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 Nov 2012 Melissa
Aly OMalley
 Nov 2012 Melissa
Aly OMalley
I stood in vain as the stranger stood staring.
Ashamed, I hid my stained white shirt.
Who was this woman and why was she staring?
Judgement pierced my sodden heart.

Anger, disgust, jealousy and hate,
All expressed upon her glaring face.
How could she see those things I hid
So well behind my masquerade?
 Nov 2012 Melissa
I kiss you and it seems like the stars shine for us and waves crash along the musky shores for us
But then I realize, the us that once sent my stomach in a frenzy of butterflies
is not the same.
And I find my self holding on to something that does not exist.
And I cry.
My tears are an ode to a person who I've loved so long but with every fiber of my being I know,no longer exists.
People change.
Your smile has changed.

We met at the wrong time,
at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Years from now,
We'll meet again, in some extraordinary way.
And love with be rekindled.
And your smile will be the same.
And I won't spend time wondering if you are my way of compensating with a love deficit.


— The End —