"...God save us!" That's what's written on a ***** wall down the alley of a forgotten heaven. Though she was too young to understand the real essence of the phrase, it sounded like a plea hanging by its neck. She held her headless doll tighter...
...The Creation
of heaven on Earth
was necessary
It was never about
but following...
...Salvation is but a prayer of those who are in despair. Who will save us? She knew nothing about this and all that mattered was the growing hunger. The sky was dark and grinning with lightning...
...He had been sitting
on top of the world
for as long as time
can remember
is his gospel...
...She had lived long enough with misery but not long enough to see the skies relieved of its burden. Who is God? That was the last thing she had thought before they butchered her for her flesh...
"...Divide and Conquer"
the thought
becomes a living entity
Feed those
who have
with those
who have
"There's a monster residing in every society..."
**Tangent Freeverse