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5.8k · Apr 2015
Wish You Were Here
I miss your laugh
The way you smile
The way you tease,
I wish you were here.
When you moved away
It shattered my heart
I forgot how to love
I forgot how to smile
I wish you were here.
My life has been empty
Without your embrace
And I just wish
I could see your smiling face.
I wish you were here.
I figured it was time for a change of pace. Its one about love, instead of the gloomy poems I am so accustomed to writing. It is about the girl I love, who moved to a different state. We had been dating for about 6 months when her mom found a job elsewhere and they packed up and moved. We are still in contact today.
2.8k · May 2015
Melancholy Emptiness
My life is a mess
I don’t know who I am anymore
How can I be gay if I don’t understand
My own gender role?
How can I be good
If people only see the bad?
How can I be here
If I don’t know where ‘here’ is?
How can I go on living
If I don’t understand life?
How can I have friends
When I am afraid to trust?
How can I get help
If there’s no one around?
How can I exist
If my existence is worthless?
How can I touch lives
When people don’t want me there?
How can I open up
If the doors of my heart are locked?
How can God, or anyone love me
When I don’t love myself?
Do I even know how to feel?
Can I feel other than pain?
The loneliness and questioning
Eats away at my very soul
Until there’s nothing left of me
But the hollow shell of a sad girl
Who only wanted to help others
And feel the respect and companionship
That she was so willing to give everyone else.
But by then, she’s just a useless doll
Without a soul
Without the ability to feel.
The only feeling that flows through my veins
Is melancholy emptiness.
I'm not really able to explain what exactly I'm feeling right now other than confusion and depression. But hey, I guess that's normal for me. It's only a matter of time before I'm put on meds or thrown in the ****** bin... Life can be so cruel sometimes...
2.2k · Apr 2015
Music is my Therapy
I’m a little crazy
I may be insane
But Music is my antidote
Music saves my brain.
They say I need therapy
They say that I’m depressed
But music is my antidote
I’m no longer suppressed.
I can finally be myself,
I can finally stand
Music is what kept me sane,
Someday, I'll start a band.
Again, backing away from the doom and gloom, while continuing to stay true to myself. This one actually had poetic structure. Creative writing teachers everywhere would be proud. Haha, but seriously, if it wasn't for music, I would be in a darker place than I currently am.
845 · Jan 2016
Today I heard the Fireworks
Exploding outside the window
As I sit next to the one I wish could be mine
He acts so casual
As we watch scary movies,
So casual
Even as my heart races
And I wish he would notice me
In the way I notice him
My closest friend
Our parents expect us to be something
But I can't admit to them that
I wish there could be something between us
Other than this friendship.
The fireworks go off
But to him they are not fireworks.
To him they are nothing more than sparks,
Meaningless sparks.
Happy New Year everyone
786 · Apr 2015
I feel so alone
No one cares where I am
I feel afraid that
If I go missing
No one will find me
Because no one will know that I’m gone
People only talk to me when they see me
If they see me
It’s difficult to go on this way
Because of the emptiness inside,
I don’t try to hide
People don’t ask
Because people don’t care
They go on with their lives
But I’m dying on the inside
Who can I call a friend?
Is anyone out there?
Searching for me?
Caring for me?
Who can I trust?
Who can I love?
But in reality, the better question is…
Who can love me?
I try to act happy in front of people, but people don't try to look through the haze. They see what they want to see, a pseudoself, not the real me. The me I show to the world, is a completely different me I show to myself...
759 · May 2015
Awesome Day
I’m going to have an awesome day
And there’s nothing you can do about it.
I got a lot of negatives
And I got a lot of positives.
I may be depressed,
But I have friends and family.
I may not have a job,
But at least I’m in school.
You can say what you want about me
But I don’t really care.
You wanna try and ruin my day,
Go right ahead.
But I’m telling you now,
I’m going to have an awesome day
And there’s nothing you can do about it.
For all those D-bags that exist to hurt and confuse the lives of others, this ones for you. You can say whatever the hell you want, but my days going to be awesome.
597 · May 2015
Mothers are there
When you need a friend
When you’re feeling down
A mother is there.
They are there to love,
They are there to care,
Whenever you need them,
A mother is there.
To hold and to scold,
To love and to trust,
There will always be a mother
That’s there for us.
Whether she’s biological or step,
I know my mom loves me,
I don’t have to pretend.
My mother is there
When no one else is,
My mother is there,
But even mothers have expiration dates,
I learned that too soon.
