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Sep 2017 · 426
Word Porn
Meghan Makenzie Sep 2017
The loneliest moment in
someone's life is when they are
watching their whole world fall
apart, and all they can do is
stare blankly.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mar 2017 · 3.8k
Whispers in the Dark
Meghan Makenzie Mar 2017
Silence all the laughter
Everyone has gone.
Leave me here
Let life roll along.

Shut out the light
I don't wish you to see.
This empty existence
Now en-capturing me.

Close all the doors
Let no one in.
The person you knew
Is no longer me.

Lock all the windows
Make this my cell.
The Dark is my prison
This is my hell.

Block out those sounds
Let life roll along.
I can still hear the music
But it's not my song.
~ J.R.
Jan 2017 · 364
. . .
Meghan Makenzie Jan 2017
It's sad when
You realize
What a smile
Can truly hide
Dec 2016 · 868
The Pessimist
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2016
Isn't it upsetting to think that
There were 107, 602, 707, 791 people
Who lived and died
On this earth before you
And soon you'll be
Just like them,
Nov 2016 · 663
Meghan Makenzie Nov 2016
One morning I heard
Your soft whisper: a rustle
Among decaying leaves.
When I touched your hardened bark
Darkened by the ages,
I felt your roots untangled
beneath my calloused feet.
August 18th
Oct 2016 · 564
I'll Be Good
Meghan Makenzie Oct 2016
I thought I saw the devil
This morning
Looking in the mirror, drop of *** on my tongue
With the warning
To help me see myself clearer
I never meant to start a fire
I never meant to make you bleed
I'll be a better man today

I'll be good,
And I'll love the world, like I should
I'll be good
For all of the times
That I never could

My past has tasted bitter
For years now
So I wield an iron fist
Grace is just weakness
Or so I've been told
I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death
Maybe I'm waking up today

I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
I'll be good
I'll be good

For all of the light that I shut out
For all of the innocent things that I doubt
For all of the bruises I've caused and the tears
For all of the things that I've done all these years
And all
For all of the sparks that I stomped out
For all of the perfect things that I doubt

I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times
I never could

For all of the times I never could
All of the times I never could
Jaymes Young
May 2016 · 590
I Want To Write A Poem
Meghan Makenzie May 2016
Sitting here in this red chair
Listening to my teacher
Tell me what I need to write about
An experience and how I felt
But I don't want to
I want to write a poem
Just not about an experience
I want to write about how I hurt
About how I hate it when someone
Tells me to "Smile"
Because whenever I don't smile
It's because I have a FLIPPIN' good
Reason not to
I want to write about how I hate it
When someone turns my music down
Because that's the only thing keeping
Me calm and relaxed
And keeping me from ripping their
Throats out
I want to write
About my feet hurting
About my teeth
About my anger
Towards my sister
My father
About my anger towards someone
When all they expect me to do is be
Their dairy
About how one person can't show me
A slice of respect
I want to write a poem about how I
How I throw on that invisible mask
That everyone thinks they can see
But when I throw on the mask
They're just as blind as I am
I want to write my own personal poem And not have to share it with every Person In my class
But instead of writing a poem about
How it feels like fire is consuming my
I complain
Instead of writing about how irritation
Washes over me every single second of
Every single day
I complain
Instead of writing about how I'm being
Skinned alive when I'm mistreated
I complain
I want to write what I want
Instead I'm writing a poem about an
Experience and how I felt
Just like my teacher said so
Oct 2015 · 392
Open My Eyes
Meghan Makenzie Oct 2015
Underneath your gaze I was found in
The haze I'm wondering around in
I am lost in the dark of my own room
And I can't see a thing but the fire in
Your eyes

Clear my eyes, make me wise
Or is all I believe in lies
I really don't know when or where to Go
And I can't see a thing 'til you open my

I've been told by some you'll forget me
The thought doesn't upset me
I am blind to whatever they're saying
And all I can see is the fire in your

Can't believe it's own your mind
To leave me behind
The Bangles
Sep 2015 · 2.1k
Homeless Old Woman
Meghan Makenzie Sep 2015
Tattered and torn,
Old, and quite worn.
She lives in the street,
No shoes on her feet.

