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 May 2013 Megan
 May 2013 Megan
Your perfect mouth forms
An inundation of sweet nothings
But your eyes don't echo the words

You hold my face like I mean something
But the reflections in your eyes show only
The ghosts of lovers past

Your body radiates beckoning warmth
I inhale your subtle scent
You're human
You're real
Every sense I possess tells me so

But as I reach for you
All I grasp is air
It slips between my fingers
And sends a chill through my body

Your electricity lingers in my lips, my fingertips, my breath
Raising goosebumps on my arms
Running a current along my spine

I yearn to again
Electrocute myself with your touch
I ache to feel your vitality
I long for a phantom
A man whose thoughts I will never again invade
I long for a memory
 May 2013 Megan
The Whisper
The Pain
 May 2013 Megan
The Whisper
Since I was a boy, I've always been told,
That one who is selfless has a heart made of gold.
But I have discovered from the wise and the old;
Selflessness grows from the heart of the bold.

I offer advice to the ones I console,
Yet something is missing; my heart isn't whole.
Behind my own barrier, there lies a big hole.
Deeper than deep and right through my soul.

Would you like to know why?
Why I sulk and I sigh?
The pain in my heart leaves me wanting to die.
Helpless and lonely, no matter how hard I try.

I wake every day, without a scoff or a moan,
Faking my smiles with a face made of stone.
Within lies a man that is sad and alone.
Like a King without a Queen, a crown, or a throne.

To top it all off, there is this one girl.
One of a kind, like a precious pink pearl.
Whenever she smiles, my head's in a whirl.
Leaving me breathless and wanting to hurl.

I clench my fists when she mentions a date.
Leaving me angry and full of pure hate,
But in an unnoticed and quite subtle state.
If only she thought I was perfect and great.

Some call me stupid, others say cold.
Some even feel I deserve a good scold.
Say what you want, I'll never be sold.
Pain's a small price for the selfless and bold.

— The End —