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 Dec 2012 Megan Hopkins
I dreamt that I'd tell you,
  I dreamt I'd convince you.
I dreamt you would love me
and I too would love you.
I dreamt of perfection,
a dream so romantic.
I dreamt you would smile
and carefully panic.
I dreamt you would hug me.
  I dreamt we would both see,
together we're better -
  I dreamt you weren't choosy.
I dreamt up the ways
of how I could tell you.
I dreamt up bouquets
and a time and place too.
I dreamt that I told you.
  I dreamt that I could do.
I dreamt that it happened.
  I dreamt of a breakthrough.

instead i told you
at 3am   drunk   on facebook
*and i took it back the next morning
The pain hurts less than regret.
The world is unexploded,
but its waters are contaminated
with the chemicals of a war-plagued nation
which stain their tongues black and bleach their knuckles,
and combust into a strengthening desire for a legacy
of their homeland that now teeters.
Each belief grinds friction into the desert sand, refusing limitation.

Inevitable Invasion

No merciful maps or keys towards clarity were left
by their loyal armies;
nor were any heart-strong soldiers.
Through the forts of debris and shields of ash,
we could not find the killed or the injured,
only smell the salty decay of each victim.

He limped through the rippling mirage,
spitting eroding dirt and
flexing his bloodied weapons.
"I heard the victory anthem,"
he said.
"The enemies are dreaming."
Innocent eyes search my face
Will she understand my plea?
Does she know how hard it is?
Can she teach what I can't yet see?

Little hands shooting up
Hoping for a "Job well done"
Eager to achieve and impress
Desperate to not be the foolish one

Innocent eyes search my face
Will she understand my plea?
Does she know how hard it is?
Can she learn what she can't yet see?

Little hands reaching up
Hoping to speak without speech
Eager to trust her to know what's best
Desperate for her to still teach

Overwhelmed by the eyes and hands
That trust so willingly
Overjoyed by the eyes and hands
That show me what I can be
As a recent teacher and new mother, I pray for those whose job it is to teach, protect, and love the children in their lives.  Today I mourn with those in Connecticut who sought to cover innocent eyes and hold little hands.  The children in my life make me realize what life is about.
 Dec 2012 Megan Hopkins
I was once too young for exhausted sleep
So I tiptoed to the window for a peek of excited light
Flickering in the solid wall of insufferable darkness
I wanted to hold that tiny pinprick of moonshine
Twinkling and twirling just our of reach

I was once too young to know what forever was
So I grabbed a mason jar,
Coaxed a bemused spark to the secrecy of a sleepless room
And sealed the lid just a twist too tight

In the morning I found my once glowing prize
Dark at the bottom of his suffocated tomb
And in that moment I learned to fear the darkness
Of tomorrow’s dreaded night
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