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Megan Harrington Apr 2014
The wind, empowered
That, which, blew me left and right
I could not stay still
Megan Harrington Apr 2014
The clouds are floating
Like the sweet cotton candy
At the county fair
Megan Harrington Apr 2014
Happiness is a field of gold
Glistening in the windy day
The leaves fall in the wind
Completing natures serene image

The reflecting image of the wildlife
In the lake near the field
Smiling back at you
Like sadness was miles away
Megan Harrington Apr 2014
Found in bright meadow
You dance in the wind
The memories you create
Like tying your flowers to create a princess crown


Whether you have white or purple flowers
Or just simple leaves
The hunt for four leaves
Brings joy to friends and families
Megan Harrington Apr 2014
To my dog
I think you have something to say
The many times you've run away
Forcing me to chase you
Have really ticked me off

Every time we take you to the river
And let you swim on your own
You kick and claw
And try to escape

But when you take off running
And come home hours later
You're soaking wet
Like you've had your own little pool party

— The End —