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If my eyes are windows,
i'd prefer them latched shut,
not with sleep, or drunkenness,
but with the hopes of,
and i'm not being cynical,
that when i open them,
i won't be surrounded by the smog,
the **** storm, the 21st century
excuse for a culture,
provided to you by use of TMZ,
MTV, BET, any acronym,
but behind those eyes,
storm windowed, bunkered,
rests a mind that knows only doors,
to open and close as it sees fit,
allowing whatever it pleases to pass,
but not without judgement,
unlike those unruly eyes,
allowing light to shine through,
and darkness to permeate.
 Dec 2011 Meka Boyle
eggs crackle and ****.
I stand over them

My son
used to write me poems
when he
was little.

Poems about
how much he loved me.

he's 21.

And I leave his Christmas gifts
wrapped hurriedly
on the
dining room table.

I turn off the range.

Ladle the eggs
in between
two slabs
of toast.

Zip up my track suit.

The gym is always open
even on Christmas
for a few hours
as the fried whites
hang out
of the sides of my sandwich
dog ears
and my son
to find
the soft bundles
and a quiet
 Dec 2011 Meka Boyle
Whenever you said
that I should be myself
the next word out of your mouth
should have been 'Asterisk',
because there's one limitation:
I must be an imitation
of your actions and
your perception;
I can be different
so long as different is you
and All that I do
must either be your decision
or my hidden vision
so I may be accepted by you
Because, God forbid
someone be arranged
in a different way
than the way you were made.
When I find me full of hate,
I realize I'm just full of you,
and you can spread through me like a disease
Yeah, be my cancer,
spread faster and faster,
and you can ******* me
and ensicken me
and say that you do your harm for care,
which isn't there,
so please, appease me
and follow that statement
with the word 'Asterisk.'
This was written today as part of an English class project. We had a slam poet come in and talk to us and he had us write our own poems. This one I wrote in about 3 minutes, and I was the first to present. Afterwards, I laughed when my friend told me that she didn't want to follow me. lol.
the addict told *******
he was moving out of town
and could never be found

the **** user
kept calling her hypothalamus
but it never called back

the midbrain begged
the frontal cortex please
just one more time, ok?

the parents wondered
why the alcohol counselor
was not Jesus

the *** addict apologized
to the therapist
for not wearing underwear

the alcoholic told his boss
his grandmother died of juvenile diabetes
and he had to go to his funeral

the counselor sighed
then read again
what the Tao Te King said
about nature's inscrutable ways
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