They call her "Old Hag",
Her clothes, but a rag.
Children throw stones,
Never leave her alone.

But somehow she thrives,
Lest her will to survive.
Despite her poor health,
And absence of wealth.

She sleeps where she's able,
Park benches, old tables,
Eats food from trash cans,
Her bathroom-- A bedpan.

Seeks shelter from rain,
Most often in vain.
Finds warmth in the winter,
From restaurant air-venters.

She smiles at the sun,
Gives birds half her crumbs,
Has only three teeth,
To chew what she eats.

And each night she does pray,
To see a new day.
Before she closes her eyes,
And quietly dies...
SJ Sinister
Sep 2015 · 540
Never Know
Meghan Makenzie Sep 2015
Until you've crawled in the
Corners of my mind
You'll never know
How I really feel.
Aug 2015 · 679
Watch Over You
Meghan Makenzie Aug 2015
Once upon a time, there was a boy
His mother would whisper over his
"Angels are watching over you"
And I waited, and I watched.
The boy grew up and had no faith
In God,
Or in me.

Once upon a time, there was a broken
I took him by his arm,
And gripped him tight.
I raised him.
And while I gave him faith,
He gave to me my humanity.

Once upon a time, there was a man,
And like his mother once did,
I stood over his bed
And I whispered to him,
"I'll Watch Over You."
Sam's life
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
The Chosen One
Meghan Makenzie Aug 2015
I never believed in angels,
And this was plain to see.
Not even when one flew down
To Hell to set me free.

This angel spoke my name
And told me Heaven's plan:
In order to save the world,
They'll need the Righteous Man.

I cried, "it isn't me";
That I didn't know what to do.
The angel took my hand
And said, "I have faith in you."

'Twas he who showed me how
To fulfill my destiny.
I never believed in Angels,
'Til an Angel believed in me.
Aug 2015 · 442
Meghan Makenzie Aug 2015
Many agree that
He was constructed by the
Silken fingers of angles,
Their steady handiwork
Nothing less then impeccable
When they painted stars onto his
Cheeks and injected the sky
Into his gaze, but he always
Begs to differ because he
Cannot understand why they
Would sculpt him out of Heaven
If he had already been destined
To be ******.
Jul 2015 · 610
High School Square
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
The freshman girl,
Oh so shy,
Sits and watches the
Sophomore guy.

The sophomore guy,
With his head in a whirl,
Sits and watches the
Junior girl.

The junior girl,
In her red sedan,
Sits and watches the
Senior man.

The Senior Man,
All Hot And Wild,
Secretly Loves The
Freshman Child.
Jul 2015 · 724
Dust Bowl Dance
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
The young man stands
On the edge of his porch
The days were short
And the father was gone
There was no one in the town
And no one in the field
This dusty barren land had
Given all it could yield

I've been kicked off my land
At the age of sixteen
And I have no idea where else
My heart could've been
I placed all my trust at the
Foot of this hill
And now I am sure my
Heart can never be still

So collect your courage
And collect your horse
And pray you never fill this
Same kind of remorse

Seal my heart and brake
My pride
I've nowhere to stand
And now nowhere to hide
Align my heart, my body, my mind
To face what I've done
And do my time

Well you are my accuser
Now look in my face
Your oppression reeks of your
Greed and disgrace
So one man has
And another has not
How can you love what it is
You have got
When you took it all from
The weak hands of the poor
Liars and thieves you
Know not what is in store
There will come a day
I will look in your face
You will pray to the god that
You've always denied
And I'll go out back and I'll get my gun
I'll say, " You haven't met me
I am the only son!"

