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2.6k · Apr 2013
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
I can't stop to chat
Sorry, I'm really busy
There's so much to do
I'm getting quite dizzy

Wallpapering, painting
And a whole lot of chores
Along with scrubbing and replacing
Handles on doors

Carpentry's enjoyable
A skill that I relish
But it tires me out
So for a break, I'll wish

Got a five minute break
Rush a quick cigarette
And a well-earned coffee
Then back off to work I set

Packing my boxes
And many a bag
Put them all in the attic
So tired, it's a drag

Hoovering all day
Kitchen needs cleaning
For the fourth time today
Then the garden needs preening

Make something to eat
To recharge energy
Sit down for a moment
With another coffee

Then it's time to go shopping
For food, drinks and more
Come back to yelling
As I walk through the door

"Mel, help me out!"
"Mel, pass me that!"
"Mel, clean the carpet...
The pup crapped on that!"

"Mel, make a coffee!"
"A sandwich might help!"
"Then get back to work!"
I can't help but yelp

Back to more painting
And scrubbing the halls
Cleaning the windows
And papering more walls

Then rest for a while
With a lovely big meal
To end the working day
And help muscles to heal

I'm aching all over
And I can't seem to sleep
So restless and sore
The job-pile's too steep

Toss and turn all night
I'm going insane
But I have to get up in the morning
And do it all again
2.2k · Mar 2013
The Fluffy Pillow of DOOOOM!
Melissa Blair Mar 2013
I bought a brand new pillow
It looks really nice
It's pink and oh so fluffy
I can't wait to give it a try

It's been a tiring day
I'm feeling rather dead
I think I'll head off now
To rest my weary head


What the Hell is happening?
Where has my hair gone?
Why is my pillow growling?
And what is it chewing on?

I tell myself it's not real
And lay back down to dream
But then I feel teeth on my head
And I can't help but scream


My pillow really is eating
And I'm now missing a nose
The pillow's getting fatter
As it's belly grows

I try to run away from it
But the fluffiness darts across the room
It's gnashing at my toes
This fluffy pillow of doom


I think I'll test things out
Before buying any more bedding
I think I've finally lost the plot
This pillow's done my head in

I set the thing on fire
And ripped it into shreds
There's no way I'm letting
That thing back under my head!

-Harry Potter reference: I just realized after posting this that with no hair or nose, I would look like Voldemort!-
I have quite a strange imagination, wouldn't you agree?
1.7k · Apr 2013
This Morbid Windowsill
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
Life is but the beginning
Of a story called death
A saga that keeps beating
Until my final breath

This weary soul is sickened
Entangled in my head
Sometimes I can't stop wishing
To be pronounced dead

A noose, a bullet
**** it, even a pill
To get me away from
This morbid windowsill

Life is a lesson to be learned
But doesn't come with instructions
Every time I solve one issue
I'm stalked by more obstructions

Sanity is but an illusion
A deceitful trick of the mind
Raining memories upon me
That I'd rather leave behind

A noose, a bullet
**** it, even a pill
To get me away from
This morbid windowsill

I wish I'd been given a warning
About how my life would be
But this heart reflects the mistake
That was the birth of me

My death will come with relief
From me and the world all the same
So let me go, let me burn
In my own ever-raging flame

A noose, a bullet
**** it, even a pill
To get me away from
This morbid windowsill
1.7k · Apr 2015
Dead Roses (Short Story)
Melissa Blair Apr 2015
Lips crack and split like the petals of dead roses.


Flowers come and flowers go and you were the most graceful of them all. You were a black rose, beautiful to behold but your stems were sharp and callous.

Why do you allow your thorns to chastise me?
I sit silently, reminiscent, remembering how I fell deeply in love with you and how you cut deeply into me.

Love was never supposed to be like that but it was love nonetheless.

I plucked at your petals as you made my fingers bleed and we traded our secrets. You absorbed my strength, I harbored your weaknesses and from that day, I was never the same.

