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814 · Jan 2014
Megan Grace Jan 2014
my god
my god
my god
what if
decide to
come back?
813 · Oct 2013
Megan Grace Oct 2013
"I love you"
is stuck
behind my
lodged there for so
long now that I'm
afraid the words
may have lost
811 · Mar 2014
Megan Grace Mar 2014
how can i still love someone
who treated me like chewing
gum- wadded me up in his
mouth and blew the world's
biggest bubble, sent himself
up into space with my offset
reciprocation, soared past
the stars he was so obsessed
with, used saturn's rings to
burst all that i was. and when
he fell back into earth's orbit
he was safe, but i was scattered
somewhere around neptune.
i cannot find my way back.
you were the greatest lie
i ever wanted to believe.
807 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013
I don't
know how
to tell you
I miss you
without it
like a plea.
805 · Mar 2013
Megan Grace Mar 2013
I'm heartbroken
because I need you
for always
and you
only need me for
three hours
every two months.
801 · Oct 2013
Megan Grace Oct 2013
I wish I could
fill you up with
beautiful words
like you did for
me, but when I
tell you the things
my heart slides
over my teeth you
always say, "I just
don't understand it"
like I could possibly
be this thing you
don't deserve. How
can I explain to you
that you deserve
someone who touches
you like you are made
entirely of stars (which
I'm sure you are),
someone who feels
lucky at the sight
of your smile, trembles
in the wake of your
797 · Aug 2016
Megan Grace Aug 2016
the evening tries to paint freckles over our
skin until the light starts to dip
low behind the trees.
we sit on the steps of the front porch
and greg says
well you'll never find yourself someone if you
don't learn to be a bit more ambitious
the sun melts across the
skyline while mom slaps him with a gregory
wayne you leave her alone
in that
tone only she has.
it feels like something is stirring deep
inside me. like there is a
current building in my stomach and rising
toward my lips with each pressed back i'm
gay i'm gay i'm gay
but i tamp that down,
instead tell him i feel like i'm boiling because
that's somehow more normal.
just what's causing that in ya?
my hum is eaten by dad stepping out on
the porch, lighting a cigarette and filling the
empty section of my step.
pop i think this one's a little different.
i worry i have waited too long to tell.

