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Megan Grace Jul 2013
Last night I just
needed you
but it felt like
you were so


Finally you
grabbed me and
pulled me to your
chest and you
said, "God, why
was I trying to
sleep without
you right here?"
729 · Apr 2015
Megan Grace Apr 2015
you do not fall at my
feet yet you make me
feel that i am golden.
thank you for never
taking any of my ****.
Megan Grace Aug 2013
if you
mean the
things you
tell me.

*"Every word."
727 · Sep 2014
yarn ball
Megan Grace Sep 2014
funny that we
become stories in
other people's chests,
that we can spend days
weeks months years
centuries carving every
letter of every word that's
been spoken to us on the
inside of our ribs while
others are content to just
let the syllables fall in their
normal rhythms across their
lungs and no they wouldn't
mind if some of the words
caught on a bronchial tube
or two but it wouldn't be
the end of the world if
they didn't.
726 · Sep 2014
Megan Grace Sep 2014
my favorite teacher in high school
told me that once  you step  in a
river, you and that river  w i l l
never   be   the   same.   and   i
wonder if we are  l i k e  that
with  each  o t h e r.  do  we
stamp our thumbprints on
people's  chests,  do   w e
never     f o r g e t      the
omnipresent    memory
ofthethings thatwere?
your  t h i n g s   are
swimming in  t h e
gulf of  mexico by
n o w,  i assume-
that     pathetic
letter a b o u t
h o w   y o u
d r e a m e d
you  would
of your life
(   m   e   )
(you  did)
is    soaked
and  bleeding
out of its creases-
but i  will  probably
always  remember  the
curve of your mouth and
the sharpness of your laugh.
i do not remember you fondly,
no never fondly, and i only ever
want  to  drink  another  virgil's
rootbeer if i can spit  i t  in your
face  afterward, but i'm  hoping
someday i will   bleed like your
words and god i  will   fly, i can
promise you that. you did   not
break me, you  only taught me
t h a t     hearts,   t h e y     need
styrofoam    fencing-     s o m e
padding but nothing like your
cement  b l o c k s-  and  that  i
deservebetter. ideserveorchids
a n d  sunflowers,   homemade
jam in the middle  of the night
because  us sleeping is out  o f
the question and jesus *******
c h r i s t i deserve a heart that
has nobarriers. i want to bethe
r i v e r,     stampeding    i n t o
someone's life like the scariest
thing they've  ever seen until i
have taught  them  everything
they   could   want   t o   know
a b o u t   the  ramones    a n d
fleetwood m a c  and painting
with  your  eyes  closed. i  just
want     t o    b e     t h e    river.
Megan Grace May 2013
Maybe someday you'll love
me despite my emotional
ends to fifteen hour days
and those moments where
my words get fuzzy from
talking too much and my
hair, and I hope the fact
that I have had trouble
finding God for the past
few years doesn't disturb
you as much as it does me.
722 · Apr 2013
Megan Grace Apr 2013
I think maybe
I loved you a
little bit. I knew
it then but never
told you. That's
okay, though,
because I think
you loved me a
little bit, too, and
never told me,
720 · Jan 2014
banjo strings
Megan Grace Jan 2014
back the first time you said "I'm not
worried because I know our story
isn't even close to finished"
and I didn't believe you.

