You promised the world, and all the beauty it holds.
You promised your heart, and all you’ve ever known
You tossed aside, you got on the ride
Unknowingly, knowingly, ready to explore a love
You’ve never been shown.
You took his hand, and lead him to a castle,
You kept him warm for a little while.
He looked with disbelief as a glance over your shoulder
Removed any recollection of grief
His dog-eared heart had ever felt.
I’ve known him now around eighteen years
And the magic he found in you removed my fear
That he had forgotten how to love,
Forgotten what it felt like to hear
The music life plays.
I fear his ticket is soon to expire,
So please keep his heart on fire.
Keep him close and safe from harm,
Keep on riding for a little while longer
And shelter him from any storm.
I know you’ve loved and lost the same as him
And a new life is scary to begin from scratch,
But his heart of stone has begun to crack
And heal with your name engraved there,
So please, for me, love him the way he deserves.