever the fellows are paying for that day
She parades around on her concrete stars perfumed and sprayed
Hopeful that someone will find her desirable rather than doubtful
Wears tons of makeup
Smokes two packs a day
She thinks the sooner she leaves this world the better
She had a plan she had a path
Before that monster stole her soul and caused her wrath
Now alcohol and drugs help numb her pain
Nothing but a ghost girl remains
The other girl shed herself just a pile of skin left on the floor
This new person is all anyone will see anymore
She does have a good heart
but rarely uses it
too many people have let her down
No one ever tries to see the person that she is
they never stop to hear her story
They say it's hard work to look that easy
Some may even call her ******
But not me
14.4k · Jan 2012
The Other Woman
Melissa S Jan 2012
I am the other woman
the one that never gets the man
I am all his lustful thoughts dreamed up
I am her nightmare in a can

You see she will never give him all he needs
and he will never leave her a fact I now believe
She has his family and his past
and I am the woman who keeps coming in last

I am the other woman...
I know I am not everyone's biggest fan
but I loved him the way he really wants
and the way that she never truly can
12.0k · Sep 2015
Secrets of the Sea
Melissa S Sep 2015
One pulls me down in a sea of tenderness
safe gentle lapping waves of love and comfort
so soothing like a warm summer pond in the south
He is my anchor

The other loves me like a wild forbidden passionate rush
an all consuming type of love, making the world disappear
clinging to a life raft in a turbulent sea
He is my storm

Enticing waters with the luminous waves that can tempt the dead from their bed. My soul longs for both. I cannot drift off to peaceful sleep until the waves of desire find their sweet release. A wondrous storm of love in a turbulent sea or a steadfast anchor that has taken hold on a part of me
11.1k · Jun 2017
New Moon
Melissa S Jun 2017
The light had gone from this woman
Her days now became lonely and dark
She would go to the shoreline
To repair what had been torn apart
She would shout out to the shoreline
O please bring me a new light, a new moon
I am tired of feeling lonely and dark
Will you please bring it to me soon
Just like that the gilded clouds did part
to reveal to her a new moon
Time for this woman to have light again
Time for her to be swooned
This new moon was most welcoming
with his arms open wide
Lit up this beautiful woman again
and brought out the pearl we knew was inside
10.8k · Aug 2016
Everybody Loves a Comeback
Melissa S Aug 2016
Dented and newly used
my heart is set on cruise
Never gonna give up
because I refuse

My heart may be breaking
but it is not the end
Dealer count me back in
I am on the mend
I am on a comeback

I am done being afraid
I am done being saved
Do not need another setback
I am on a comeback

I believe in who I am
I'm better than I have been
I am not down and out
I have only just began

Thank you HP and fellow poets for this great honor!!! Sorry I am so late to the party but my 8 yr old boy hijacked my phone from me.
Dedicated to some HP poets out there who have recently made a comeback.  Also when writing this I had another thought we have all had our heart broke (myself included) so I was writing with this thought in mind too because we all have made a comeback at some point in our lives.
10.1k · Feb 2017
Melissa S Feb 2017
I have missed me
I have missed us
Things have not been the same
Maybe someone else is using our name

Some days it feels like we are hands on a clock
just going through all the motions
Other days we are never seen at all
Maybe its just our memory that answers the call

So I miss me
I miss us
Could there be anymore space between us
We are not the same
Maybe someone else is using our name

Is there still love between us
Could things go back to what they were before
Don't we deserve love too
Or do we love ourselves more

Oh how I miss me
I miss us
When we are not the same
For so long now
Someone's been using our name

Not even sure if our hearts work anymore
or if those parts have already died
Do we take a chance on love gone lost
Or just give up throw in the towel and hide

I still do miss me
As I do us
Will we ever be the same
We are trapped inside
Screaming out our name
This is a reworked older poem of mine....:)
10.0k · Aug 2018
Dream of Me
Melissa S Aug 2018
Dream of me
I am real...
I am where smiles are made
and tears fade away
Where hope springs forth
Away from the darkness
of the earth