I still don't
720 · Apr 2015
Megan Grace Apr 2015
i am willing to help you find all of
your pieces to buy you the tread
and  needle   you'll  need  once
you've gathered them     and i
promise   not to look or make
pained faces while you   put
yourself back together inthe
quiet of    y o u r  basement
bedroom   because i know
what  it means to feel like
you're missing a limb but
the ache is  coming from
somewhere          deeper
deeper                            ­
than you   ever could
have imagined your
chest could   sink it
is so scary to wake
up and not be sure
if your    lungs are
still  connected or
if you're going to
be able to get off
you've been too
sad to sleep  in
your  own bed
please    know
that i will not
h a p p y   or
give up your
past,     but i
will be here
if you decide
to do those things
I'm not scared of broken.
Megan Grace Dec 2013
I haven't
figured out
how my
is still
after this
time. And
I'm not okay
but I'm able to
breathe a little
bit easier this
week and
god that
716 · May 2013
For Five Months
Megan Grace May 2013
I was never
going to be
enough for you
because I'm not
strong and I'm
not as smart as
you used to tell
me, and you
were so smart-
god were you
brilliant- but you
always used these
drugged-up phrases
and I never kept
your pace at any
point. So why did
we keep trying
when we didn't
get each other and
our hands didn't
even match right
in the first place?
I let you press
your name all
over my body
but in the end
I just couldn't
figure out how
to put myself
in your lungs.
716 · Oct 2013
Megan Grace Oct 2013
You are
not the
I promise.
711 · Aug 2013
Megan Grace Aug 2013
I breathe like your laugh
is taking up all the air
in my apartment, like
maybe I'll **** in a story
you left buried under a
blanket in the corner,
like all I have left of you
is a few endings to a
couple of sentences
whispered into my ear.
709 · Dec 2013
Megan Grace Dec 2013
I have tried to
detach myself
from you but
you have sunk
the deepest
hook into my
stomach that
just turning
away from
you is painful
708 · Mar 2014
Megan Grace Mar 2014
slowly i have found myself
growing more and more
envious of the sheets you
sleep with or the wind that
is allowed to wrap around
705 · May 2013
Megan Grace May 2013
And all this rain
has me wanting
something new.
705 · Jan 2014
Megan Grace Jan 2014
who I want to be is
trapped beneath my
skin, stretching
tearing at my
she cries, "let him go
and the wound will
set me free. oh, god,
704 · Oct 2013
Megan Grace Oct 2013
you are a flood
in my brain,
snaking into all
my cracks and
crevices. I tried
to shake you
out of my
thoughts today
but all you did
was slosh around
and settle back
comfortably in
place. maybe I'm
not supposed to
drain you.
700 · Aug 2014
Tax Free Weekend
Megan Grace Aug 2014
about the
tsunami  in
my  v e i n s  so
many times before
the  words      stop
being real to me
700 · Jul 2014
Megan Grace Jul 2014
I remember the first
time we kissed in
your living room on
one of the hottest
days in June. You
spun me in a circle
to the sound of that
new French record
you had just bought
and then you pulled
me to you
and with a fire in every
crevice of my body
I said, "You're
tall. I like that." You
ran your thumb down
my ear, whispered,
"I like you" into my
700 · Mar 2013
In the end
Megan Grace Mar 2013
I cannot find
solid ground
in you
699 · Apr 2015
for payton
Megan Grace Apr 2015
l  i  k  e
y o u r    ***
breath  and   t h e
way  your  hair  seems
to grow from you running
your fingers     through it
through   it   through   it
until your bones settle
in   m y       h a n d s.
please never stop calling
in the middle of the night.
698 · Aug 2014
Dear Ryan (III)
Megan Grace Aug 2014
if you were here i like to
think that i would yell, i
would scream (because
even after all of this i
haven't lost my will to
be boisterously loud) or
maybe I would hit you
(god I've never actually
put my hands on another
person unless it was soft
and meant "hey i love you
please don't leave me")
i just want you to feel the
thunderstorm tumbling inside
me how can i make you see
that how can i make you see
that how can i make you i
wanted to buy a house with
you, you ******* *******
697 · Dec 2014
800 Land
Megan Grace Dec 2014
h o n e y
                               a   s
in the shape of a
banjo, a skyscraper,
the palm of someone
else's                   hand.
when the sun   rises i
am no   longer afraid
to      u n c u r l      my
technicolor limbsand

