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Meka Boyle Jun 2011
I'm not depressed
I just lack what society coins
Common sense
I live life in all 3 tenses
Because the past
Is the blueprint of my fences
That reign the present in
And I might as well live in the future
In case it never does begin
For sanity is not measured by statistics
The majority's vote does not determine what's realistic
For selfishly we work as a whole
Only as convenience
To reach our own goals
The size of our ambitions
Define the status of our positions
Although this would never reach admission
Independence gains ground by submission
Failure is measured by how well we cope
With the reality of our situations
And the absence of hope
Success however
Is measured by distance
Between the final outcome
And our feeble existence
As we try to conquer life
We digress from our true motives
Doing whatever it takes
To prove ourselves devoted
The ballots were never cast
Yet we take pride that we voted
For the notion that our drive
Is all that's keeping us alive
Is hidden in our conscience
Cuz we don't need it to survive
Life is constant, set in stone
Yet we are continuously changing
Spinning towards the unknown
Until we're all alone
With the thoughts in our minds
Releasing the binds
Which tie us to the perception
Built up by deception
That we begin living the moment we are born
When instead we don't awaken till we win the war
For you can not understand a revolution until you are free
Yet you can not be free till you have a revolution
Meka Boyle Jun 2011
If the main reason to live is to progress
Then deep down I must confess
That life has lost it's luster
I digress
For there is no reward at the end of each breath
As life is tempted by death
For if perfection is the common goal
Then in pieces I must surrender my soul
The only option would be to resign
As the clock slowly ticks
I edge closer to the line
For sanity is not measured by statistics
The ideal way of living is hardly realistic
And if to be mature is to live humbly for a cause
Then life's aim is to ****** and store in a box
All that is left of common sense
Cuz nothing matters except the present tense
I don't want to die for a cause that I do not believe in
Yet to live for it would be as much of a grievance
My freedom was stolen by structure
Built to to prevent treason
People who rebel do so selfishly
Yet those who conform, do so helplessly
In a world of two evils, I must chose my reality
Sparks the flame in society's movement
Happiness is governed by what we can produce
By failing to see the relevance
I've tied my own noose
Life is a battle that can not be conquered through defeat
The only way out is achieved through retreat
Meka Boyle May 2011
Your simplicity perplexes me
As does the audacity of your thoughts
I suppose I don't have the means
To decipher your thoughts at all
However I can only imagine
The complexity in which they consist
By the way you carry yourself
As if you, yourself, are not aware
So please do allow me to enlighten you
On the premise for my evaluation
For it all begins with a premonition
Meka Boyle May 2011
All I knew of you
Has washed away
Left behind a canvas
Covered in grey
For the blacks and whites
Just couldn't contain
The picture of you
Embedded in my brain

I still recall every blemish
And every perfection
But beyond your image
I can't make a connection
For all I knew was a product of my desire
Unreleated to reality
You merely sparked the fire
Which in time, consumed me whole
Burning out my eyes
As I gazed in your soul

Too bad no one warned me
About my facade's limited warranty
Now I'm facing the result
Due to my imagination getting the best of me

The monster I created
Devoured me entirely
As my oblivion deteriorated
So did reality
Meka Boyle May 2011
I'm kept alive by the faintest doubt
That I've yet to discover what life is all about
It's like praying for rain
In the midst of a drought
I keep silent in vain
As everyone around me shouts
Out their self scripted solution
How to to save oneself
Was omitted in the constitution
Still I thrive on the premonition
That life has yet to be defined
Longing for the recognition
That reality can't be refined
So I set out to prove
That nothing can be proven
For the meaning of life
Is cunningly elusive
Meka Boyle May 2011
Time is an illusion
Created to muffle confusion
Forming a false sense of control
Breaking life into fragments
The decomposition of the soul
Divided into segments
Everything is written between thin lines
Creating boundaries
By which our thoughts are bind
Due to the restrictions in our limitless minds
Still no one opposes
Cuz it's easier to handle
Claiming to know the sun
From the light shed by a candle
Illuminating a section
Of a staged resurrection
Between control
And what it means to be
Separated by reality
Counting our blessings like 1 2 3
Keeping time with the rhythm
Of a scripted symphony
Our clocks are set
Counting down to oblivion
As we sleep awaiting the alarm
We surrender our kingdom
To the hands of time
Which harbor our minds
For what we are looking for
Doesn't lay within the lines
Of the social set up
Built upon time
Meka Boyle May 2011
Waiting for a reason
To define my motives
Searching for the cause
Which has driven me devoted
For I have the definition
Of something beyond my comprehension
Outside my realm of recognition
I can taste the tension
Building up between
What it is and what it seems
Relying on what can be seen
To reflect sightless dreams
I long to be awoken
From the trance of confusion
As I try to hear the unspoken
Call out to an illusion
Parallel to the light
The moon reflects off the sun
The darkness curtains the night
As the two work as one
So still I dream on
With my conclusion on my lips
Yet unable to separate daydreams
I create an internal eclipse
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