I am the glow of the moon
and all the stars in the sky
those who seek the light
shall have me as their guide

I am the red bird or butterfly you see
Just keep your eyes open... to find me
I am where tomorrow is coming
and hope always holds on
My darling
I am never truly gone....❤
I have been dreaming of my mother lately and do not want to wake up because it feels so real and I miss her so. I wrote this from her perspective writing to me
9.5k · Oct 2011
Twilight at Sea
Melissa S Oct 2011
We are mesmerized as the purple twilight darkens the day to night
So serene as the sun radiates its last beams of light

The holes in my heart that once reminded me of the sandy shore
Have now been washed away by your love forevermore

Lay down with me on the colorful coral beds all aglow
Lets hide out from the world in the soundless surface below

Alluring tongue brings forth this lustrous pearl of mine
The sea calls out but has no hold in my lapse of time

You drink in the cool dark depths of me
And then you permeate in your very own sodden sea
7.8k · Jun 2011
Sweetest of Memories
Melissa S Jun 2011
My memory is full of color and passion~ No amount of time could dull it

Its as if I still have the paint brush in hand.. our movements of the sea
and this painting of my memory is still etched inside me

The air is as hot and sticky as could be
your hands slowly gliding and lightly stroking me

Kisses so hot that they kindled and leap at the ready fuel of our need
Muscles clenching and tensing as our passion grows with greed

Weakened and undone now I arch to meet his lips and tongue that now savor
tasting of my flesh and most prized possession as though it were a banquet of the sweetest of flavor

He now whispers the sweetest
of words that I have ever heard
I want to watch you enjoy and want to watch you fill up with me
As I slowly part my legs allowing him to enter and finally set me free

This memory I hold very close to my heart
this painting of my love and our beautiful art
Melissa S Jan 2017
The scars are there
but they are hidden on the inside
Makes it easier for us to hide
They are not very pretty
but have learned to live alongside
Sometimes buried deep
Sometimes buried
Life is made up of darkness and light
What matters most is how
We choose to act on this
Sometimes dark takes us for a spin
Then light finds us and cuts right in
We choose to believe there is
still beauty in this world
Bad stuff in life happens
But guess what? We are still here
There is always going to be darkness
Just look to the light when you can
Don't let life weigh you down
We can always begin again
Darkness doesn't have to be the end
Not when you have a sister....a
unique connection and poetic friend

*Love to you my sister/poetic friend K
aka Ghost of Jupiter
Thanks to all  who read this and gave me a heart and  or comment.
This was a very happy unexpected surprise
6.3k · Dec 2011
Wishing For You
Melissa S Dec 2011
Sheer curtains billow with the nights breath along my bare skin
Just wishing that it was you... here to taste me again
Slowly my hand traces and reaches down
My eyes closed listening to nights symphony all around
Imagining its your sweet lips and tongue while I touch
Screaming out in delight when it all gets to be too much
6.0k · Mar 2018
Birthday Reflections
Melissa S Mar 2018
As another year comes back around
I'm older and wiser and ah yes more profound
I made the time for some self reflection
To remember everything that holds my affection..
Things that I will never forget
and things I will never neglect
Kisses so good and so deep
Hearing the sounds of little feet
Listening to the crickets and cicadas song
Watching as the bees buzz along
Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face
To always be thankful and say grace
Writing from within the heart
That words are powerful they are art
Always go outside and enjoy nature
Never judge anyone don't be a hater
Time is precious ....enjoy the little things
Don't feel stuck remember we all have wings ~~