like i never did when
i was with you. the
ache i used to carry
in my chest
in my         arms
in my                 veins
has finally subsided,
finally warmed,
finally sealed itself up
to allow for new fingers
to run themselves over it.
this is how it feels to no
longer be in love with you.
696 · Oct 2014
Megan Grace Oct 2014
when i was
little my
i was
like a ****
(and maybe
i still am) but
what if i want
to grow like
696 · Jan 2013
What I Remember
Megan Grace Jan 2013
Your hands felt
like home and
they told me things
you wouldn't with
your mouth
695 · May 2015
Dear Ryan (VIII)
Megan Grace May 2015
i have let you keep me up at night for
too long. there used to be a limit to what i
would allow myself to do- how much i would
allow myself to think of you, to remember your
temperaments and the sound of your footsteps-
but i think i've forgotten what and where that
line was. lately i've been scared to be another
placeholder, scared to get attached to someone
new, scared to understand someone else's hand
gestures. i used to love the way you could paint
our future with your fingertips across the air,
across my skin, across my skin.
I miss you.

694 · Jan 2014
Megan Grace Jan 2014
how was today not enough for me when
today was you and that antique store you
love and you being so completely you.
when you dropped me off at my door you
waved the way I love with just your index
finger and I wanted to ask you to stay, to
come up and be quiet with me in my drafty
apartment, but instead I just watched
you wink at me and disappear around
the corner. why didn't I ask you to stay?
690 · Apr 2013
Megan Grace Apr 2013
If I could
go back I
fall for you
instead of
wasting my
time on
You once
told me I
made you
feel safe
and I'm
so sorry
I left you
alone like
that. I
forgot the
sound of your
heartbeat for
just a second
and heard
else's at the
wrong time.
sorry, I'm
689 · Jan 2014
Megan Grace Jan 2014
you always tell me that
life is long but I'm not
sure it's long enough
for us to find our way
back to each other.
689 · Jan 2014
honey jars
Megan Grace Jan 2014
I remember only that
you had the lamp on in
the living room, and I had
crawled into your bed
because you said I couldn't
go without talking to you
for twenty minutes and
I was trying to prove that
I could. You were playing
your ukelele and I swear
I have never had so much
trouble breathing as I did
when I peeked out of the
doorway and you gave me
that slow, lazy smile. God,
who were we then?
Megan Grace Mar 2014
If I were to go into my own
head I would stumble blind
through a sea of your hands
covering your knees
and the echo of your voice
Because I love you. I do,
I love you.

would be deafening. I can't
fathom how I am even using
my legs these days.
686 · Jul 2014
To Whom It May Concern
Megan Grace Jul 2014
as much as i don't have my ****
together (as much as i forget to
do my dishes or take out the
trash or breathe regularly) i
would have figured myself
out for you,   would have
taught myself to be tidy
and small, would have
studied   the    art    of
going  a   f u l l   day
without  having  a
panic       attack,
would   h a v e
read   up   on
how  to  get
myself  out
of bed and
i n t o  the
s h o w e r
every  day.
i     haven't
watered my
plants   since
the  first  week
o  f      j  u  n  e.
685 · Aug 2013
Megan Grace Aug 2013
I'm so full of


and I'm


to having
my stomach explode from the mound

f  e  a  t  h  e  r  s

I've been hiding in it
for over a month
now. I wish you would cut me open
and find them,
because I know only you would
and maybe then we could be okay.

It's just that lately all I've
done is hurt

and I miss you more than I know how to put
into real words.
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet, so it'll probably change.
684 · Nov 2014
Megan Grace Nov 2014
and while you were
a willow he is an oak,
a redwood, a maple,
a sequoia- the mightiest
tree- standing humbly
and unassuming in my
background until i
stumbled over one of
his roots and decided
to follow them back to
find leaves that were
so sweet, so smooth,
so familiar on my tongue.
he is like coming home.
684 · Jan 2014
Megan Grace Jan 2014
I think I maybe breathed
in too much of you and
now you're trapped in my
lungs, clawing to get out.
But I can't
I can't I
682 · May 2015
Megan Grace May 2015
i don't want to love
you  i  just  want  to
sleep   next  to   you
i  haven't  yet  figured  out   if
these things are synonymous.
679 · May 2015
monday (reprise)
Megan Grace May 2015
i was hoping you would take
everything from inside me at
least         swallow  part  of  it
because i've taken   bullets to
my legs   mostly from myself
because i was too  b  i  g   too
small     too too too too much
for my  own  skin  to  handle
that i thought about          the
roundness       beneath      my
surface everysecondof  every
dayuntil i  learned to despise
circles and buy everything in
smallboxesandnarrow    lines
where i hope to fit one day is
your glucose enough for you
is your steak justrightdo you
want another slice of cake do
you  want  to  be  a   w h o l e
planet or a piece  of cotton in
the wind do you want to  eat
me do youwant to eat me do
you want to eat me  until i'm
whole                              again
678 · Aug 2014
Megan Grace Aug 2014
you made me
want to go


