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Meg Goodfellow Feb 2015
I would like to meet someone;
Who knows the world,
More than they know themselves.
Someone who;
Sees street signs as famous quotes,
And counts their heart beats on their finger tips;
I would like to meet someone who;
Appreciates rain as a scientific anomaly,
But believes that the sun was created in a tool shed.
Someone who;
Can recognise failure as an absolute,
And success as conditional.
I would like to meet someone who;
Measures love by the length of oceans,
And hate with a 30cm ruler.
Someone who;
Knows that 24 hours in a day is simply not long enough,
But isn't afraid to waste time.
Most of all, I would like to meet someone;
Who I have never met before.
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Meg Goodfellow Nov 2014
Unfulfilled love;
Is midnight kisses but morning goodbyes;
Tiny rain drops but never a storm;
A slight ripple but not a tidal wave.
And the worst thing about getting over a love you never had;
Is knowing that you never will;
Because you are left;
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Meg Goodfellow Feb 2015
i look back now and realise the things we never became
and although it is hard to say
i wish it never happened
Because even though you were a first
you were a last
and it's hard to find the time to pass

up another excuse
like lying in the middle of the road
will one day come to use

but between the sunset and the sunrise
we fell away from each others skin
moulded our bones together like molten

rock and become empty silhouettes
casting shadows onto brown paper walls
so thin and unstable
they were built to fall
and crumble

i hope she loves you like an ocean
and you can’t get enough
i just hope that you love her way too much
so when it starts to rain
and the water pours down
you'll be head deep in water
you'll lose your breath
and drown
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
From what I have learnt, nobody seems to
Realise that feelings can form in the most
Interesting places. Like in-between the never-
Ending maze of streets in the middle of the city. But sometimes love is
Never given the chance it
Deserves. Two lovers sometimes don't realise their love because of the
S*illy little thing called *friends.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
They say that talk is cheap,
But your words were rich.
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Meg Goodfellow Apr 2015
We’d speak with our eyes
Like words were a distraction
That our mouths couldn’t hide
And believe me, I tried
But I failed to keep
The moments in-between
So I let them seep through
My fingers and out past my hands
And I am sorry that I could never understand
The way you said stars only shine at night
Because it was my smile that gave them their light.
So I stopped smiling to see if it worked

And it did.

And it does.

And it still ****** hurts.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
That was the day I learnt how to lie.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Our lives are not meant to be lived in stillness.
Rather a constant flow of movement;
Like water;
That needs to r


And crash hard.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
People tell me I’m too deep.
At least thats better than being shallow.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014

Hold your breath;

Because life will always remain a countdown to death.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I made words with our lips.
Spoke whispers against your skin; which crawled up your back.
I told you secrets with my hands; secrets I didn’t even know.
My deepest thoughts unleashed themselves in the dark.
You heard everything.
Yet you never replied.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
She told me not to blame myself,
Because regret is a toxic drug;
But I’m addicted.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Nothing lasts forever.

Perhaps people see reality as too harsh so they sugar coat it in sweet lies of fantasy and hope;
Re-coating their views in an attempt to make life more manageable.
That is not reality.
Reality is not your friend.
It never was and never will be.

I will admit, I knew that;
Or at least I know that now.
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Meg Goodfellow Sep 2015
I do not hate
I can not hate
Instead I lack remorse

I turn all those who love me
Against my deadly thoughts

I pinpoint lovers hearts
And shoot them to the ground
To show there is not hope
To the people I let down

So do not be proud of me
When I sacrifice myself
For a better world of emptiness
And a bottle on the shelf

I’ll take the words “I love you”
And crush them into dust
To prove that a lovers heart
Is something to distrust

Because I grew up through pain and suffering
Watch mothers cry in fear
For the fathers that left them standing
With nothing but colourless tears

I was a child of divorce
Left alone to find my place
In a world where the 'perfect family'
Didn’t seem to have a trace

So I drew a picture of my dad
In a house all by himself
And gave it to a lady
Who I was told was suppose to help

But even years on from then
As a woman now, my fathers gone away
To fight a war of loneliness
And drink himself to his grave

A lonely song for a hopeless heart
Who once believed in her dreams
I've learnt the harshest truth of all
That love
Is never what it seems
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
It has been
38 days,
7 hours,
31 minutes,
53 seconds;
-and counting-
Since I saw you last.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
He held his stare with strangers that turned out to be friends;
In dim lit rooms of teenage parties, that never seemed to end.
Burning like warm candles in winter, he lit up worlds within others;
And set fires to those he called his brothers.
And by the mist of light that shone through the room;
He was all that he wanted, just far too soon.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I could hear my mothers heart break and shattered as it torn the silence between the room.
It echo a broken heartbeat in my ears that become louder and screamed to be heard.