Seal my heart and brake
My pride
I've nowhere to stand
And now nowhere to hide
Align my heart, my body, my mind
To face what I've done
And do my time

Well, yes sir, yes sir, yes it was me
I know what I've done
'Cause I know what I've seen
I went out back and I got my gun
I said " You haven't met me
I am the only son."
Jul 2015 · 298
Give Up
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
You had a lot of reasons to give up
On me
But you still chose to stay
I had a lot of reason to stay
But I chose to give up on you
Jul 2015 · 598
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
I miss you more than
I thought I would,
And cried much more
Than I thought I could.
Time heals all...
That's what they say!
But loves the price
And so I pay.
Sometimes I smile
I know you're near
It's not enough
You are not here.
The years roll by
I'm not the same
Yet in my heart
You still remain.
You left love behind
When you flew away
But a piece of me
You too that day.
Jul 2015 · 313
Ten Word Poem
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
I walked this street and
Lost myself along the way

By. Savannah Nicolle
Jul 2015 · 955
Sweet Dreams
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
Go to sleep, and close your eyes
And dream of broken butterflies
wings once pretty, now are torn
ripped and shredded against a thorn

Silver metal, shine so bright
Scarlet blood, that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down
Just don't wake up until you drown

The moonlight's shining off your tears
As you're bleeding out your own worst fears
wait tonight until you cry
then whisper the cutter's lullaby

Hushabye baby, you're almost dead
You've lost your pulse and your pillow Is red
Your family hates you, and your friends let You bleed
Sleep tight with a knife, cause it's all You'll need

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred
Who knew life could be this Hard
Time to end the pain that you hid so well
Then down will come baby, straight Back to hell.
Collaboration with W Filament
Jul 2015 · 437
Between The Bars
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
Drink up baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do
You won't but you might
The potential you'll be
That you'll never see
The promises you'll only make

Drink up with me now
And forget all about
The pressure of days
Do what I say
And I'll make you okay
And drive them away
The images stuck in your head

Poeple you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
Push and shove and won't bend to
Your will
I'll keep them still

Drink up baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again between the bars
Where I'm seeing you there
With your hands in the air
Waiting to finally be caught

Drink up one more time
And I'll make you mine
Keep you apart,
Deep in my heart,
Separate from the rest,
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot

Poeple you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
Push and shove and won't bend to
Your will
I'll keep them still

~ Eliot Smith
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
The Imitation Game
Meghan Makenzie Apr 2015
Of course machines can't
Think as people do. A
Machine is different from a
Person. Hence, they think
Differently. The interesting
Question is, just because
Something, uh.. Thinks
Differently from you, does
That mean it's not thinking?
Well, we allow for humans
To have such divergences
From one another. You
Like strawberries, I hate ice-
Skating, you cry at sad
Films, I am allergic to
Pollen. What is the point
Of...of... Different tastes,
Different... Preferences, if
Not, to say that our brains
Work differently, that we
Think differently? And if we
Can say that about one
Another, then why can't we
Say the same thing for
Brains... Built of copper and
Wire, steel?

Who ever has not seen this movie, I strongly recommend you check it out.
Feb 2015 · 839
Louder Then Thunder
Meghan Makenzie Feb 2015
What would it take?
For things to be quiet, quiet like the snow.

I know this isn't much, but I know, I could, I could be better.

I dont think I deserve it, selflessness.
Find your way into my heart.

All stars could be brighter,
All hearts could be warmer.

What would it take for things to be quiet?
Quiet like the snow.

Are we meant to be empty handed?
I know I could, I could be better.

I dont think I deserve it, selflessness.
Find your way into my heart.

All stars could be brighter,
All hearts could be warmer.

What would it take for things to be quiet?