deep er,
notice the
dots you get
on your   face
when  you  need
to shave or the small
fluttering in my chest
when you just said simple
things like "chill out" or
"yeah?" and now i only
want to speed up my
hours   until  i  feel
like   i  can   walk
without my legs
r e m i n d ing
m e        o f
y    o    u
I had to close my eyes
a lot to write this.
Megan Grace Oct 2014
it is a terrible thing to hate
your own skin.
but i'm trying.
god am i trying.
676 · Dec 2013
3:36 am
Megan Grace Dec 2013
for the
past six
but be
lost in
674 · Jan 2015
Megan Grace Jan 2015
i am in love with the
glued to my windpipe
please destroy me with
promises and feed me
forever's straight from
the palm of your hand
because i will store them
when you have given
up already and moved
on i swear i will still
hear them rumbling
from under my bed after
you are long gone
I am in love with being lied to.
672 · Apr 2015
lemon drops
Megan Grace Apr 2015
there is a river in your
smile. i took the first
boat i could catch and
followed it until the
waterfall, until i only
pictured myself toppling
off the edge. i am so
scared to find what
might be down there. i
am so scared to find
you down there.
"I woke up yesterday morning and thought about your lips for some reason."
668 · Dec 2014
Dear Ryan (VII)
Megan Grace Dec 2014
i would have given
you every ounce in
my body if you had
wanted it, if you
would have taken
care of it. i only
wanted my name
to be safe in your
mouth, but you
tangled it with hers
and toward the end
it all started to come
out in a garbled
mess that i (and you)
had trouble making
sense of. i'm so glad
you no longer are
allowed to look at
me like i taught the
sun how to shine,
that my skinny arms
don't belong to you,
that i am not- and
never will be again-
in love with you.
I saw your mom yesterday.
I did not ask about you.
665 · Jul 2013
Megan Grace Jul 2013
I don't need you to love me
I just need you to make
me feel less temporary.
661 · Aug 2013
August 16th
Megan Grace Aug 2013
I love you because I
can't find a way to
make your words
into something
more beautiful
than they
659 · Jul 2014
the princess and the wizard
Megan Grace Jul 2014
I had a
dream last
night that I
told you I
wish you
had picked
me but that
it hurts to
breathe the
same air as
you these
days and
you kissed
my fingers
in retaliation.
I'm not sure if it's possible
to smell tired but I do.
658 · Jun 2014
Megan Grace Jun 2014
w i l l
be white
noise,    a
in my fingertips
as i'm falling asleep,
a long-existing ache in
my chest from not telling
you  i loved  you for  too
many months. i wanted
you- hot  and  cold and
not being able to break
from you- but i cannot
want you anymore,
cannot   miss   you
anymore, cannot
dream about
y   o   u   r
p r o m i s e s
and your laugh,
cannot wake up
hoping you've
walked out of
f  o  u  n  d
yourself    in
the extra space
in   my   bed.   i
how sad is that, to
miss  someone  who
carved me out to   make
room for  w h a t  i thought
was himself and filled me only
with  beautiful  words  that  were
empty                    ­                      
i want to move on
i want to move
i want to
i want
658 · May 2013
Life Size
Megan Grace May 2013
I want to do something

B                            I                            G

with my life but I'm
finding it so much
easier to be content
with living small.
657 · May 2014
for the record
Megan Grace May 2014
today you squeezed my
arm the way i like
and said, "i miss
you all the
I just want to keep track of all of these things.
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