My son recently told me Mom you're old as dirt
and I told him well God made dirt
and dirt don't hurt :)
Not getting older just getting better
My Birthday is not today but it is on Sunday
5.8k · Feb 2016
Just Scratch
Melissa S Feb 2016
Even though it has been ages
since we've talked
I know I got to you
I seeped under your skin
And I still reside there
Quietly waiting...
For you to feel that itch again
If you would just scratch
You could still feel me
Wow such a surprise~ Thanks HP for the daily selection honor and Thank you fellow poets for all the nice comments. I truly appreciate them all!!
5.4k · Mar 2018
I Listened
Melissa S Mar 2018
I listened to my inner voice....
When I was filled with fear, when I learned at a young age that real monsters do exist and they are not like the ones in any story book I ever read. The monsters stole away any normal childhood that I could of or should of had.  Pain muted my words from flowing and poisoned my thoughts into growing... this is why I trusted no one.  
At the time I had no other choice... when I was
really the only friend I could totally depend on and count on
I listened to my inner voice...

I listened to my heart...
When all I could hear was a pounding in my ears, when all around me was like a crazy chaotic whirlwind screeching like a barred owl that would then break apart into tiny pieces and sink into a cold abyss forgotten by the sea.  I couldn’t forget the grief as it was real and still inside me. There was a brokenness about me my
heart was fragile and it balanced on the tip of my own desperation
but still I listened to my heart...
I listened to the words...
Slowly but surely I was able to come out from that darkened sea and was finally able to try and heal me. Words became my saving grace. I learned to not have muted lips and could give myself a fighting chance. I was able to tear down some of those protective walls to try again to live only in this moment without the armor and the hesitation. Writing became my new love... together we became an inseparable piece of one existence...
I felt so much better after I listened to the words ....
5.0k · Apr 2018
Lucky 13
Melissa S Apr 2018
Beware of the thirteenth
landing on a Friday??

Nah....that's just bullhockey

The thirteenth has always been
lucky for me...
My sweet boy was born that day
for the world to see :)
4.7k · Dec 2017
Dear Mama
Melissa S Dec 2017
I may have forgotten some things about you
but there are some things I could never forget
They are ingrained in all I do...
I wear green as much as I can
It's my favorite color because it shows
off my green eyes that I inherited from you
You always said my eyes and smile are my best features
I can still see your long legs in the bathtub
Bent in like a happy frog just trying to relax
Yet you still had time for a conversation with me
I wish I would have inherited those long legs of yours :)
I wash my face with nozema
because when I smell it I think of you
When Christmas comes around I buy Andes
chocolate mints and make spice tea
because they both remind me of you
As long as I live and breathe
you will always be remembered
I love and miss you always ~ Dear Mama
Merry Christmas
Could never forget my Mama especially this time of year so wanted her to know I was thinking of her... always ❤️
4.5k · Aug 2012
Melissa S Aug 2012
When all else has failed....    
                                           My words can console me!
4.3k · Jun 2018
Power of Prose
Melissa S Jun 2018
The battle between
darkness and depression
is onslaught for any troubled soul
for it takes place much deeper
than any dug out hole
This darkness seems to just find me
Takes over my world into my sanctuary
It settles around the iris of my eyes
Turning me into someone who just seems to cry
Rooted in negativity and lost in my pain
Through my eyes it enters my brain
Corrupting my each and every thought
Breeding unwelcome memories that like to haunt
Spreading now like poison through my veins
Trying to take over till nothing remains
Writing words is my only defense
When nothing else I do makes any sense
The power of prose keeps that place deep within me
Safe and free from this darkened toxicity…
Sometimes writing is the only way to get it out my crazy and I know that other people out there also suffer from darkness/depression so just trying to hopefully help others in the process
4.3k · May 2012
Dancing in the Rain ~ Haiku
Melissa S May 2012
Warm summer spray
bare feet on dampened green
swaying the pain away
3.6k · Aug 2017
Rebels With a Cause
Melissa S Aug 2017
We are members of a poetic society
A unique learning class
We may or not be good at other things
But mentally we kick ***

We value all our words
Cherish our thoughts not heard
We are on the road to self discovery
Choose only words that we feel tell our story