~The Devil Wears Prada
Jan 2015 · 596
Meghan Makenzie Jan 2015
You think you can win
You think you can **** us
You think because him and
I went to Hell you've won

You tortured me
I was skinned alive
You made him do
Horrible things for your

When I came out I didn't have
A soul anymore
When I got pulled up
It was left behind

You will drown in your own
You know I have powers
That I'm more powerful then you
You are afraid of us
Afraid of me
Afraid of him
You will burn
You will be cast back in Hell

Where you belong
Dec 2014 · 604
Never too Late
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

No one will ever see
This side reflected
And if there's something wrong
Who would have guessed it
And I have left alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like
It's not too late
It's never too late

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

The world we knew
Won't come back
The time we've lost
Can't get back
The life we had
Won't be ours again

This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late (It's never too late)
It's not too late
It's never too late
Three days grace
Dec 2014 · 848
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
******* flame in my bloodstream
Sold my coat when I hit Spokane
Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes
In the early mornin' rain
Lately my hands they don't feel like mine
My eyes been stung with dust and blind
Held you in my arms one time
Lost you just the same
Jolene, I ain't about to go straight, it's too late
I found myself face down in a ditch
***** in my hair, blood on my lips
A picture of you holding a picture of me
In the pocket of my blue jeans

Still don't know what love means
Still don't know what love means
Jolene, Jolene
Been so long since I seen your face
Felt a part of this human race
I've been living out of this
Here suitcase for way too long
Man needs something he can hold onto
Nine pound hammer or a woman like you
Either one of them things will do
Jolene, I ain't about to go straight, it's too late
I found myself face down in a ditch
***** in my hair, blood on my lips
A picture of you holding a picture of me
In the pocket of my blue jeans
Still don't know what love means
Still don't know what love means
Jolene, Jolene,
Dec 2014 · 398
First Kiss
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I want our first kiss
To go on and on
Like a poem
That's still
Being written.
Dec 2014 · 441
My First Love Poem
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I love the sound of your voice,
And the way that we touch...
I love the warmth of your smile,
Cause I love you so much!
I'll love you forever,
In just the same way...
As I have from the start,
With all of my heart, everyday!
Dec 2014 · 493
After Glow
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I'd like the memory of me
To be a happy one.
I'd like to leave an after glow
Of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo
Whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times
And bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
To try before the sun
Of happy memories
That I leave when life is done.
Dec 2014 · 365
The Road Not Taken
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;         

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,         

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.         

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert frost
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
Let go of the past...
Trust the future...
Embrace change...
Come out of the cocoon...
Unfurl your wings...
Dare to get off the ground...
Ride the breeze...
Savor the flowers...
Put on your brightest colors...
Let your beauty show.
Dec 2014 · 673
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
It's better to keep silent
Then to tell others what
You feel.
It hurts badly when you
Come to know that
They can hear you
But can not understand you.
Dec 2014 · 374
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I told you to run so we could be free
Why sacerfice yourself for other
You gave so much
You fought for them
When all they did was spit on you

I ask why
"I have nothing to lose"
You said
You have me
You can lose me

They caught you
Put a necklace of rope around your neck
You fought
No point

I told you to run
You stayed and fought
For the people
Who put you there
Why not run
Dec 2014 · 589
Not Knowing
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
I want to write a poem
About my teeth hurting
And my fingers burning

Of my heart braking
From loneliness, to cause
In which is my differentness

To pen in script
What it would be like
To lie in a crypt

I need to brake the oppression
Of my life and escape the depression
Holding me tight.
Dec 2014 · 374
On Leaving
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
Pick up
Where we left
Off: bonds
Like friendship
And meaning
Started to unravel
Beneath the weighted imitation
Of life. Can we go
To the beginning?
When we were younger
And in some ways wiser
Our hearts invincible
Able to feel
Despite knowing
One day
We will
Forget to say

Dec 2014 · 671
Real Life
Meghan Makenzie Dec 2014
When you feel like life is playing a trick on you
Birds stop singing
Oceans stop moving
The sun is not shinning
Your heart is slowly dying
You want to run
But don't know where
You want to scream
Seems to loud
Walls get higher
Skin turns red
Eyes without bliss
Soul slowly dying
Your feeling lost.

— The End —