Love your mother
Before it’s too late
She won’t be there forever.
I figured since it is mothers day, why not post a poem about mothers? The last 5 lines are in reference to my biological mother who passed away at the age of 45, when I was only 9, to breast cancer. I have a wonderful step mother, but nothing can fully replace my biological mother. I wanted to write a somewhat cheery poem so you don't think I've completely lost it. (don't understand? read the other poems I wrote today.) Thank you mom for always being there. Even though you are gone now, you are never gone from my broken heart. And thank you to my step mother, the wonderful woman who took in 4 children to raise as her own. Although you will never be my biological mother, you also hold a very special place in my heart. I love you both very dearly...
589 · Apr 2015
We met just once,
But you still love me
You say I’m beautiful
When I don’t see it
We only talk on social media
But you make me feel like I belong
I hope that I can see you again,
I wish you lived closer to us
I wish you and my dad got along
Even though we met just once
I’m glad that you are in my life.
This is about my uncle. I've only met him in person once, but he always responds to my statuses on Facebook, and is always there for me when I'm upset. I figured he deserved a poem.
552 · May 2015
Twisted Emotions
Sometimes I’m so upset
I feel like laughing.
I don’t know why
But the pain inside
Somehow amuses me.
And when I’m sitting in class
And I feel tears sting
The backs of my eyes
But I don’t know why.
Why are my emotions so twisted?
There’s nothing to smile about,
Yet I find myself smiling.
A lonely existence,
With a laughing smile
And crying eyes.
I don’t know how
My existence has become
So twisted.
Sometimes when people insult me, I laugh. Maybe because, half the time the argument is so ridiculous I can't help but laugh. But sometimes I guess that how you get through life. Though your insides are crying out in the pain of emotion, your outside has a defiant smile, like, "Hit me with your best shot."
537 · May 2015
Freedom of Speech?
Because I am white
I can’t say things right.
Anything I say can and will be used against me
All because I’m white.
I can’t express my feelings
Because anything I say is wrong
Because I’m white.
I don’t have the right
To stand up for myself
As a white American
Because even though we are being attacked
By people of other races simply for being white.
They aren’t racist against us,
We aren’t being oppressed
Because whites are evil.
Every single one of us.
Well, according to you, at least.
But I guess that’s fine,
Because I do have one right
That I can use
Without being judged.
But it’s the loneliest right,
I guess that’s alright,
If it’s the only one I’ve got, then I’ll use it.
The right to remain silent.
It seems like lately even the people who I considered friends are standing up for people who hate white people because A white person did something. Because of course, we're all the same, right? I feel that if I even stand up for myself I get shot down and labeled a racist. Throughout my life, I've had 3 best friends. They've all been Mexican. I have 2 step siblings, and they are half black. Even though we have a huge age difference, I still consider them my siblings. Race isn't even a part of it. But people don't look at these things, they look at my skin color. Because I'm white, even if I support people of other races, there's still the checkered past of American white people that follows me everywhere. I guess if I just don't talk to anyone, I can't say anything wrong right? I feel oppressed, because people throw what other people have done in my face and claim I am the same. And everyone says white people aren't oppressed. Because, how can you be oppressed if people in history with the same skin color have oppressed others?
533 · Apr 2015
Stormy Feelings
Sometimes I just want to cry
Without you here
Without anyone…
My heart is a ghostly ship lost in a stormy sea of emotion
Searching forever,
But never finding
Anything that could make me feel
Truly whole inside.
This poem is actually inspired by a painting my mother made, depicting a stormy sea, with a small ship, and a larger, ghostly ship crashing into it. My mother was an amazing artist...
472 · May 2015
Heart of a Doll
My heart is of stone
My soul non-existent
My dreams are deceptions
My feelings are lies.
I do not exist
At least it’s what I wish
For the pain of this world
Has made me this way.
I am who I am
Even if I’m not real
I was foolish to think
People actually cared.
I was stupid to think
They were actually real
Not real to my feelings
My friends, so I thought
You don’t even talk to me!
When were you there?!
How can I trust you
If you don’t even care?!
I don’t know you,
I guess I never did
If you could make me believe
Every word that you said
I was a fool.
You made me this way
I see now, you’re cruel!
You never were there.
I’m just a doll
That nobody wants
No one would ever want
Something like me.
What is my purpose
If not just to rot?
To sit around talking
To beings like you
And truly believe that your feelings were true
You’re a wonderful illusionist
To make me believe
That I could ever have something more
Than the stone cold heart of a doll.