You are gone, wiltered and your essence blows in the wind. My lips sense your presence and crack once more in the hope that you will return in bloom...

For though dead roses wield no sweet aroma, their thorns still puncture the strongest of skins.
1.1k · Apr 2013
Legacy of Brutality
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
I'm a being of demonic force
With nothing else left to show
Keep running and don't look back
Before I decide not to let you go

My eyes see through your disguise
And will scorch through you soul
You really think you can take me on?
Believe me, heads will roll

I'll tear out your rotten intestines
And use them to hang your carcass
You don't want to mess with me right now
Or I'll bury you under the grass

Slice your throat, gouge out your eyes
I have many methods, take your pick
Choose your method of misery
Torture so sweet and sick

I'll gladly bury you, then dig you back up
Just to **** you once again
Once I'm finally done with you
Not even ashes will remain

So back off and quit while you're ahead
Or that head will be axed and dumped in the sea
I'm not one for you to pick fights with
This is my legacy of brutality
1.1k · Mar 2013
Melissa Blair Mar 2013
She held the world in the palm of her hand
There was no pain that she couldn't withstand
But she soon wiltered to the voice of command
No longer a pyramid but just one grain of sand

She was a pearl of beauty and grace
All of life's lessons etched into her face
But to his touch, she'd shiver and brace
No longer smiling, she knew her place

She once was strong, she once held power
Where radiance shone down in abundant showers
But he ignored her until her soul he'd devour
Leaving her heart in the corner, she'd cower

She grew stronger with time until she could stand
Picking her heart up, she soon took command
She left him in awe at her final demand
To stay in her life, though not how they'd planned

Now this pearl has no home, no heart to share
She'll search the sea for an oyster who'll care
While building back up her pymarid lair
So she can once again soar where eagles dare
924 · Jun 2014
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
She sits clutching a rose
Thorns stabbing her fingers
She's spitting out blood
But the taste still lingers

As she plucks gently at petals
Tearing her rose apart
She realizes that they
Did the same to her heart
866 · Apr 2013
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
Sometimes it feels like the whole world's against me
Sometimes I'm not the me I want to be
These days, I find it so **** difficult to see
I'm at war with myself, I just can't agree

Sometimes I know I can be hard to abide
One moment I'm fine, then I'm hurting inside
It feels like the better part of me has died
I can't blame anyone else, I can no longer hide

Sometimes I still see my father in my eyes
The same colour and shape and the same rotten lies
They're the heartless orbs that I've grown to despise
So I'll gouge them out and I'll say my goodbyes

Sometimes I still see my mother in this face
The disgusting presence of her morbid disgrace
I'm sorry, mother, but I can not displace
The hatred for you and myself, I'm a waste

Sometimes I sense that my life has no meaning
No escape, no alibis, just endless pointless dreaming
Of who I aspire to be while I stare at the ceiling
But that can not be so I'll lay crying and screaming

Sometimes I wish that death would hold my hand
As it's the only fate that could ever understand
The full force of these shackles that hold me to this land
And burn me so fiercely with it's evil demand

Sometimes I wish you could all see the pain in this heart
That has cried out for help since the very start
But instead I will find peace when I finally part
From this life that has given me wounds that turn into scars

Sometimes I just need someone to say it's alright
Someone to care, to please turn on the light
To fight by my side each tedious day and night
Someone who'll love me and give me back my sight
863 · Jun 2014
Heaven Can Wait
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
There is nothing but flames
Behind that golden, pearly gate
For I'm going straight to Hell
Heaven can wait

I can't wait to beg and burn
When I finally meet my fate
For I'm going straight to Hell
Heaven can wait

No ashes shall inhabit my urn
They can't bottle hopeless hate
For I'm living in this Hell
Heaven can wait
740 · Mar 2013
My Gran's A Zombie!
Melissa Blair Mar 2013
I got the biggest shock last night
When I saw zombies in the shadows
And dragging themselves slowly
Across dark streets and meadows