We see the world differently than most
The world makes us.... then breaks us
So we write for survival and to give hope

Some say our heads are in the clouds
It is safer there in our own creative playground
We are miles up and never want to come down

No use for conformity
We escape the constraints of uniformity
We break out from the box ~ find new ground
*And Seize the day ~ Unbound
3.4k · May 2016
Lazy Days of Summer
Melissa S May 2016
Let's get back to the lazy days of summer
Where time stands still
Where we sit in the shade with our popsicles
and ice cream until we get our fill
Sip on some sweet tea and have a little picnic
or lay in a hammock reading with my sidekick
Where we walk around barefoot on the freshly cut lawn
or turn on the sprinkler for the kids to get their jump on
Where we watch the bees and butterflies flit and fly around
and listen to the whippoorwill's calling sound
Once God turns off the light we catch lightning bugs in jars
then lay back with our lover and count the stars
Let's get back to the lazy days of summer
Where time stands still
3.4k · Mar 2012
Melissa S Mar 2012
Oh yeah he wanted me
One look into those smiling eyes and I could see
He wanted to forget and feel good for a change
To be who he really was and not keep feeling estranged

Oh yeah I wanted him too
I wanted to feel alive and pretend I was someone new
I guess I found a way to self medicate again
One taste of him and it numbed out all my pain

The inertia of all our heartache
Just got to be too much...

We wanted to just live again and be off that sinking boat
All we needed was each other to keep us afloat

How could that ever be wrong and thought of as tragic
When all we wanted was just to feel wanted  ~  bring out all that hidden magic
Melissa S Mar 2017
I live in my head
I have my own room there
My own bed
Where I do my best thinking
Where I am most comfortable
It keeps me up most nights
Making to do lists and analyzing
conversations from days before
Daydreaming about everything
Some of the thoughts I have
are down right crazy
So crazy that it must not be me
there must be other people up there
and hell not just a room but a whole house
with several rooms and several conversations
I can envision it clearly
Sometimes I stay there for days
The lights are on
My shades are open
But no ones home
I do return to the real world and have
real conversations but seems like I
Always return to my head
Where I live
In my own room and my own bed
Sorry I have to get some of the crazy out...that is why I love writing and HP
3.3k · Jul 2018
The Songs Take Me Back
Melissa S Jul 2018
I don't need a time machine
to take me back to that moment
The songs take me back
back to when I was trying to
figure out myself
figure out life
I get lost in the songs
close my eyes
I am content to just pretend
that I'm wild and free
and yes that I am young again
The songs take me back :)
Happy Friday HP :) xoxo
3.3k · Feb 2017
Master Manipulator
Melissa S Feb 2017
Master Manipulator
Parading around with all his strings
Trying to control
Use her to carry out his way of things
Why does everything always
have to be on his terms
Why does she even listen to  
all his mean and careless words
She is a real person
not just a puppet for his life
Now on to him and his ways
She finally sees the real him and understands
and is why she now carries scissors
in her hand :)
3.2k · May 2012
Little Black Dress
Melissa S May 2012
For Her
She looks in the mirror at herself
and smooths out a wrinkle on her waistline
Feeling pretty anxious about tonight
but also floating on cloud nine

She comes down the stairs
thinking don't fall now girl, please do not fall
Then she says to herself I got this
As she sees his face and suddenly feels ten feet tall

She loves to play dress up
and loves to please her man
So she puts on the little black dress
As all part of that strategic master plan

For Him
He looks at her and thinks wow so stunning
as she stops at the top of the stairs
For a moment he forgets to breathe
He forgets that he has to have air

As she comes down the stairs he watches her
and he knows she is waiting to see his first reaction
He hopes that she truly can see what he feels  
Way more than just any mere physical attraction

That little black dress is so hot
as it is hugging all those luscious curves
but the best thing about that little black dress
is watching it fall to the floor so he can worship her and serve
3.2k · Jan 2016
Nature is my Church
Melissa S Jan 2016
If I am feeling the need to purge
I head on out to nature's church
Where I can feel peace
Where I can have quiet
and practice my amen in nature's diet.

