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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
Like a never-ending trail of hope and desire the free-way lead out into a dim evening dust that illuminated a blanket of clear, blue sky.

Our hair washed through the air as we wound down the front windows and collapsed into the sea of wind that rushed past our ears and cashed down with waves of sound.

She turned to look at me with fire burning red in her eyes and admiration in her heart.
Her stare obtained a force so fierce it instructed the sun to change identity from a deep blue to a dark lilac-orange as it slowly set on the horizon.
With our thoughts fuelled but spontaneous impulses,  we drove through the night, free from all ambitions, handing out our courage like small talk to a stranger, whom we couldn't care less about.
Young and stupid; We were naive at its best, and unconditioned at its worst.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
The afternoon sun creeped through the wooden blinds and casted shadows against your bedroom floor.
We laid on our backs;
Laughter slowly stabbing our insides.
I couldn’t help but smile, and you did too.
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Meg Goodfellow May 2015
If somebody leaves you in life, burn away that bridge.
Because if you really meant something to them,
They’d learn how to swim.
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Meg Goodfellow Aug 2015
I bended the rules
I told myself I wouldn’t talk to you again
That your words meant nothing to my ears
But then I found myself next to you
In dim light
Talking about our lives
As if we were meeting like friends
And not ex-lovers
And the worst part is
It felt like I was being recovered
From under six feet of dirt
And I could see your face
And it didn’t hurt to smile at you
And maybe it was the fact that
Your words seemed almost true
Like you really did care for me
And that it was just me and you
And that’s all it was ever going to be
Except time got in the way
And distance forced us to change
And you let your heart slip onto another girl
And I learnt how to toss my love onto boys
Who didn’t know how to throw it back
And so I watched you leave
And I watched you go
While I let the darkest parts of me grow
So now I am a tangle of weeds
And I only wanted you to see
That you meant more to me than anything
So I let you touch my arm
And lead the way
Because you took my heart by surprise
On that fateful day
And the time we share now
I will make it last till the end
Because I always loved you
So my rules,
I can bend
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
He was a masterpiece of art that never belonged in a gallery.
Painted onto the backdrop of urban life between city blocks and alleys.
He was made up of human experience and coloured in shades of grey.
Had a heart like a hoarder, that never seemed to fade.
Hair of red and eyes of rain drop blue;
He could look at old things and seem to make them new.
He was a splash of postmodern and deeply complexed.
Had features that made you think, rather than guess;
And in the mess of colour that exploded from his heart;
You could tell he was truly a wonderful piece of art.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Live your life,
Like you want it to be;
Because there is no such thing,
As a set destiny.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I saw your mother today.
She smiled at me;
She has no idea.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I hope you realise;
It was doubt;
That made you pull her apart;
Like petals off a flower.
Because nobody had ever loved you like she did;
Or you never thought anyone could;
So you pulled.
Ripping at her;
Reciting the words:

“She loves me;
She loves me, not”

Trying to deafen the voice inside your head that told you she didn’t care;
Of course she did.
But you kept tearing the petals of her fragile frame;
Watching them slowly float to the ground;
And settle so beautifully at your feet;
You kept pulling;
Trying to prove to yourself that she loved you;
So you wouldn’t look like a fool;
Until you reached the last petal.

“She loves me”

And even though you left her in fragments of beauty and destruction,
She still loved you;
She does;
And always will.
I hope you realise that.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
She was nine years old when she became a personality made up of pills.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I have forgotten the sound of your voice.

It used to sound like a tsunami;
Crashing down with each word so deeply that they would echo around my head for days.
Your voice is more of a slow drip from the broken pipe under the sink;
That I’ve been meaning to fix for the long part of a short while;
The sound doesn’t resonate as loudly as it used too;
More of a fading;
which comes and goes.

Your voice is no longer a symphony of sound that modulates in tone, forming melodies in my mind;
Melodies which I used to catch myself humming too, more often than sometimes.
It is a mere text tone and a slight ding before lightening up the screen attempting to shine light through the darkness I have placed around the memory of you;
You don’t shine so brightly anymore.

Your voice was once the sweet melody of a lullaby whoes words could softly sooth me to sleep;
You are the bare silence that incircles me in the early hours of the morning;
Leaving room for your memory.

I have forgotten the sound of your voice.
Simply because I have stop searching for you;
In the tiny cracks of light the slip under my door;
Or in-between the words of your favourite song.
I have stopped searching for your name in conversation;
and I have grown deaf to the sound of you.

