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Meka Boyle May 2011
I vaguely recall
That afternoon
Except the way
Your eyes reflected the moon
As the sun lingered
Casting it's last goodbye
It didn't pause to rest in your eyes
Instead it merely evaporated
Using the night as it's disguise
I suppose it didn't think
To cover up it's tracks
For your expression captured the instant
Before the sky turned black
Entertwining with the remaining hues
Cast behind the procession
In subtle pinks and blues
Only for a moment
Would they survive
For when the moon settles in
Only your eyes remain alive
Acting as a spotlight
To your soul
Yet when you blink
Darkness devours you whole
So as I reminisce
I try to remember
That beneath all the ashes
The moon illuminates an ember
Meka Boyle May 2011
I have trouble deciphering trust
From the voice in my head
That's driven by the lust
Of wanting to be needed
You had a warning sign in your forehead
But I chose not to read it
My fate was decided
The moment we collided
Meka Boyle May 2011
A ray of sun
Has managed to penetrate
The dark curtains
Entering my room
Its dances along my wall
Making patterns upon my eyelids
It can be appreciated in all it's splendor
For when I pull the curtains back
It disappears
Becoming one with the beams of light
Which now surround it
The spotlight which it had cast
Is no more
It has sunk back into the shadows
Of light
Meka Boyle May 2011
Since when were reflections one sided
I try to piece it together
But my thoughts remain divided
How can perceptions exist simultaneously
When we only voice our opinions to convince others to agree
Who are we to define reality
Aside from what we see on tv
Accepting the submission
That comes without permission
When we buy into the picture
Sticking our key in the ignition
Too bad no one told us this ride was automatic
We try to listen for directions but can't hear beyond the static
That comes between our thoughts and actions
Creating security
False satisfaction
Still we claim individuality
Yet we would eagerly trade it for mortality
Death can wait
As we compress our emotions
We eagerly drink from society's potion
Unaware it's only a placebo
The effect is the same
As long as we don't know
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
Crying out for war
With no idea what you're fighting for
Little soldier who craves protection
You eagerly submit
In fear of rejection
Yet you refuse to admit
That the rhythm of your heart beat
Matches the drone
Of the war machine that can't fathom defeat
For the fear of the unknown
Is the only validation for retreat
So mask you vulnerability behind bullet proof vests
Shouting out less is more
When really more is less
When it comes to conformity
Cuz the more they teach you, the less you see
Blinded by the blatant truth
Explanation was lost in the youth
Society has caved in
To the pressure of greed
Which rooted itself within
The very epitome of need
So as you fight off emotion for the fear you can't define it
You're making a deal with the devil
And allowing society to sign it
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
My generations at a hold up
Force fed lies by society
We're never gonna grow up
Preoccupied with what we need
We subconsciously become devoured by greed
Insecurity is at the bottom of consumption
"You need __ to succeed"
We're the last of a dying breed
Materialistic makeup
Our genetics have mutated
We're no longer able to wake up
From the nightmare we've created
Identification has taken a new definition
You are what you posess
Unaware the latest trend is only repetition
Sheltered by our ignorant need
Progress is our main goal
Yet we're unsure of how to proceed
So instead we proclaim our need for change
While spending the last of our common sense
On a fee to enter this stage
Which acts as our cage
Locking us into society's game
It's the final act
Our last chance to fame
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
Break me down
Erode the shimmer of my handmade crown
Swallow me inside the eye of your hurricane
Don't refrain
From pulling me in
Feed me the apple from eden
I wanna taste your sin
Give me something to belive in
Then define it without reason
Break into my heart
Your the best kind of treason
Wear away my free will
Sugar coat reality and feed me the pill
And watch as it goes down smoothly
Attach me to the ground
But tie the string loosely
Then sneak up behind me and cut off a loose piece
Releasing me from this world
Setting me free
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