I heard them babbling away
In their own strange lingo
Before I saw it was just dear Grandma and friends
On their way to bingo
Granny's gonna get yaaaaaa!
703 · Jun 2014
Bile and Blame
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
The bile and blame, this sorry game
Is all that infects my weary eyes
They shed fears in sulphuric tears
That sing of too many long goodbyes

Feeding you dirt to watch you squirt
Plaguing this disease-infested earth
Your mind's askew, the best part of you
Dripped down your mother's leg at birth

You play, you lie; I choke, I die
On the dream I've nurtured all my life
Karma failed but you'll die impaled
One day upon my hate-encrusted knife
678 · Apr 2013
Is It Wrong?
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
Once again, I'm forced to neglect my chance of happiness to instead give it to others.

Once again, I sit and listen to perpetual moaning about the differences between who I am and who I should be.

Why should I abide his desire to put me under? He digs himself a deeper hole each day and unconciously awaits his own bloodstained burial.

Is is wrong that I don't care whether I allow him to breathe or dump his stiff carcass in the nearest river?

I've never been tempted by ****** but lately, the vision of his lifeless eyes has been swimming in my head like the souls of a thousand unavenged hellions.

Hell hounds howl my name as my wrath is unleashed upon his wreckless soul and screams fill my ears as my vision turns a sickly yet thrilling scarlet hue.

Believe me, sweetheart, you've been begging for this for too long and when you turned on me with your petty, insolent disgrace of an excuse for breathing, I relished the thought of ripping your heart from your chest with my bare hands.

You don't want to know the things I'd love to do to you. You don't want to hear the chilling screams from my nightmares which seem more of a blissful dream lately.

This is my last warning... next time you wrongly decide to size up to me, you'll realize your mistake... but it'll be too late. By the time you notice the lack of oxygen in your lungs, your ashes will already be scattered across your mother's dinner like parmesan cheese.

That's it. I'm done. Rant over.
664 · Jun 2014
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
As the tears eclipse the last of the light
And the grey blends into the dark of night
With not a single star shining to see
Nor a reason for I still to be

Unveil the truth with many a lie fraught
In ugliness, it holds a beauty of sorts
Water turns to ice and moonlight to stone
As the naked truth sits upon it's regal throne

I push upon the surface that traps me beneath
Yet the fortress is strong with hatred and grief
The air runs out and I can only breathe blood
You laugh at me mercilessly, as you so should

A thief, it steals across the black
Takes away all method of finding my way back
I scream a scream heard only by the moon
And a killer in my skull in the shadows does loom

Punching at the skin that confines me away
Hating the life it forces me through every day
And as my tears eclipse the last of the light
You laugh as you watch me, overcome by the night
614 · Sep 2014
Melissa Blair Sep 2014
Do not fear the living

Fear the survivors in the dark

For they claimed death

And returned without a mark
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
Branches break and children quake
In these vile, narcotic dreams
While your glare cuts through the air
Enticing blood-curdling screams

Angels fall and demons call
To the vicious beast that dwells inside
It tips the scale; I try, but fail
It still devours the tears I've cried

Memories taunt and you still haunt
I try to numb the pain, my cross to bear
For you're still here; in the dark, I fear
The angel from my nightmares
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
Where rainbows should be hanging
A black cloud seems to hover
I can't help but be a thorn
In the sides of so many others

Where do I go from this place?
This dark chasm in my head
When sanity flees from fear
Of the internal fire I've fed

Such ferocity these flames hold
The brutality of my mind
How could I have been so callous?
So inhumane, so unkind

I know I hurt your feelings
I hope you accept my apology
But I only wanted you to see
What it is you do to me

I let you in, I gave you strength
And you abused that power
You snatched my eyes, blinding me
And left me in the corner to cower

You may have fooled me, darling
But you underestimate me
I still saw through your lies and bile
I know the man you used to be

Why should I stay by your side?
Why should we be best friends?
I promised you eternal faith
But that contract's come to an end