There is no you anymore, just me;
And the lovely sound of silence.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Missing someone is like trying to swim against an ocean storm.
You may think you are strong enough to fight through the tides but soon you'll lose all strength and start to slowly drown beneath the waves.

Just so you know, I've sent for a search party;
I just hope they make it in time.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
You may have found your soul mate;
But that doesn't mean they'll stay with you for life.

You may be with someone for life;
But that doesn't mean they're your soul mate.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
He never understood her pain and she never understood his;
So they traveled alone on some empty road in the hope that one day they could fix each other and mould themselves back into the one thing they knew how to be; a couple.
But those days of love left long ago;
Blinded by the cries of my mother.
My father slowly empty the contents of the wine bottle;
Trying to dull his feelings and ridicule his mind.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
“He wouldn’t have left if things were okay”.*

The phrase must have pondered on her lips for a while as she tried to keep reality at bay;
But reality now sat beside her in the empty room;
A strange friend that forced us to accept its existence.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Blood orange was the only colour that immersed the sky.
I felt like I was floating between reality and memory;
But memory scares me,
Just like the sunset.

It’s no longer reality;
Nor close enough to remember.
Its bright enough to see;
But too far off to touch.
It’s a faded view of a once lovely world.
Memory was the sunset.

And I was the sun.
I was in fear of myself .
In fear of what I was too become;
Or who I once was thought to be.

Together we lived as two;
But never as one.
We longed for each other, the only way we knew how.
We survived from our kisses;
As the sun slowly kissed the night.

You were the night;
And I was the sun.
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Meg Goodfellow Jul 2015
"text me when you get here"
I asked him to say
But instead of a text, a policeman called
and it rained the day I put flowers on your grave
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
The dawn had already rested its eyes against the horizon by the time we found one another in each others arms.
You held my hand and slowly ran your finger up and down my thumb.
The slight touch set my skin crawling in warmth.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
He sung a lasting song of memories that told of the losing time.
His face was lined with endless, circling moments underlined with a melody so sweet it once put song birds to shame.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
You see,
I don’t care much about the materialistic aspects of life;
Rather the aspects people don’t notice;
Or don't realise.
Like the way you spin drum sticks around your fingers
The way you half smile when you remember something that once made you laugh ;
Or the way you rested your hand against my ankle on the busy afternoon train
It’s not much to go on;
But it’s all I have;
And that’s enough.
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
A gun shot exploding into an echo of chaos;
The thunder roared through the sky and made birds dive for cover.
A flash;
A bang;
And then silence.
I missed the days where a storm could;
Make you nothing;
Make you fearful;
Make you human.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I have never had motion sickness until now.
Injected like ****** into my veins the thought ripped through my brain and caused my head to swirl with motion.

I lost balance and tripped over the idea of this new found love.
It was so delicate and I was afraid to touch it;
As my fingers would bruise its soft outer layer;
And cause it to turn deep purple and blue;
Ruining its beauty.
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
"I Love You"
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
My father ended up as a holy man.
My mother; an emotional wreck.
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Meg Goodfellow May 2015
Each heartbeat you feel is another beat closer to death.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Such a simple word;
Such a simple concept.
But she was more than that.

She was the light that slowly dips through the morning frost on the window pane,
signify a new day;
A new start.

He was a dark cloud.
A storm cloud.
He try to block her light.
Tried to hide her;
Keep her for himself.
And being the pure soul she is.
She let him.

She failed to see her own beauty because he blocked her ideas.
He corrupted her heart;
And slowly wrapped himself within her mind.

But every rainy day must come to an end;
And soon the sun must come back again.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Endless hours in therapy cannot erase a memory;
A surgeon cannot cut out a broken heart;
And pills cannot dull depression;
No matter how hard he tried to tell them, they still tried to drown him out.
But he was a tidal wave of anti-depressants;
He had already drown.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
I look for love in the most                  things.
                                   ­           unloved

Like looking for l
                    in an empty graveyard.