Do not know which I like more
Listen to an owl call for his mate with a hoot
or when the tree frogs start singing and follow suit
Have a picnic under my favorite birch
oh yeah nature is my church

Do not know which I like more
My favorite coffee while watching the sunrise
or watching all the colors of a sunset in the skies
Seeking out treasures and trails to search
oh yeah nature is my church

So let us show a little appreciation
and give a thanks to the man upstairs
When it comes to his creations
We should bow our head in thankful prayer

Who says I am lost if I wander
but I can get lost in God's wonder
It isn't hard just look around and search
Nature should be all our church
I got the idea of this poem after listening to the beautiful song by Maren Morris ~ My Church.  If you haven't heard that song give it a listen
3.2k · Sep 2018
We are Connected :)
Melissa S Sep 2018
My son always surprises me...
and is way more brilliant
than I ever was... especially at that age.
Out of nowhere the other night he says
"You know we are all connected" and I say
"How do you mean?"
I can see the wheel just a turning in his pretty
little head and he says "we are related...all brothers
and sisters in this world." I agree with him and say "so
why do you think everyone fights so much?" and
without missing a beat he says "because they haven't
figured it out yet" <3
Happy Friday to you all!! :)
2.9k · Apr 2012
Lost Childhood
Melissa S Apr 2012
There was a time I didn't stop to smell the roses anymore
I just wanted to hide away from the world

He took my childhood
He took my trust
All because of his sick ******* of lust

It took me awhile to finally see
That he was to blame for the horrible, awful ...not me

Once I started cleaning out darkened cobwebs
and the craziness from my mind
Those roses started smelling sweeter and sweeter all the time
Despite all that evilness from him
I overcame and I am longer victim

He on the other hand I hear is not faring that well
Seems as though he has already cashed in that one way ticket to hell
He can never hurt me or anyone else for that matter ever again
He loses and ...I WIN
2.7k · Oct 2017
The Real Monsters
Melissa S Oct 2017
Halloween night on this hallowed ground
I stand here among all these terrifying sounds
With the sky so dark the moon barely glows
The creatures of the night gather around close
Hiding in the shadows of the night
Trying to give me a big ole fright
But what these monsters do not know
I have come prepared with my own ammo
Wolf man steps up with his intent to maul
but I distract him by throwing a tennis ball
A witch flies in and thinks I didn't spot her
then flies away when I spray holy water
Dracula with no one around to judge
Was happy I brought him a bag of blood
Frankenstein was pretty easy to fend
All he wanted was to have a new friend
Moral of this story is pretty simple...
Yes monsters are out there
but lets clear up all the confusion
The real monsters out there are human

Happy Halloween HP :)
~No Halloween would be complete.. without a little love spell turning you into my trick and my tasty treat. Most people call me a poetess most would welcome me by sight ..I always write with dire passion and always leave my mark with a bite ~
2.5k · Apr 2018
My Constant ~ The Sea
Melissa S Apr 2018
I come here as much as I can
Love the sounds and smells that surround me
It is just so peaceful and I love to people watch
I try and imagine how their lives are
Are they happy or in pain
Do they, like me, yell out their lies and frustrations
to be carried out swiftly in the wind                                                         ­ 
Are their disappointments and regrets
washed away by the waves as well...
Do they draw pictures in the sand of broken hearts
Do they become a beach scavenger
Searching for discarded treasures
I wonder if they come here as an escape
To renew oneself and just be
One with this constant ...our constant the sea
Heading on a girls beach trip soon to see my constant the sea :) I cannot wait!!!
2.5k · Aug 2012
The Lighthouse
Melissa S Aug 2012
The lonely lighthouse full of the sea and of its salt
In the distance ship horns can be heard
with their loud billowing swells
Up above the grey gulls cawing with their wings
fluttering looking for any crumbs
None will be found here and no happy visitor
greetings either only sad dormant farewells

