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Melanie Oct 2014
Running place to place, you barely stop to notice that coffee stain on your blouse.
Wrapped up in the haste of daily routine, left in a hurry and quickly locked up the house.
Car horns blaring, stereo blasting, heart racing and anxiety abound.
Stress levels rise, minutes pass by and your car accelerates with one roaring sound.
Like a change in the seasons, the days turn to months and the months into years.
And all of our trivial worries soon fade as our eyes fill with tears.
Will it matter in the end if that paper is late?
That red light you passed is just tempting fate.
And why must we always bury our faces in phones?
There is no need to pass time, spiraling into the unknown.
Look into the world and see the eyes that stare back.
Embrace the faces of loved ones before all goes black.
For you never know when the last "I love you" will come and go.
Be sure those that lie deep within your heart will always know.
Hold tight to what matters for life passes as all lives do.
Take nothing for granted and let lives be defined by what is true.
That life gets busy as all lives do, but life is for nothing without love to get us through.
Slow down, I say. Slow down, I urge. I plead.
Tomorrow when you awake, these words you shall heed:
"I love you."
Melanie Oct 2014
For as long as I have been, I have felt immensely for those who walk together.
For never have I feared the walk at night, only of walking alone.

For as long as my heart has beat, I have felt a piece of it missing.
For never have I felt broken, only incomplete.

For as long as I shall go on living, I will long for a warm embrace.
For never have I had a hand to hold, only my own steady feet.

For as long as the days shall pass on, I will keep my heart guarded.
For never have I instilled trust in others, only in myself.

For as long as the sun sets and the sun rises, I will look forward to a new day.
For never have I feared walking to the end, only of walking alone.
Melanie Sep 2014
Inhale deeply, and a two, three, four.
Exhale, let it fill your soul once more.
The ultimate drug of choice, immersed.
Intoxication takes over, unquenched thirst.

Ceasing to end, and an endless beat.
The kind of tune to make you tap your feet.
It's the swing in your step, the song in your heart.
It's the soulful rhythm in a world torn apart.

Embodies everything in one swift ephemeral plea.
A beautiful song carried out in perfect harmony.
It runs through our veins, innate and entwined.
Music is a language for all of mankind.
Melanie Aug 2014
Swirling and senseless as our sorrow soars.
For how can we make sense of what is no more?

Stories shared, memories recounted, and much reminiscing.
For how can we go on living when someone is missing?

They say it's the cycle, to live, love and die.
For how do we move forward when we continue to cry?

Even humans pass on like the dog, deer and dove.
For the only real difference is our capacity to love.

To love and be loved is a gift like no other.
For our arms were made to hold one another.

In this world, there is too much heartache and pain.
For we must restrain from placing others with blame.

We must remember to live each day with purpose and aspire.
For a life full of passion is what sets our lives afire.

Begin each morning and end each night with "I love you."
For when our times comes, we can bid life ado.

When we pass, it's not an end but a journey anew.
For when it gets hard, love will always get us through.
Melanie Aug 2014
Ring, ring and in a minute everything changes.
Life shifting, your world rearranging.
A beautiful new soul with eyes open wide.
Helpless and howling, innocence is its guide.
Joyous and jubilant as love fills our hearts.
For no moment as precious as when a life starts.

Ring, ring and in the silence, you awake.
A life to take, you rise with an ache.
Uneasiness fills your veins, voices quiver.
This time with only bad news to deliver.
All bodies alike will pass with time.
Yet those souls we love will continue to climb.
Higher and higher, where pain is no more.
Higher and higher, they continue to soar.

Ring, ring, no answer this time.
For I fear what might await me on the line.
A reminder to all that life is precious and finite.
Always lead a life with no regrets in hindsight.
We get one life to live, so please live it well.
And know that love is stronger than any farewell.
Melanie Jul 2014
All our lives, we are told by others that we are a number.
Constantly, we strive to be better, to do better, to excel.
Numbers measure our intelligence, GPA, IQ, test scores.
They measure our self-worth. Our weight, our height, our age.
And when we don't live up to the numbers, we are told we're not good enough. We are not accepted nor are we understood.
Place your hand over your heart.
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Think about all the times you've done something right instead of when it's gone all wrong.
Inhale a deep breath and let it fill in your lungs. Let it ease your worried soul.
You are not a number. Numbers do not define you. People do not define you. When the numbers fade away, what are you left with? Are you happy with who you are as a human being? That is what defines you. Your values, your principles and your sense of self.
We are not numbers so why let them define us?
Melanie Jun 2014
It's slipping away.
And I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it.
Just a memory of happiness.
More than happiness, perhaps even bliss.

What if it's lost forever?
Deep down in my heart.
In a place where no one can find it.
Simply, a token of the past.

What if it was once in a lifetime?
And the feelings are forever gone.
I fear not the absence of it, but
rather never having the memory of it.

Is it floating and never to be found?
Maybe what's left of it fills my aching soul.
And if it is there, why do I feel empty inside?
How do I put back together the pieces?

If one person can build me up & tear me down,
then who can I trust in this world?
Even my own reflection haunts me.
Nothing seems right anymore and I am broken.

I long for the day when I will feel it once more.
I long for the day when I am whole again.
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