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 Jul 2016 Megan Grace
the boys will pick up sticks
down by the river bank and bury
themselves in swampy soil and inch
thick ***** mags from before they were
twinkles or considerations and their fathers
ignore their quick wits and charms--let their
curiousity coil around the garden stakes till
it chokes the tomatoes and lays itself across the
blushing rhubarb that mama worked so hard to

Papas, why didn't you chop down those trees or
tame the stinging nettle, the roof is riddled with
bullet holes and the rifle in the attic is still warm
still vibrating on the shelf, buried in moss, in
wisteria dropping in and growing up the sides--
she can make a man more beautiful but still hide a broken a home

you had a chance to guide your sons

you had a chance.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016
started this about two months ago.
it's not really finished.
i can be the right kind of brave too.
 Jul 2016 Megan Grace
have you ever felt your body?

have you ever felt your body?
a mellow clay mold sitting in the
bathroom, filled with pops and
quick ticks, i've often searched my
veins for pains, and they manifest
when I do, so I wonder--

about that.

and when I think about it too much
my belly starts to buzz and my chest
thickens with a warm afterglow, yeast
rising in a far clavicle, in my kidneys
and spleen--when I focus on the sounds
I can hear the pin drop of my soul, a tiny
bead on a string, a group of pink seashells
on Newton's cradle in a room shadowed in
broken evening, clicking against each other
softly, a lilliputian clock keeping time from
another century--

lost in twilight, in dawn, skipping the day,
my spirit always sinks into the everglades
a flighty anachronism, a homing pigeon
caught in telephone wires, beneath bus
wheels and modern dating--


out there?
forward message.  
I am here.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

everything is so loud and i am so small.
what it must feel like
to be the moon:
forever and ever away from your love;
to know full well that
you won't ever get any closer:
you can't ever touch her..

... yet, you look upon her without end.
 Jun 2016 Megan Grace
when when  when
and the more I say it
the more it sounds like
another language, archaic
german or synonym for
rice bowl in mandarin
the more I say it, the more
it fades from minor burn
to casualty, from rhetorial
question to plea, until I'm
sweating out in my apartment
angrily slamming clothes hangers
into the closet, shakily raising my
voice at God like a waspish child
and tearing dresses over my head
proclaiming see? see? I'll never
get to wear this one either.

curling my fingers into the bedspread--
around bottles of tea tree oil and dragging
an old kabuki brush through peach blush
holding my lips this way and that, when?
when will it be enough?

When will it be enough?
(c) Brooke Otto 2016
 Jun 2016 Megan Grace
I keep having dreams
about you, where your
face is hidden by the brim
of an oily hat, there are dozens
of pictures scattered across a
burlap armchair and even
though we are inside, I can
see these giant oil rigs out
in the pasture, through
the walls that hide nothing
(not even you),
and I am fighting to stay
awake, reaching for your
hand and relieved when
you don't pull away
I've been seeing your name
everywhere, on billboards
and street signs, branded
diesel trucks, stamped on
bumpers and endorsed on

what the hell am I supposed to be praying for?
(c) Brooke Otto 2016
 Jun 2016 Megan Grace
oh, he came in the back door
in a rush of warm wind
without much entrance, like
when you pull a pan from the
oven--he slides across the rack
and sets up on the stove,  
sat at my table and delicately
touched my hands, not
much precedence for
falling in love, so I
wanted to tell him
everything. But
most of the time he'd
kick up on my knees
spread his calves out
on my thighs and let
Kate curl up in the
middle--I'd just
go silent with the
overwhelming urge
to rub his shins and

how much of me is the old me
how many girls still feel the hands
of other men? he says move on
and I want to tell him that every
blue ford makes my palms sweat
that I'm only waiting on God,
for his for sure, a divine yes
that even if it's no longer between
the three of us, and it's just him
and some girl named Savannah or Cassie-May
I'll wait as long as I need to for the blessed answer
because he thinks he's pointless and I think he's

(c) Brooke Otto 2016
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