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I brush my cheek,
against the downy softness of yours.

Your scent hypnotic,
opening up to the ******.

Hands trace my form
fingers agile and warm.

Your kisses divine
exploring your body as you explore mine.

We are Columbus and Magellan,
desire the North Star.

Guiding us, showing where we are

Lips on lips
hands on hips.

We are two ships,
Charting the seas

Waves pull us to and fro
we reach our peak
unable to speak.

Awash in the glow of
... aw you know.

Resting cheek on chest,
hand on breast.

We sleep, until seas calm again
but unlike those explorers,
We will set sail to discover all over again.
It seems like you and I are only
two crazy thoughts in some lonely
person's mind,
desperately looking for another of its kind.

His hand - in vain - trying to clutch
two parallels that almost touch,
doomed to run side by side in agony
- This, my sweet love, is what we seem to be.
Through the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,
Past the wan-mooned abysses of night,
I have lived o'er my lives without number,
I have sounded all things with my sight;
And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.

I have whirled with the earth at the dawning,
When the sky was a vaporous flame;
I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim,
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.

I had drifted o'er seas without ending,
Under sinister grey-clouded skies,
That the many-forked lightning is rending,
That resound with hysterical cries;
With the moans of invisible daemons, that out of the green waters rise.

I have plunged like a deer through the arches
Of the hoary primoridal grove,
Where the oaks feel the presence that marches,
And stalks on where no spirit dares rove,
And I flee from a thing that surrounds me, and leers through dead branches above.

I have stumbled by cave-ridden mountains
That rise barren and bleak from the plain,
I have drunk of the fog-foetid fountains
That ooze down to the marsh and the main;
And in hot cursed tarns I have seen things, I care not to gaze on again.

I have scanned the vast ivy-clad palace,
I have trod its untenanted hall,
Where the moon rising up from the valleys
Shows the tapestried things on the wall;
Strange figures discordantly woven, that I cannot endure to recall.

I have peered from the casements in wonder
At the mouldering meadows around,
At the many-roofed village laid under
The curse of a grave-girdled ground;
And from rows of white urn-carven marble, I listen intently for sound.

I have haunted the tombs of the ages,
I have flown on the pinions of fear,
Where the smoke-belching Erebus rages;
Where the jokulls loom snow-clad and drear:
And in realms where the sun of the desert consumes what it never can cheer.

I was old when the pharaohs first mounted
The jewel-decked throne by the Nile;
I was old in those epochs uncounted
When I, and I only, was vile;
And Man, yet untainted and happy, dwelt in bliss on the far Arctic isle.

Oh, great was the sin of my spirit,
And great is the reach of its doom;
Not the pity of Heaven can cheer it,
Nor can respite be found in the tomb:
Down the infinite aeons come beating the wings of unmerciful gloom.

Through the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,
Past the wan-mooned abysses of night,
I have lived o'er my lives without number,
I have sounded all things with my sight;
And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.
hello again silence my new friend
your a cruel means to an end
to she and I along a long long path
a walk that gives the memories wrath

every call she doesn't make
I feel the crushing weight begin to take
another inch I haven't got to give
it makes my skin no good place to live

there's a suffocating absence of life
as I lose the one they call my wife

every word she doesn't speak
is another lesson that you teach
how words mean so much, meant when said
even so much more when they go unsaid
and you laugh at the tears of a fool on his course
and you reach endlessly with no remorse
and you mock and you make it true
that the heartbroken is the one married now to you

teacher teacher hard as stone
you leave me waiting by a phone
and every letter that she doesn't write
is another long, lonely, longing, restless night

sometimes I kneel, lowly, and pray
ask for communication to come today
but you absorb my cries and pleas
I'm alone again with you, on my knees

you're a suffocating absence of life
taking from me the one they call my wife

silence silence my new friend
you are a cruel means to an end
Oh my God
There it is
A signal of hope
For all hungry travelers
Those golden arches
Beaming within the night air

It’s enough to make those weak of heart cry
Burst into joyful tears
Open at 2 o’ clock?
They must’ve known we were coming
Thank you, for the all night drive through
Pupils glazed like donuts
Donuts donuts donuts
McDonalds should serve donuts
Back on track
Big mac
Impending heart attack
The pit that is my stomach
Cannot be satisfied
Throw in about
Five McDoubles
Chick nuggets
And fries….
Mountains upon mountains of fries…

Excuse me,
I need to fall asleep now
 May 2013 Megan Renee
Amber W
And I will kiss your shoulders,
When they are bare and
Wanting for a kiss.  
I will twine myself deep into your hair
And pull,
Until the back of your neck prickles
With delight.

I will creep in a single stream of honey
When you wrap in your shades and shutters
And pour golden, sticky sweet
Directly into your heart.

I will get lost amongst some cloud or mountain
(You cannot blame me, for as I do
you do often, too.)
And just when you have forgotten
How I warm those certain spots you knew not existed
As I creep through the blinds as you bathe,
Illuminating where you are broken, or soft,
I show myself,
In all bright and shining splendour.
You will forget me not.

I will let you indulge in me,
Take me in until you flake and rip
In chunks of bitter rust.
I will delight in how I eat away
At what once was white and pure.

Come night, I will leave to those
With sharper tongues and bigger hooks,
And you will be cold.

You will claw at the walls on which I once shone,
And with bleeding fingers
Rest amongs the grasshoppers and watch,
Waiting for my reflection in the new moon.
 May 2013 Megan Renee
We are distracted by reality shows
And the newest iPod or MacBook
Spell check even corrects the ipod to iPod
Materialism will be the end of our freedom
And the dependence on consumer products and imported goods
Technically, Technology is a blessing and a curse
Memories of the good ol’ days will die
You looked at me
and I looked at you
and that's exactly what happened.
Because things don't always need to be complicated.
 May 2013 Megan Renee
you are flowers
growing between
my railroad
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