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oh see,
i will take this outlet
[this two pronged outlet
one of you and one of me]
to reply because
i picked up the phone today
and called someone else
"oh hell i'll warm up a bit
before i dive into this-
i mean, i want to get
my personality right
don't i?
I MEAN DON'T I?!?!?!?
panic set in.
i called my dad.
he's always calming.
we talked about christmas ****.
what he wants. what mom wants.
it calmed me down.
i figured out who i am:
i'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude,
not breaking character til we're done the DVD commentary.
[paraphrased of course cuz I don't plagiarize.]

i'll call you
but how late will you be awake?
i'll call you
but what are you doing right now?
i'll call you
but why am i nervous?
i'll call you
but aren't we all one Being?
i'll call you
but but but but but but burt but but but but but but but but but
don't you have home work
or something better to do
than listen to me preach
and flap flap flap flap
and not hug me again
and not listen to me
or are you listening to me
or am i neurotic
or is it all smoke and mirrors
and seriously i'm coughing uncontrollably
and you'd think i'm crazy
but it's that holiday season
and for the next handful of weeks
i've got a handful of excuses
of why and how and what and how
but burdens only stack up
and i've released literally every single one
except i'm still replaying josh ritter in my head
and the car ride home from that purple chair
and the walk around the duck.

[not stopping for breathing
or trimming my toe nails,
which started growing again.]

and LA and Delaware and pencilwania and where we met on that pier at that show in socal and house of blues and mini golf and lists and names and places and "there's no hell when you die, so don't look so worried."

and i'll call you
but will you answer?
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
88 by Lo-Fang is on repeat
the live version at WFUV
and I'm not listening as
much as I am wondering
how much water my body
d    i    s   p   l    a    c    e    s
displaces? a couple weeks
ago I tried to tell my mom
she was not her body and
that there was not a single
thing more beautiful than
a soul in waiting or a soul
on pause, a soul like hers
but don't source me
i can't even believe
myself let alone
that something
so beautiful
could be
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

#88 by Lo-Fang for the curious:
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
don't choose parts of me to love
love me always
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
Ofelia Rose
Deep beneath the willow I lay
Tangled in her rugged roots
Her hands grasp me for life
While I slowly lose my lungs
And her branches rain upon me
Soaking the soil just as my flesh
Swelling my body like salt
Burning my skin like tears in winter
I conclude that this is my fate
Dead in the life of the world
Alive in the truth of raging hearts
I am the weeping willow's daughter
The child trapped in her womb
Never birthed into a singing spirit
But just a rotted carcass
Clinging to anything that breathes
 Nov 2014 Megan Grace
i don't
k n o w
how to
rely on
b   u   t
I don't
k n o w
how to
use any
b   u   t
my own.

I don't
k n o w
how to

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
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