Why do I feel so dull, Why is it I feel myself as just half a life and just half a light
Please help me find my light that once shone so bright from within
Help me find my purpose and to feel useful again

This lighthouse beacons for me
~ can hear him and can feel him
I could see what he use to be
what he could still be so easily again
I could see that light that shone from within
After all, I knew how he felt I too
had built up a lonely darkened wall

So I went to this lighthouse told him
your light has been there this whole time
You do not need a new light you are already
a brightness a joy for all to see
All you needed was some help to find it again
All you needed was me

I hold him and tell him close your eyes
Look up toward the sky my love
Feel that cool sea air tickle your face
Let that enormous sense of calm descend down
match your breath to that of the sea and all else shall be erased
I wrote this for a special friend that needed reminding that he was still a bright light for all to see and that he never lost it just needed a friend to help find it xoxo
2.5k · Feb 2012
Happy Birthday!
Melissa S Feb 2012
It's your birthday and I so wish I could be there
but I am sending your birthday wish and kiss on a balloon full of hot air
The balloon goes straight up to heaven and it's from my heart
Cause that is where all the best wishes do start
Wishing you your happiest birthday yet ..
A birthday and person too special to ever forget
LOVE YOU MOM and HAPPY 60th!!!
2.5k · Apr 2016
Woman Is Her Name
Melissa S Apr 2016
Strong like a foundation
Rock solid in every way
Her skin is soft as velvet
God built her this very way
She hides most of her fears
Wears all her hats like a boss
She flows against the stream
and is the calm in the chaos
A beautiful mystery to unravel
One layer at at time
Only people close to her
Know the thoughts of her mind
Her eyes show compassion
and fierceness just the same
From the ashes she will rise again
and Woman is her name
This is for all the women here at HP. Since Mother's Day is coming up in the states here is a shout out to all the moms in our lives! Hooray for the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, aunts, wives, partners, sisters, friends, fellow moms, mentors and people who love with a mother’s heart.  A Special shout out to my Mother in heaven I love you <3 and Happy Mother's Day!!
2.3k · Nov 2013
The Magician
Melissa S Nov 2013
Trickery, Deception
Loving me, was  his grandest illusion of all!
Melissa S Jan 2018
Have you ever wondered if this world is the actual
hell we live in and if we are being tested
by how well we deal?
We are living in a place where pain, suffering,
and then ultimately death are of everyday existence
I understand that perception is everything here
and this world is an illusion generated by our perception
I am not trying to be a downer but the more I live
in this world the more I see it as a nightmare
that some days I just want to wake up from

This is not coming from my religious beliefs and I am
not saying that I am not grateful for everything I do have
Compared to a lot of other people in this world I do not
have it so bad and I know this.  This is coming from
a thought process I have been trying to come to terms with

Is there a bright light at the end of this very dark tunnel?
Of course we all have different journey's to take to get us
to that tunnel but while we are here our paths do cross from
time to time and we all have some of the same pains
sufferings and even death to overcome

My point is this...
We are all living in this hell together
Let's get through this hell together
This thought has become a shining
Ray of light in this dark
Find some comfort in this
Perhaps there is hope for us all
If you got through this long read I thank you :)
2.2k · Nov 2012
Mother Nature
Melissa S Nov 2012
Do you ever go outside and just sit in the sun, breathe in, and just be still?
Do you ever listen to the wind blow and just let Mother Nature seep in and heal?