I'm tired of always wishing for
A less excruciating tomorrow
So now it's time to lay you down
Along with this sweet, sweet sorrow

~This is for one of my once-best-friends who only wants to know me when he wants something.
I hope you learn the true value of friendship. If not, you're going to die a very lonely, bitter being~
575 · May 2015
Heavy Metal
Melissa Blair May 2015
I forever shake myself awake

When dreams cloud my sight

For I can't settle without heavy metal

To sing me to sleep at night
573 · Mar 2013
Who Will Be Her Advocate?
Melissa Blair Mar 2013
Mum is passed out, too much beer at the bar
I lay sleeping until my bedroom door is ajar
I hear his feet shuffle the carpet across the floor
My heart starts pounding, how far is the door?
Should I make a run for it or lay silent and still?
How can this man, my dad, force me against my will?
I try to scream but the words won't come out
It doesn't matter, no one helps me when I shout
His breath smells like cigarettes and whiskey
I'm just hoping he'll die or soon let me be
Finally it's over, I know he must be through
Now he's sleeping with mum, one drunk times two
I lay awake, pondering many a thought
Hoping someone will believe me and these two animals get caught

What is the end result for this dysfunctional family?
Will you be the voice that defends or just leave it be?
Child abuse may take away many early years but it can't take away the future. Never give up
559 · Jun 2014
Your Crown
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
Test me and you'll be
Shot down
Ingest me, detest me
Fall down

I'm the jewel in your crown, the one you didn't wear
A metaphor for the daughter for whom you didn't care

I'm the stone of resurrection, the cause of your *******
I'm the reason behind your evil deeds that almost eluded detection

Test me and you'll be
Shot down
Ingest me, detest me
Then drown

I'm that spark of hatred that you conceived on that night
The vision of yourself that forever hid away from sight

I'm the crack in the mirror, the monster beneath your bed
Daddy, I am each wicked demon that swam within your head

Test me and you'll be
Shot down
Ingest me, detest me
Your crown
523 · Apr 2013
Eyes Wide Shut
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
You said you still loved me
But I didn't hear the lies
That lay deep in your skin
That were set deep in your eyes

I sensed truth in your words
But never knew it was a ploy
You played me, you shamed me
I was just another toy

I believe everything you said
You filled me with spite
Yet I still stayed with you
Knowing things weren't right

Did you ever truly love me?
Was I just another name?
Another pawn to move at will
In your despicable game?

These questions need answers
But I know you'll not talk
Why do you think I finally
Built the courage up to walk?

Now you're gone I see truth
I'm no longer stuck in that rut
Because I'm not chained by your lies
With my eyes wide shut
519 · Jun 2015
An Ode To Joe (My Babe)
Melissa Blair Jun 2015
You calm the raging waves within
You soothe my deepest fears
You take away the pain that fueled
My soul throughout the years

You fill my days with wonder
You light up the endless dark
And with a smile, you warm me
And detonate my heart

The sweetest dreams are all of you
When day turns into night
And then I wake to your embrace
And everything's alright

These broken wings had lost hope
And I didn't know what to do
And I was always afraid of falling
Until I fell for you
518 · Apr 2015
A Man And His Shadow
Melissa Blair Apr 2015
A man fights amongst himself, his true enemy
His shadow is all that his demons can see
War is waged, blood is shed and angels cry
But shadows still loom long after we die

A man and his shadow both stood up to fight
One won the battle, the other took to flight
But what is a shadow without will or wing?
Just another elegy for the fat lady to sing
505 · Apr 2013
To My Real Friends
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
I hear the voices in my head
They never seem to cease
Though I beg them, "Please..."
They'll haunt me 'til I'm dead

They're my imaginary friends
And they tell me what to do
I can't tell who is who
They drive me around the bend

They encourage me to do
Stupid things every day
So I get in trouble when I say
Anything at all to you

I wish these "friends" would disappear
I don't know who I am
Sometimes I couldn't give a ****
And sometimes I'm full of fear

