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I would like to believe that your love could make me touch the milky way and that it would allow supernova’s to travel through my bloodstream and fill me with something other than disappointment but I was wrong.


your grip on my hand tightened when I told you I’m running away. you looked at me with wide eyes and I almost cried because they’re so beautiful. you put your forehead to mine and I asked if you would please come with but you only smiled.

it is two weeks later
and I am aching
for an answer I
will never get.


you held your fingers over the five bruises on my thighs and I kept trying to pretend I was okay but all I could think about were your fingertips finding my new bloodstained cuts and old blackberry one’s and your realizing just how ugly I actually am.


“what happens when I go home?”

“I don’t know.”

“you don’t know?”

“I’ll phone everyday. I promise.”

you said it with so much sincerity that I almost believed you, but then I tried to hold your hand and make wishes on our fingers but you pulled away instead.

you shouldn’t have pulled away.


at night I am a comet shooting away from your lips and finding something else to bury myself inside of, but then I remember that I have nothing behind by rib cage so instead I return to you.

every time.
 May 2013 Megan Renee
 May 2013 Megan Renee
The dim morning light
Shone on her body
He admired her perfection

Her legs were thrown carelessly
Above the covers
They seemed to never end

Her hair spread about
Forming a halo of silk
Around her head

Her body leaned toward him
And seemed to sigh
In time with his bliss

Her fingers, long and thin
Were as beautiful as hands could be
And they were his

Her eyes, closed to the world
Were just as beautiful
As the soul they contained

Her arms reached to him
With her bare wrists showing
And on one was tattooed "remember"

He would never forget.
It’s amazing how one hospital trip can change the rest of your life. Or even lack of one even. He was four. I, three.  It was late, I had no idea why I was going to Bridget and John’s house. More importantly, I didn’t know why Zack wasn’t coming with me. 11 pm, I guess that’s pretty late for a three year old. I don’t think at that point I really had any grasp on what was actually happening. That nothing would ever be the same again. Half asleep, trudging to that sliding glass door I’d seen hundreds of times. I went into the house, the aroma of sweet cinnamon and love hung in the air.
      Burnt toast and peanut butter. That pretty much sums up an entire year of my life. Three years old, and for almost every weekend, which was too many, spent with Bridget and John, sleepless nights and peanut butter toast. There was: late night toast, midnight toast, way too early morning toast, morning toast, breakfast toast, too much toast. I think I was a picky three year old, then again, that isn’t exactly unheard of. I wasn’t very fond of peanut butter or toast, but I still ate it. I yearned for a sweet taste of normality. I craved something routine. Funny, because my life was everything but normal during that year. Funny, because I will never eat peanut butter toast ever, again.
     Many nights spent waiting for an answer. Wishing to go back, and hoping for everything to be okay. But as the car rolled out of the gravel driveway on that first night, so did an unmedicated future for my brother.
I've been writing vignettes recently
A light left on in the dark of night,
A fight that rages on only deepening our plight,
Blind in the dark we find ourselves lost,
A war is fought but at what cost.
Simple things that keep us alive,
A shallow grave, our time arrives,
Bodies that never saw the light of day,
A debt not ours but it's we who pay.
sometimes full,
tempestuous and raw; we shone,
howling at the moon (and one another).

Prettier with
candlelight and my reflection in your eyes,
you held me tight,
I threw back my head and screamed your name--
but I never meant it
until you walked away;

I never loved you more
than when your back was turned.

Now breathing in
early morning air and ash,
sifting through yesterday
with lyrics and a fine-toothed comb--

trying to remember
if you were ever beautiful,
other than metaphorically.
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
 May 2013 Megan Renee
Anon C
You poisoned it
my love
a child's twisted black heart
quenched with acidic raindrops
feeding upon a parasitic wasteland
reaching for the one who bleeds like me
unable to hold, I cannot wield it
when the anvil drops
pain and repercussions become absolute
On the streets of Baghdad
Stood a man begging for peace
And honesty
And quiet on the sabbath
And in the wreckage
Of Sunnis and Shiites
And deaf from the bomb blasts
He was finally allowed to have it.
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