this has been in my drafts for a very long time.
796 · Sep 2013
Megan Grace Sep 2013
I am
with how
you are so
795 · Aug 2014
Red Barn Farm
Megan Grace Aug 2014
I swear I've been doing really
okay.  I take  full breaths  and
I've  been sleeping  almost all
the  way  through   the  night.
I   don't  cry   w h e n   I  walk
through  the  l a s t  place  we
kissed  or  the   final    s p o t
where   you   told   me  you
loved me. I can watch your
favorite movie or listen to
falling apart. The antique
mall no longer turns me
i n t o   a   puddle   and
macaroni  and  cheese
only barely reminds
me  of  our   f i r s t
date. But last night
Kaitlyn and I went
to the  river  and I
stood in the same
patch of dirt where
I watched your notes-
all white and stark in the
moonlight-  begin  t h e i r
journey down south. I sat on
the big rock where Kaitlyn and
Chloe held my hands for what felt
like forever until my chest was rising
and falling  like normal (two months
ago almost to the date but god how
was  it not yesterday?) and  there
were  simply stars stars stars as
f a r  as I could  see, and t h i s
little,     tiny,     insignificant
piece  of  me  missed  you.
but only an insignificant, tiny, little piece.
Megan Grace Sep 2013
none of my blankets
are as warm as you
and none of my pillows
smell like you,
breathe like you.
790 · Jun 2013
Megan Grace Jun 2013
I want to get over
the sound of your
voice on that hilltop-
smooth and quiet
and gliding into my
stomach like the best
ice cream I've ever
had. My heart has
had so much
­          l
finding a hiding
place outside of
your mouth.
790 · Sep 2015
Megan Grace Sep 2015
i have been wanting
to read you slow,
to find your smallest
pieces and get to know
their littlest bits.
I feel like everything I write reads very fast.
I'm not sure if that's just me.
790 · Jul 2014
Megan Grace Jul 2014
i   wish   i
knew  the
right way
but   even
think i n g
about     it
makes my
help     me
h   e   l    p
myself  t o
s    t   o   p
this has been in my drafts since august
790 · Dec 2014
Megan Grace Dec 2014
it smells like
chicago and deep
not get enough of,     l i k e
a thanksgiving spent playing
with your hair     while you took
a nap on your grandma's      couch,
like  exploring   your   mouth  on  top
of the parking garage on black friday
between  my two shifts at work, like
telling you goodbye  in my favorite
coffee shop while you drank your
black tea and made promises
promises   promises   that
even then i knew you
could never keep.
I should get a new shampoo.
788 · Oct 2013
small talk
Megan Grace Oct 2013
I don't know how to tell you
in normal conversation
that my heart only
speaks your
787 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013
I am
and I think I
could start
a fire with
the way you
have forced
me to feel
about you.
I just want
to hurt you is
that normal,
to love someone
so much you
start to hate
them? Please
come back.
I found this in my drafts from last night.
Megan Grace Aug 2013
I like the wildflowers
that grow in the rings
under your eyes and
the meadow that comes
from your lips. More
than anything I want
to swim in the rivers
running down your
arms and make my
home in the safety of
your large hands. I'm
finding it hard to
resist the setting you've
created just for me.
785 · Sep 2014
Megan Grace Sep 2014
occasionally i feel a
need to draw you,
to paint the veins in
your arms, to write
you into the margins
of other things i'm
working on. but i let
it sit, i let it stew just
on the edge of my
fingertips and pulsing
in the palm of my
hand until it is less
of an oncoming train
and more like a paper
plane on a playground.
i draw myself, i paint
myself, i write myself
into the margins instead.
bletting- (noun) the ripening of fruit,
especially of fruit stored until the
desired degree of softness is attained
785 · Mar 2014
Megan Grace Mar 2014
you and i,
we are open
hearts on
floors and
we step lightly
for fear of
unsettling the
room. one
day, though,
we will
no longer
be afraid
and we will
pick up
everything we
left sitting
out, and i
will hand you
all that i
have with
the knowledge
that you will
never drop
it, never lose
it, never take
it for granted.
i like knowing
that someday
i will be safe
with you.
"I still believe
that, you know.
That one day
we'll be
785 · Jan 2014
pace yourself
Megan Grace Jan 2014



make me notice


that otherwise
I wouldn't see.
like the

cracks on the
back of your
hands and

your end-of-
the-day stubble.

thank you for
making me
pay attention.
778 · Jun 2013
Megan Grace Jun 2013
I wasn't prepared for your
kind of love. It made my
hands burn and my teeth
throb and my chest could
never fill all the way with
your smell- like cigarettes
and toothpaste and old
spice- and sometimes I
think I can feel you but
I'm always
      always wrong and it's
never you. And I think
maybe that's okay.
777 · Jul 2013
Megan Grace Jul 2013
I'm mad at myself
for believing
I could have
someone as lovely
as you.
776 · Feb 2014
Megan Grace Feb 2014
how do you get to a point
when you no longer
recognize the person
you are- when the hands
you've watched every day
become two strangers
hanging on your arms, when
your words taste dry and
sour rolling off your own tongue?
more importantly, how do
you find your way back?
775 · Sep 2015
boats and birds
Megan Grace Sep 2015
l i k e      t h e      g l a s s
bottles on my bookshelf
you havemade yourself
a permanent  and dusty
home. i used to hate the
smell  of   my   skin  and
the shape of my   mouth
at me  like i am anything
less than a human being,
anything less than  gold,
anything less than   god.
i   have been yours since
we were fifteen,    i have
been     yours    since we
w e r e             f i f t e e n.
i should have stopped searching
for someone a long time ago.