And it isn't hard to find, if you know where to
              ­    O
                  O                               f
                  K                               l
     ­                                               w
It is simply disguised as tiny  e
                                                             ­   growing among the **DEAD
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Meg Goodfellow Feb 2015
She was more like a crack that runs through glass;
A single breaking point that shatters light across your bed room floor and leaves broken images against your walls.
It wasn’t that she was dangerous; as her corners weren’t sharp,
She was just misunderstood.
You see;
Broken glass can never hurt anybody if is still intact;
But rather she could take a single source of light;
And refract a spectrum of colour;
That ranged from infrared to ultraviolet.
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Meg Goodfellow May 2015
When I loved you
you didn’t love me at all
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Meg Goodfellow Mar 2015
I was buying an illusion
But they made a good price;
They said I could buy you cheap,
Because you can never sleep

at night. Instead you stay awake
Thinking about how the world’s so messed up
And so I ripped a part my heart to give you love;
But maybe that still was never enough.
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Meg Goodfellow Jun 2015
I think we are all a little unsure of ourselves
and perhaps we’ll never find out why
but no matter what
I’ll never stop looking
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2015
I was born from wet, winter leaves in rain soaked skin,
And I learnt from a young age not to let people in.
So hushed and quiet I choose to listen than speak,
For talkers say enough to talk into summer heat.
But I am the cold. I am the rain.
I was the voiceless listener with nothing to trade (except for written word)
So I will leave this earth to rot; in utter glory,
And when morning breaks through I will not tell our story
But leave the pages open and the books unread,
So that when you sleep next to me you have a place to rest your head.

I needed to feel love, yet love is untraceable.
And I feel so replaceable when you call me pretty; yet pity me for not coming after you.
But I do not chase; do not believe your heart is a race to the finish line,
For I can’t hide my feelings if you see them.
So I don’t show them but rather hope you see,
The person I am longing to be in winter state.
So cast me away, break the chains.
Reveal my body to the summer days where the sun will warm my skin. And my bed ridden lungs will breathe in air,
And it's only fair if I do the same for you.
So let me pull you from your bed, kiss your head,
And tell you I love you; If you promise to say it back.
So when moments lack sound, don’t fear.
For I can still hear your heart beating as if repeating our love.
And so my dear;
We shall close our eyes when the days get too dark, pull blankets over our Heads and never lie on the edge of the bed so we have an excuse to sleep Closer together and weather the worst as it comes.
And we will look like a piece of art; painted by a master.
Relentless; reluctant; a perfect disaster.
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Meg Goodfellow Jun 2015
I care for people so much
that I don’t care for myself
so I let you stand like a temple
wrapped in rubies and gold
while I am a pile of rubble
under 10 feet of dirt
and its not that I don’t want
to lead you a hand
but just know
that when you take it
you must understand
That through this act
I will give you my all
and you will rise
but I shall fall
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
He showed me his mind,
Like it was a black empty space that could **** up all light;
As if it made him less of a man;
Of a person.
But little does he realise that the universe grew from darkness;
The whole galaxy of stars came from nothing.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I applied blood red colour to my lips;
As a warning sign.
Don't you ever kiss these lips again.
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Meg Goodfellow Aug 2015
If you love her
please remember
she burns like
Hyrogen sulfide and nitric acid
lit in the middle of the night
and so perhaps when you hold her
don’t hold too tight
because she will light up the night
As she sets her sights on you
and if you’re not ready for it
she’ll burn you through
because she doesn’t know how to stop
and how to forgive
so she rips apart others
as a way to cope, and to live
so just know
that if you love her
her love is a sin
so say your prayers
and count your blessings
for this is not a battle that you can win
And  if worst-comes-to-worst
Leave her with a kiss
and a goodbye
and don’t turn back
for in the dead of night
She’ll sound the alarm
and raise the attack
She was born a warrior
and set out to fight
but deep down she can learn to love you
you just have to show her that light
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
I didn't want to cry;
But I couldn't help it.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
My mother cried and my father drank.
Three parts misery;
Two parts tragedy;
And a slight touch of love.
That was the mix.
That was their wedding song, and their goodnight kiss.
That was their Sunday breakfast and I despised it.
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
It's mid November;
And I am sick of being brave.
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
I do not care what you believe in;
Don’t you dare make another person feel like they don’t belong here;
Don’t you dare tell them who they are;
Who they should love;
Or what they should think;
We are all the same.
We are made up of star dust and heart beats.
Don't you dare make another person feel like they are not human.
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Meg Goodfellow Jun 2015
One day I hope I have the chance to meet my maker
And tell them what a **** job they did
at creating a master piece.
I am nothing more than a broken mirror
with a sharp edge
and a deadly cut
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
You touched my hand.
And slowly lead your head towards mine like a flower.
I held my breath.
Held my breath so long that I may have died right at that moment.
And wouldn’t have even known.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
We bended to fit into each other.
Lodge ourselves between white sheets turned to black;
In hope that maybe our eyes would rip each other apart and make home within our hearts.
But we were not like wildfire.
We were a mere match that slowly burnt away;
Never to be reignited.
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2015
Let's just keep driving
And see where it takes us.
Highways or dirt roads,
Who knows.
Let's drive until the petrol runs out,
Or the money;
And Honey,
You’re all I need;
As a lover or as a friend,
It doesn’t bother me
For I know you’re there.
So let's drive until the days turn dark.
Sleep upright or on each others shoulders,
And eat cheap take-out food in public parks.
Let's watch the world go by
As we sit on busy sidewalks
Or lay in fields of grass,
And let's laugh
At all the little things.
Let's drive until we reach the beach,
Or the country side.
Let's see what the world has to offer.
Let's see what the world has to hide.
But let us marvel at the things we may never have a chance to see.
I will call you my sunrise,
As you awaken my eyes to truely see for the first time,
And I will be your sunset;
A place to rest your head when you go to bed.
So let's dive into the unknown.
But darling,
We won’t do it alone;
So let's just keep driving.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
She was like winter rain;

