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Meka Boyle Apr 2011
Everyone is afraid of Pandora's box
So society fashioned a key
Had it permanently locked
Banishing the concept of freedom of thought
Opinions have to be found
In order to have been lost
There has to be sound
To proclaim the cost
Society is on a tightrope
Free will has already been dropped
With the precision of an acrobat
But the composure of a clown
Cuz in all seriousness
I must confess
That to form my own thoughts
I was deemed mindless
In order to get caught
I had to surrender my address
Still I have the safety
Of four walls surrounding me
As Pandora's box fights off the currents drowning me
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
All our morals went out the door
As we greedily call out
We want more
The world sold out
She's a *****
Tryin to find a way out
Behind a closed door
The word revolves around consumption
It can't properly function
Orbiting around need
So easily deceived
Unaware we could override it
Our fate has already been decided
Punched in
As we prepare at the starting line
We forget it's also the end
For we've surrendered our capacity
To comprehend
Awed by the audacity
That our minds are only a trend
Constantly changing to fit a mold
Don't form your own thoughts
Cuz soon they'll be old
Out of date
So change them when you're told
And continue on
With this mundane game
Surrender your name
In a quest for fame
For bright lights
Provide insight
That only survives
Till the dark of night
Afraid of you demons
You hold that spotlight tight
Unaware that it's purpose
Has blended in the surface
For in your journey
You're not alone
You have one last call
Society's already on the phone
Inflicting the fear if the unknown
Providing a antidote
You swallow the pill
Become a drone
Kiss goodbye to individuality
You've been reduced to a clone
Nothing sets you apart
From everyone else
You sacrificed your heart
Now it's labeled on a shelf
Next to a dictionary
Made to define yourself
By someone else
So break out of the cycle
Spinning you towards destruction
Cuz pretty soon you'll come to a junction
Where you'll have to decide
Between your mind
And the comfort of conformity
For it's much more simple than reality
So listen to my distorted wisdom
There's one thing I am certain
We need a change in the system
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
You are the most intriguing person I've never met
With a face like yours I don't think I could forget
You linger in my dreams, drawing me in
It's as if it's real, I can almost touch your skin
I still have yet to meet you outside of my head
Yet when I do, nothing will need to be said
For the power your words contain
Would not be able to refrain
From unleashing the feelings which run through our veins
We're bound to destroy eachother
When our paths do collide
But only in that moment will I ever feel alive
For your very existence awakens my soul
Your the missing piece which will make me whole
The faintest image of you engulfs my sight
I get through my days by thinking of the night
Where you visit my dreams if only a moment
My heart is yours yet you don't realize you own it
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
Prove me wrong
Contradict my convictions
Take me beliefs
Destroy them with your predictions
Gather my facts
And reduce them to fiction
Nothing is ever set in stone
Opinions are irrelevant if they exist alone
Nothing is anything if it remains unknown
So drag me into your perspective
Cuz the meaning of life is completely subjective
I don't want you to agree with my thoughts
For submission is weakness
Enter my mind at the risk of being caught
So don't get entangled in my emotion
For there's no antidote to this vile potion
Your fate will be sealed as you look through my eyes
Realizing then, that I see through your lies
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
Your all the same
In order to blend in
You surrendered your brain
Unable to attach any emotion to pain
Going through life with a common aim
Yeah your agreeable
So is everyone else
When opinions are vacant
And hidden on a shelf
Far away from conversation
Your thoughts escaped
Call it desperate evacuation
So alone and trapped you give up the fight
Surrendering yourself
Along with your rights
Yeah your driven
By a common goal
Inclined to give in
Together you are whole
Alone you nothing
Aside from yourself
Yet who are you without anyone else
Eyes set on perfection
You **** your soul
Skipping the resurrection
Unable to make any connection
Between your mind
And the social setup by which your bind
Your burden was too heavy
So you left it behind
Yet still you long for what you once knew
In a world of falsehoods there is a hint of what's true
Enticing you
Unaware of how to achieve it
You set out to deceive it
Convince it you don't believe it
While getting close enough to breathe it
Still afraid to break out of your shell
Afraid of heaven you take refuge in hell
You have no means of being substantial
Your reality check was declined
But you only see the debt as financial
So please understand that you can't comprehend
The reality of thought
So keep calling it pretend
Just don't try to understand me
Because your petty words can't brand me
And no matter what you do
Without insight you will never see
Past the curtain
Separating you from me
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
The sound of the rain gently caresses me
As the feel on my skin wholly possesses me
Shivers dance up and down my spine
Piecing me together as my thoughts begin to align
Meka Boyle Mar 2011
You think you've got it all figured out
You understand life and what it's about
But you only know what your told
Society offered understanding
You were bought and sold
Crammed and twisted to fit a rigged mold
Sure you know yourself
It's easy when your the same as everyone else
With your pointless attempts to make a name
In your quest for individuality
You all are the same
Yeah you can think your own thoughts
But language's web has got you caught
Meaningless words describe your deepest emotion
On a hunger strike, you drink society's potion
You claim to be a rebel by definition
It's like having a gun without ammunition
As you express yourself through how you appear
You might as well cut off your ears
Cuz your wake up call has passed by in silence
Still you dream on
Clinging to common sense
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