title is a song by
gregory and the hawk
774 · Jun 2013
Megan Grace Jun 2013
If you'd let me
I'd stay on your
couch and listen
to your heartbeat
until I couldn't
hear anymore.
771 · Jun 2013
Megan Grace Jun 2013
Today my makeup
was gone by noon
and I didn't take a
shower and I only
slept for three hours
last night so my
eyes were extra
puffy and I ate too
much at lunch and
had an attitude the
next time we saw
each other afterwards,
but you still gave
me a hug and told me
it was valued at
twenty thousand
hugs and you still
told me I looked
beautiful even
though we both
know it wasn't true.
And I can't
So, thank you.
771 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013
          walked me
          to my car,
          tucked me
          into your
          arms, let
          me take
          a second
          to breathe
          in the scent
          of laundry
          and leaves
          heavily on
          your coat
          one last time.
          I wanted to
          dissolve into
          the fabric. I
          wish we could
          have ended
          up differently.
771 · Jul 2013
I've layed here for an hour
Megan Grace Jul 2013
I dreamed I was
on your couch
and you gave me
that white blanket
I love and you
played with my
fingers and kissed
me on my temple
just like always
and your eyes
did that little
crinkly thing I
look forward to
when you laugh
and you said,
"I've missed you
so much."
And I woke up
and reached out
to find you, but
I found I was
in my own bed
in my own room
in my lonely apartment.
I don't want to go
back to sleep.
769 · Dec 2014
wicker park
Megan Grace Dec 2014
i love that your
hands have touched so
many things- rivers and
valleys and canyons -that
you have made sure the
earth is not your stranger.
please pretend i am the
streets of madrid or the
stone walls of paris.
please know my skin
the way you know how
our planet sighs during
all her seasons. please
love my rivers, my
valleys, my canyons.
768 · May 2015
tuesday, 2:53 am
Megan Grace May 2015
i slipped so comfortably
into your world. god, i
would have let you drown
me if you had needed
my breath for yourself.
761 · Dec 2012
Megan Grace Dec 2012
It's 4:36 am
and I've
too many of the
past nights
at this
remembering your hands.
761 · Apr 2013
Megan Grace Apr 2013
will always
be the reason
I don't think I'm
good enough but I
know I'm better than I
was four years ago. And
I think I'll spend the rest of
my life trying to prove to you
I'm bigger than how you made
me feel.
760 · Apr 2014
whole foods
Megan Grace Apr 2014
Lately                  my                  brain
has been fuzzy and I don't know
how to tell you in c a s u a l
words that I've got this
c    a    n     y    o    n
in  my  left  lung  in
the shape of your glasses
that t h r o b s  and  deepens
every time you are away from me.
What I mean to say is that I love you so
much it scares me,   that the fact that I
have  to  go  to    bed    without  your
fingers in    reaching   distance is the
main       reason  I  have       trouble
sleeping, that I am  obsessed with
the way your  mouth tastes like
home  and how  your   words
have  promises  of  forever
s e e p i n g  out  of their
endings.   Please  don't
a            ­    
o u t   of   l o v e
with          me.
760 · Jun 2015
Megan Grace Jun 2015
i had hoped that by this time i
would not be scared of you or
the way cups look nestled in
your hands or the rumbling
down deep when you flash
me that grin, but i feel like i
am sinking
      stuck to someone else's
fingertips, even after all this
time. i thought that i would
be able to give you more but
there is nothing left in me for
anyone else. i have scraped
down to raw tissue and tendons,
and i'm sure that if you opened
me up you would see the scratch
marks from where i have been
trying to find even flakes to
give to you. i'm so sorry that by
the time you came along all the
parts of me worth having were
759 · Jul 2013
Megan Grace Jul 2013
this rain is
making me
miss you
757 · May 2018
Mark Anthony
Megan Grace May 2018
most sunny afternoons
i could swear i hear you
from behind me with a
hey, dewdrop or a
how you doin’ today, mim
and i think when i turn i’ll
see you walking up, tall
and gangly with a hat on
and your big smile. but it’s
just a breeze through my hair,
just the warmth of a spring
day on my face.
mom says it’ll get easier, says
we should all keep believing
that it’s you in those moments,
reaching out from some far off
intangible place in the only ways
you can.
he just wants to see you smile,
baby girl.

so i’m trying to reach back in
the ways i think you would if
this had been the other way
around and i hope you see me,
hope you can feel my love
floating up to wherever you
are. i hope you’re proud of me.
we lost my stepdad a few months ago after a very hard and courageous battle with brain cancer. every day feels like another step i’m taking from him, but it’s getting easier. slowly but surely.