Close your eyes and look up to the sky and let your body sway with the trees
Be thankful for where you have been and for the journey that will lead you now to be

I try to do this as much as I can and wanted to share a little piece of me with all of you
This love affair I have with nature helps me reconnect and gives me strength to push on through
Tis the season to be out in the woods hunting and thankful for life's many blessings :)
Melissa S Oct 2012
Nightgown still on....feet bare
Tangled mess of curly chocolate hair
Not a stitch of makeup on but that is when you say I look my best
Your knock this morning was a surprise I was not expecting a guest

Silly me, when you said  I am hungry I thought you meant for food
Till you came out from under the breakfast table and I got a better view
You play with the bow at the top of my gown
Then pull my arms up and then let it fall to the ground

You search out and make love to my mouth with exploring tongue
You drink thirstily as we both slip into oblivion
Your warm lips feast by licking and nibbling everything you can get to
I whisper in your ear I cannot wait to feel you inside me...every inch of you

An overwhelming necessity to have you RIGHT NOW comes over me
I yell out Don't stop, Please do not Stop as I begin to wiggle against you with my hips
You finally release the ache inside of me as you enter and part my lips

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Cannot wait to see what lunch will bring my way :)
2.1k · Oct 2017
Don't Lose Focus
Melissa S Oct 2017
A victim becomes violated
Does not matter how
It feels like every room in their
house has been broken into
We pay too much attention to
Who did this or even why
Passing blame on this or that
We lose focus...
We forget about that person
Living inside the house
Don't lose focus of the victims!!! Sorry just something I feel very strongly about!!
2.0k · May 2013
The Craziness in my Mind!
Melissa S May 2013
Riding down the road with thoughts of you and our last conversation you said you wanted to kiss me and trail those kisses down and what to eat for lunch better yet what am I gonna cook for supper maybe hamburgers but I got to pick up look at those totally squeezable ones on that guy in his medical scrubs you can be anytime ...oh man speaking of doctors I got my first mammogram appointment ever and not looking forward to being squeezed and compressed... ya know my truck is riding kinda funny wonder if my tire is deflated may need to stop and get it  checked out... hello that guy is totally checking me out isn't he? and that is a no he is checking out my... truck...oh did I ever stop  and get the air checked??and this goes on and on
being a Mother has totally warped my brain..the rumor is true babies take most of your brain cells after being born. Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers out there who know how I feel
2.0k · Aug 2017
For All to See
Melissa S Aug 2017
If someone pulled me from the inside out
Would they still like what they see?
Such things I hide behind
Are not always with intent to deceive
Do I have an intriguing mind?
Or better yet...
Do I have a beautiful heart?
Shouldn't these be the most important parts
I wear masks to disguise the pain
Underneath a river of lies fall down like rain
Should this river of lies drown me?
Or does it just make me grow
a thicker shell for all to see
Inspired by a poem by patty m
Also inspired by comments from the Traveling man himself
2.0k · May 2018
Broken Tripod
Melissa S May 2018
Someone came and
knocked one of my legs
out from underneath me
and I fell to the ground
not feeling at all stable
but shaken and confound
I'm usually quite good
at keeping it together
but now my composure
is worse not better
My tripod is all wobbly
and I feel discombobulated
One of my support legs
has a genetic anomaly
and until this leg
gets healthy again
She will need to lean on
the other two sides
We will get through this
together dear sister
With love as our guide
Please send prayers and good vibes to my sister
she has been diagnosed with breast cancer again
We beat it once we will do it again!!!
2.0k · Apr 2018
Dark Day
Melissa S Apr 2018
Some days I do not
want to wake up
the day just seems darker somehow
There is no particular reason
I am feeling down
I just am...