I'm pretty proud of this one. It's not about any specific person, but the world in general. It's sad to think I was walking around blindly for so long, truly believing people actually cared what I thought! But I see now, it doesn't matter what others think, as they think the same of me. The world is cold and cruel. Live happily. Keep your blindfolds on. For the truth of the world is too cruel to live happily in.
469 · May 2015
Insanity Ramblings
I thought I could trust you
To think for yourself
But I guess I’ll have to spell it out for ya.
Or so you assume…
What can I say? I'm a crazy SOAB. The bottled up emotions must really be getting to me.
464 · Apr 2015
For some months I’ve felt alone
Then all my friends want to talk to me
The damage is done
I’m already gone
A low life, no life loser.
I’ve found myself unlovable
I have a horrid fear
Of being with someone
Of being loved by someone
And after this damage is done
People tell me they love me
I don’t want to tell them
I don’t want to break their hearts
For the truth is, I love them too,
But I am too afraid
Of what could happen,
Of what would happen.
Why do people wait
Till the damage is done
To tell others their feelings?
I want to love
And to be loved,
But I can’t.
Fear has taken over my life
A fear of commitment
A fear of change
I would love to love you
But I can’t.
I’m too afraid.
All weekend, I was hanging out with friends, when I've been so used to everyone being too busy for me, or have friends that they can do drugs with (I don't do drugs or drink, so a lot of times, this is a turn off for people). Both days, they were asking "Are you ok?" because I was really uncomfortable being out and about with people, as it had been a while since people wanted to be with me. I also have a strong fear of being in a relationship, I believe it is because of my ex, who had assumed after we had our first kiss, we were going to get married. There was a lot of emotional trauma, as he was a homophobe, and hated the fact that I was not straight. Because of this, I believe that is where my fear of relationships came from. But yesterday, a friend called me to tell me another friend liked me, and she even came on the phone to confirm this. I am deathly afraid and don't know what to do.
453 · Apr 2015
You only talk to me when I’m with him,
Like I’m invisible
Are you my friend?
Or do you just
Politely acknowledge me
Because I’m with him?
I’m his friend
And you’re his friend
But you don’t really consider me a friend…
Do you?
We used to talk,
But now I realize,
It was only when he was there
As if the only reason I am seen
Is because I’m seen with him.
My best friend is popular,
And I am an outcast
So I only have friends
When I’m with my best friend.
My best friend has so many friends, and a lot of them do often consider me a friend, but it seems like they only talk to me when we both happen to be hanging out with him at the same time. It makes me feel so alone, but I don't want to be selfish and ask my friend to only hang out with me, he has his life and I have mine, and I can't let my feelings get in the way of things... It seems like most of my poetry is about him...
417 · May 2015
Life is a Nightmare
Living alone
Is ******* the soul.
For I am a loner,
Eternally lost.

I have no feelings
So everyone says.

Always so cold…

Never return to the past I’ve forgotten
I live alone in my head
God, forgive me for the
Hatred I fill myself with.
Time for eternal sleep
May come at any moment
Are you listening?
Release me from my imprisonment
Eternal pain.
I've always found it interesting when people make poems like this, I made mine a bit more obvious, but if you're having trouble understanding what I mean by this, I spelled the title out along the side. For those of you who noticed, good job, again, I tried to make it obvious with the line spacing.
412 · Apr 2015
My Best Friend
We are so different
Sometimes I wonder why
You even care for me at all
When I told you I loved you
You told me you didn’t,
But you wouldn’t treat me different
It’s difficult to be in love
With your best friend
I see you all the time
But many times
I feel like you look right through me
You look at the outside
Not at the inside
You don’t comment when I’m upset
Like you don’t notice
Even when I tell you I’m upset
You stay silent.
Are you ignoring me?
Or are you giving me a shoulder to cry on?
I don’t know
It’s hard to know
Many times I feel like you don’t understand me
But we’ve known each other
For 5 years.
I feel like I’m alone in this world
But you bring in some happiness
Even though you don’t understand me
You are still my best friend.
This was written for my best friend, my true feelings. Even though he doesn't seem to understand me, I can't imagine my life without him. I did fall in love with him, but he politely told me he wasn't interested, and the next day, told me he was gay. He had told me about a week before that he was bi, and my feelings for him blossomed, because I had basically always known him as gay, so I knew it wouldn't work.  But I pretty much always had feelings for him. Even now, I know it could never work, and I am also in love with a girl that has told me she loves me back. I guess there's somebody for everybody, even someone like me

— The End —