sorry i’ve been gone so long.
757 · Jun 2015
Megan Grace Jun 2015
there is a softness in the willows aching with
your steps- aching to follow the curve of
your spine to the sharp edges of your
hips, aching to chase the scent that
lingers and trails behind you-
that until three days ago i
did not understand.
there is something
about that slight rise
to your lips as you lean
down over me even after i'm
sure i cannot stand anymore heat
heat heat but i'll take more as long as
you are willing to give it, as long as it means
i do not have to lose the sound of you in all
your actions and late night phone calls.
I'm a goner.
756 · Oct 2013
Megan Grace Oct 2013
I am heavy
         with fear that you'll find someone
         who can love you better than I can
752 · Oct 2014
Megan Grace Oct 2014
there used to be this
seam running through
a cushion on my couch
and i picked it picked it
picked it out of nervous
habit, mostly, and people
were starting to notice it.
i borrowed some thread
from my mom yesterday
and sewed it up, finally.
it felt a little like closure.
it felt a little bit like
goodbye, ryan.
750 · Sep 2015
sept. 4
Megan Grace Sep 2015
i am passing days with only
the slightest       misstep that
before would  have brought
me to            my           knees.
i could fly.
750 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013
I have
into the simple
idea of you
falling asleep
next to me
again someday.
748 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013

the whole time you
were talking I was
watching your hands
and thinking about
how I'm going to
miss the way your
fingers drum on
your knees and
always make their
way over to me and
start a beat on every
surface of my skin.

I can't do this.
748 · Oct 2012
Megan Grace Oct 2012
Your hands are like the
leaves falling from the trees and
I just can't catch them.
741 · Aug 2014
anxiety sleep
Megan Grace Aug 2014
why don't I have a real job how can i
be this scared to go back to school i
want to move away but i can't go to
portland like i wanted to because that
was ryan's thing i wonder if he'll still
move there will he take her or will they
break up before then or maybe they'll
get married and stay here because
eyelit is here which means i definitely
need to move away is he going to
propose with a banjo pick like he did
with me or will he get her a real ring
"you put that on the wrong finger" "i'm
not trying to do that yet" "did you hear
that megan he said 'yet'" i miss your
friends and your mom and i can't
stand that i'm not allowed to talk to
them anymore why didn't you pick me
why didn't you pick me why didn't
you pick me god you told me you
loved me you told me you wanted a
farm and kids and a garden why did
you do this to me i loved you so much
i could have filled the ocean with the
contents of my heart that belonged to
you i hate you i hate you i hate
I'm sorry for this.
741 · Mar 2014
The Royal Tenenbaums
Megan Grace Mar 2014
I know that you tried
so hard but leaps and
bounds only mean
something if what you
land on isn't scrap metal,
isn't the hammer and
nails you used to spell
BEAUTIFUL" on every
wall you knew I could
see until there were no
blank surfaces left and
I wasn't paying attention
anymore and you decided
to tear the words down
because I took them for
granted. I'm so sorry I
thought the ways you
knew how to love me
weren't right.
740 · Sep 2014
Megan Grace Sep 2014
go       d    
at       the
        end       of the      
        night i       am  just      
     looking       simply        
             f o r       someone      
who talks       like      y o u
738 · Aug 2014
Eyelash Wishes
Megan Grace Aug 2014
i wanted it all- your
picket fence promises
and the daisies on the
last   digit   of   your
f   i   n  g   e   r   s
2:58 am

I wonder if you're asleep right
now. You always have so much
trouble falling asleep that it makes
me worry about you, even now.
I wonder if I'm ever the reason
your eyes won't stay shut.
737 · Nov 2013
Megan Grace Nov 2013
my journal is two
inches thick with
words about your
eyes and I wonder
if you love me
that much.
735 · Jul 2014
I-435 North
Megan Grace Jul 2014
you always said it
reminded you of
coming home after
your fiancée cheated
on you. today it
reminded me of your
fingers and my favorite
ring. i listened to take offs
and landings the whole
way home. i pinched my arm
through the entire distance
of edwardsville. i drove
in the center lane and
went through smog of
me saying i would have
waited thirty years for you.
i wish there was a
different way home
from lawrence.
732 · Feb 2014
Megan Grace Feb 2014
god, you
said something like
"this just makes our story
more interesting" and
up until that moment
I had thought you'd
given up on writing
new chapters with
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