I have been trying to come up
with some explanation and cannot
maybe I am just tired
maybe I am PMSing
maybe I just need to get some

Whatever the reason
It is not like I can just snap
my fingers and get it over it
Like some people close
to me have suggested

What I really need
is someone to pull me
into their computer out there
and hug me and don't let me go
I want to stay for a bit with you
until I am not feeling so blue
1.9k · Sep 2017
~ Here in this Place ~
Melissa S Sep 2017
Here in this place
There are
Eyes that read us
Words that hold us
Sadness that tugs at our heartstrings
Hearts pining for love
or just the loss of it...
Lovely and sometimes tragic visions
Displayed to heal our souls
Cleanse our thoughts
Take back control
Seductive musings that leave us tingling
Creative thoughts spilled out in delicious form
Memories (good or bad) that float around
and descend like the wind
This is where we offer ourselves to the world
Hoping for compassion and understanding
and in kind to return the favor
This is where we learn
That we are no longer alone
We leave small pieces of ourselves behind
To go back to one day
For others who are seeking to find
Here in this place
“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”
― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon
1.9k · Nov 2016
Inside these Words
Melissa S Nov 2016
I am afraid you
won't like what
you see....
So inside these words
I stay and remain free
Piece by piece
I give a little of me
At least you will know where I'll be
Maybe I can find my worth
Somewhere in all these words
too broken
so will remain frozen
Inside these words
1.9k · Sep 2016
Validate Me
Melissa S Sep 2016
Can't you just listen
Please for once
I know God gave you ears
I know you can hear
but it is so much *more
than that
Please just *listen

To the sound of my voice
Take in the words
that I am saying

Uh uhhh
Stop right there
Can't you see I am hurting
Do you not see the pain
You do not have to fix me
Sometimes you just cannot
Please just hold my hand
Hug me
*Hurt with me
Sometimes there is nothing you can do for a person except
Pray for them ~ hurt with them <3
1.9k · Oct 2016
My Gift
Melissa S Oct 2016
From the very first time
I felt that flutter in my belly move
I knew the best gift of life
and that gift was you
My son
My gift from God
You are my happy place
Nothing brights up my day more
than when I see your smiling face
I will do my best to teach you
and raise you right
Always say please and thank you
Know what battles to fight
Do not worry about love, son
You will find the right woman
When you have become the right man
Don't take for granted this life
that god has given you
Treat people the way
you want to be treated
and always see things through
We are not promised tomorrow
So live it well and seize the day
and ride the sun the entire way
1.9k · Aug 2017
Conquered by a Kiss
Melissa S Aug 2017
With want me eyes he wraps my hair around his fist
He gives it a little tug bringing me closer to his wrist
My lips are warm and inviting
and already so long overdue
He starts off slow and soft
As I feel his breath on my lips
His tongue traces my bottom lip teasing
giving me a little nip
His sweet kisses cause a warm wave to take over me
As he heats me up from the inside
Slick with a need and burning
That only he can subside
He tweaks my ******* with his
fingers through my shirt
A sly smile forms as he starts *******
me thinking of his dessert
His mouth and tongue start kissing its way down
Tempting...Teasing...and Feasting
While I am just laying there
Trembling...Needing...and Pleading
Oh My ~ is all I could muster when his lips move
like a breeze over my thighs
Passion explodes as my will erodes
I revel in the sensation of being Conquered
And at the same time....*Conquering
Reworked older poem :)
1.8k · Aug 2017
Solar Eclipse of the Heart
Melissa S Aug 2017
The Sun spreads her words across a symphony
of color at the days end
Hoping her loving expression reaches the moon
and that it transcends

The moon slowly rises from the sea
Looking everywhere for his love is he
Calling across all time and space
Searching for his light and her beautiful face

The Sun lights up the big beautiful sky
He has witnessed this with his very own eyes
Her beautiful words are etched deep inside of me
Penetrating my core to the very existence she sees

Excited today is the day we will get our chance
We do not have to chase each other for that dance
We will dance all the way from the top of Mt Hood
To the bottom and beyond the Alabama Hardwood

We take each other to the depths of the unknown
Embracing what was meant to be together not alone
One brief moment he will trace my outline with his lips
Shadowing my body to make our very own Solar Eclipse
I wrote part of this poem back in 2012 then retouched a bit to mark the Eclipse happening today!!
I know in different languages the moon is female and the sun is male but this is my poem and I am doing it this way!! Thanks for reading :)
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