Yet I know they're a part of me
So though I hate these voices
I couldn't live without the noises
In my head, I wouldn't see

I'm thankful for my real friends
My loved ones who don't mock
They truly are my rock
For they help my heart to mend

The last stanza,is dedicated to my friends who help me through it all, who have stayed true through thick and thin, who have been there for me and never turned their backs on me. You are an inspiration... not just poetically but also in life. You know who you are :)
495 · Apr 2013
The Modern Myth
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
She sits and ponders to herself
So many questions on her mind
And each of them requires answers
That she knows she'll never find

Begging reasons for life's lies
And the untruths she's been told
While searching for a pair of arms
That, for her, would hold

She searches for a mirrored soul
Who wouldn't mind her haggard form
Who instead would lay and hold her
Through such a tedious storm

But alas, that fate is not visible
It's so cruelly kept from her
And from the darkened passage
Her tired soul can not deter

Her love is to be torn asunder
Her mind, a toy to be played with
Happiness in now non-existent
It has become the modern myth
486 · Apr 2013
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
People say it's independence
People say it's just a ruse
But after all I've had to lose
I now feel such loneliness

Relationships can be so cruel
But now I realize what I miss
The good times and the bliss
Even being played for a fool

Though I have people around me
I still always feel ever so alone
And without you here to hold
I can't think, I can not see

Baby, I'm sorry, please believe
I wish I'd stayed with you
My decision I can't help but rue
I regret my choice to leave

I understand you don't want me
That you just want to be friends
But I'll still love you 'til the end
Until I simply cease to be

I don't care about our bad times
The only man I want is you
I always will, you know I do
And I'll forever call you mine
Melissa Blair Jun 2016
You inhaled me, impaled me
With your sword of burning love

I was the maiden, in danger of falling
Until I opened my eyes and awoke to your calling
You saved me from all that I hold inside
And pieced me together when I thought all had died

My darling, I love you with all of my heart
I always will, as I swore I would from the very start
You love me, I could never ask for more
For you are my knight in shining armour forevermore

You inhaled me, impaled me
With your sword of burning love
442 · Jun 2014
The Branches Of Fate
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
This life is a forest filled with dying trees
Each branch injects torture into the breeze
They speak of death and the relief it brings
And of the rush of release when the blade sings

The roots remain tangled, intertwined limbs
Screeching into the wind the Hell Hounds' hymns
Ensnaring the minds of the vulnerable and weak
Hunting for prey, it's their strength they seek

Every branch has a purpose, a name of sorts
Each one winding it's way into it's cohorts
Regret was born with Abandonment, a twin
Slithering through it's own mind like sacramental sin

These diabolical splinters cut into my throat
As my internal demons glutton and gloat
Twigs choke me and form my neck's attire
So I ignite a match and my eyes fill with fire

Age old visions blaze through these limbs of wood
Killing them slowly where sanity once stood
Burning in the flames of such animalistic hate
I'm still held captive by the branches of fate
430 · Jun 2014
Blood Stains
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
The bloodstains on the towel
Mirror the patterns on my arm
And I find that I'm hurting myself
Because you refuse to cause me harm

The pain I feel, it gives me release
From my dying mental health
For you can not possibly hate me
More than I hate myself
416 · Jun 2014
My Cyanide Shadow
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
I'll be drowning in my own cyanide shadow
Strangled by the fear of the other side of my soul
Frantically clawing my way through this saturnine existence
Trying to regain any small remnant of innocence you stole

Falling from grace, burning from the flames within
Ashes billowing through the air like uncontained Hell
Remembering every movement, each scar you left
And the lessons you taught me, I learned them well

Waiting for the kiss of liquid death to embrace me
While watching crimson gold seep through the cracks
The random bloodstained paintings on my arms
Guide my soul like a map through this latest relapse

I beg of you, forgive me, you see me as a sin
I'm the mistake you never intended to make
So you left me in my own personal pit of despair
A pit that you allowed daddy to help create