The kind that doesn’t cause you any harm or pain.
Her hair of blond streaks led like rivers and streams down her back.

She was like a flower,
Able to grow in the most unimaginable places,
Yet never see her own beauty.

There is sadness in that,
Through all her hard work it was recognition that she lacked.

She worn peace on her heart like a badge;
And when she found herself under attack,
She’d take a step back.
She’d clench her fist,
Close her eyes,
Take a deep breath,
And soon realise that she was okay.

She was good like that,
Able to make everything go her way.

Nothing ever seemed to bother her or cause her pain;
Because like I said;

She was like winter rain.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
She told me never to say sorry but to make a change;
Because sorry is an empty word.
You never changed;
You just said sorry.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
With simplicity, we love.
But she adored you;
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2016
He recalls it happening
but it isn’t something he likes to discuss
girls becoming women

I hold my breath
waiting for him to let go
He hangs on

stands a little too close
stares a little too long
and we say no
but he doesn’t listen
he has treated women like this his whole life

When the tears have dried…

I asked him why he thought it was okay
to mistreat and misuse me
Cause I like the attention you're giving me?
Shaking his head, said
Girls are different than boys
He’ll never understand

all the happenings she had not understood
all the forgotten incidents
that would never end

So, we pretend like this isn't happening
Just a bad dream
But the truth is, it hurts
it hurts
it hurts

we are accustomed to swallowing these emotions and staying quiet

She is alive
She’s special
a real thing, a good woman
and man will never understand
and they will not give her back to me
my childhood, my innocence

I wondered if I could ever be so perfect again

It reminds us of the stories we’ve heard
from our mothers and grandmothers
that too many women have felt
and we worry about our daughters hearing it
the shameful comments about our bodies

you can do anything you want to a woman

Isn’t she lovely?
Isn’t she wonderful?
A beautiful woman
everybody took for a girl
but she's no fool

Could it be worse?

Her gender has become
synonymous to weakness
and inadequacy
but then again thats nothing new

To keep herself to herself

I am a girl
since the day I was born
this is my gender
my life

we cannot ignore

I will assure you
I salute your existence
of all shapes and sizes
your voice still has value and merit
Your body sill has worth

Remember, you are a woman to be recognised and honoured

If I put myself in the man’s place
What would he do next?
See, I’m a woman of many talents
and great ideas

My mother would be proud of me

So, I will be no man,
but the man you want me to be
I’ll be a woman
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
A world once covered in lush, green flora;
Is now left to rot;
Replaced with cold, grey concrete;
It was nature that we forgot.              
We thought we were building a world to sustain;
But instead, this is a world that lacks true terrain.
I can't help but wonder if this is what human nature set us up to be;
Living in a concrete jungle;
Instead of those with trees.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
There is a sad truth to being a writer;
We are never whole.

We may be in love;
But also out of love.

We may be rich;
But therefor poor.

We may be insightful;
But blinding.

We may have it all;
Yet have nothing.

We see both sides of the story; good and bad.
We are the contrasts of emotions and thoughts, placed together with ideas, like broken fragments of imagination reflecting the light from the sun on a warm Saturday morning.

We are both the light that shines through an empty room;
And the shadows that lurk in the corners.

And although we may never be whole;
We know in some way we are;
And I think that is beautiful.
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