Why didn't you answer when I screamed your name?
Why didn't you protect your daughter, mum?
Why did you offer me to them as a sacrifice?
Abandoning me to myself, cold, lifeless, numb

I know you'll never answer me, I'm wasting my time
Just like I know that I'm much better off dead
So I'll inhale another breath of my cyanide shadow
And lay down my weary, storm-ridden head
412 · Apr 2013
Misery Loves Company
Melissa Blair Apr 2013
It seems that while I have friends
I have more enemies
I lost most of my friends
With bad opportunities

I'm grateful for those I have
And nostalgic for those I had
I miss all the old good times
And I even miss the bad

I miss sitting down to dinner
With companions by my side
Yet I avoided responsibility
And the blame I denied

So when I find myself alone
And short of food to eat
I can always count on myself
To make a meal from misery
410 · Jun 2014
This Demon Deep Within
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
Love feels like acid rain
I fear I'll never love again
For deep within these empty sheets
Is the same old bloodstain

Hearts flutter and beat their last
As memories emerge from the past
While the skies turn scarlet
So dark, so overcast

Flashbacks threaten to take me under
Each move a blur, another blunder
This soul has met it's maker
Life once again tears me asunder

What excuses my wicked sin?
How could I separate soul from skin?
No alibi could ever rationalize
This demon deep within
406 · Apr 2015
Quote The Raven
Melissa Blair Apr 2015
You impel me to quote the raven
But does the raven truly speak?
When buried behind morbid eyes
Are these secrets mine to keep?

You ask for blissful ignorance
While we lay down to sleep
And as we fall into death and dreams
Our demons kiss and creep
403 · Jun 2014
If You Don't Fall At All
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
Fall for me, sweet Angel of Death
Become enchanted by the lies I exhale
Ensnare my senses with bated breath
And leave me cold; lifeless and pale

Come to me, dear immortal being
Further taint this heart, unkind
Annihilate any sane reason for seeing
So I can't see what I leave behind

Now fall into my arms, torture me
Heed your siren's anguished call
For you can't fall in love with misery
If you don't fall at all
390 · Apr 2015
Take To Flight
Melissa Blair Apr 2015
Sorrow, it sings a mournful song
Heard only by the night
It sings of blood and broken bones
And wings of cold moonlight
Sorrow, it is the chains we bear
Before we take to flight

Hatred, it fills our heart with fire
It keeps us warm within
For flames cleanse the cruel desire
That accompanies sin
Hatred, it is the blazing pyre
That feeds the devil's grin

Myself, I am the human harbinger
The beast beneath your bed
I am the monster in your closet
The fears within your head
Myself, I am each wicked demon
That dances with the dead
332 · May 2015
A Moment
Melissa Blair May 2015
A moment's lost in sweet delight
Upon the raven, I take flight
Spanning wings of dark desire
Before all is consumed by fire

Eyes so dark, they bare the soul
Cold as ice and black as coal
Songs of death fulfil my dreams
While I sleep between the seams
330 · Apr 2015
Melissa Blair Apr 2015
Death seems a peaceful sleep when long-loved ties sever

When the ground is teeming with maggots and hate

Yet in order to catch my breath, I might suffocate forever

Before I follow the raven and offer myself to fate
294 · Jun 2014
Someone Else's Angel
Melissa Blair Jun 2014
She's not denying your lies
Her sorry eyes can always see
What lays sleeping within you
Until she wakes that reality

She fell from the heavens at birth
But now resides in the pits of Hell
Her wings remain forgotten
Burnt from the force of your spell

Even now, she can't forget you
Your fist was clenched too tightly
And the blood that dripped from the mirror
Was too real and unsightly

She still thinks she belongs to you
Just another twisted possession
The abuse you nurtured her upon
Became this sick obsession

So now it's time for her to see
Why she can no longer fly
Since you drowned her in the abyss
Born of the blood and tears she'd cry

She urges her wings to unfurl
She's so willing, yet unable
For she still doesn't understand
That she's someone else's angel

— The End —