My father acted like he didn’t hear it but he did;
Of course he did.

All he left was an empty wedding ring;
And another empty bottle.
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Meg Goodfellow Jul 2015
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
There is so much peace in silence;
But how ironic is it that our silence started wars.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I made a wish.
The same wish I’d always made.
My wish was simple;
My wish was him.
I should have wished for her.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Many say that young people cannot fall in love.
But how can that be possible?
Who puts an age on love?
I know what love is.
I have seen it;
Seen it at its best and its worst.
I’ve seen early morning love and late night love.
I’ve seen dying love and everlasting love.
I’ve seen love form and I’ve seen it break.
And I know that young people can love.
*Because I did.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
It wasn’t the first time;
But I still felt light.

Your lips met mine, with a slight touch.
You tasted bitter, like metal.

It was only then that I realised what they mean by the term bittersweet.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
The moment when the universe gives way and time slows down;
Like we’ve entered into a black hole.
What a perfect place to love someone;
A black hole.
Where time stops.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
She attempted to ******* out;
Like a candle in the middle of a blackout.
Not knowing that through this act, we would both be cast into darkness.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I’m bound to this idea;
Of lost love,
And empty kisses,
And words filled with silence,
And voiceless promises.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I dream about you more than I’d like too;
and I think about you more than I’d like to allow.
I miss you more than ever before;
And I am broken;
So ****** broken.
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
Broken promises;
And broken lies;
Tears pouring down your eyes.
Broken memories;
And broken screams;
Life is never what it seems.
So I grew up with broken bones;
And broken homes;
Because he was never a father to call my own.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
We’d fall asleep on some backstreet road,
On the boarder line of a place we could call home.
Curled up in day dreams and wishes;
Had endless close misses,
Thrown at a target that just seemed too far.
And it was never hard to picture the way we wanted life to be.
When it came down to you and me,
We were different.
We were a mix of innocence and curiosity;
Had wishes that included flying;
But we never counted our losses on the idea of dying;
Because to us, we were invincible.
We were heros in a world where police don’t exist.
We grew from our dreams, but when told they were a myth,
We ran.
Because nobody could hold us, except the wind in our hair;
And I remember you laughed,
Like sound was something you created in the garden shed,
And you wanted to show it off;
So I laughed too.
And you’d call me sis.
And even though we are older now,
It's those kind of days that I miss.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
It stung when the coffee touched my lips.
Hot, bitter coffee.

We used to sit outside coffee shops;
Talking about a life we hadn’t quite reached.
A life where we would travel the world,
And explore every corner of the universe.
But little did we know.

I seem to drink a lot more coffee now;
Maybe because I want to remember,
Or maybe because it’s the closet thing I have to not forgetting.
But none of them burnt like this one did.

It was stirred with a spoonful of hope;
Serve in a cup of remorse;
Mixed with emotion;
Heated on lust;

And it burnt.
Like the words, “I’m sorry I did this to you”
Or the kisses you left on my lips.
They burnt too.

And like a burnt tongue,
Even when the pain goes away you can still feel it.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I sat in the corner of a small coffee shop;
Sipping (your) coffee and trying to drown my thoughts in a book;
But the words swirled into a stream of literature and spilled off the pages; cascading to the floor.
I was scared that if I’d moved from my seat I would slip on the words;
So I just sat quietly;
Staring out of the window, onto a crowded street full of busy people;
With busy lives;
And busy thoughts.

For the first time in a long time I truly missed you.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I knew she wanted to cry.

I had know that for a very long time yet she couldn’t or wouldn’t let herself be consumed by what her heart wanted.
She didn’t want to let reality in or allow it to make its home in everything she tried to keep locked away.

The universe once had been hers but the four simple words “I don’t love you” set her on fire and burnt her world apart.
She now laid in the debris of burnt away foundations;
And I didn’t know what to say.

The fire, he had burnt in her, lit candles in my mind that when left unattended burnt holes in my thoughts and set fire to my memories.

I knew what this felt like;
I was on fire too.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
We are all tiny flowers ,
Growing through the cracks;
Fighting for a childhood,
We so desperately want back.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I remember when I was little my mother owned a beautiful porcelain vase.
It sat delicately on our hallway table but had cracks like veins that ran across its smooth body like a map.
I remember I asked her how it had got to be that way;

"I dropped it and it smashed into tiny pieces, but with a bit of time and patience I was able to glue all the little parts back together," she replied.

I thought to myself how astonishing it was that something so beautiful could be glued back together even when it was shattered to pieces.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I used to think that if I prayed hard enough or long enough, God could grant wishes;
So I prayed.
God still sent Death to do his ***** work.

What gave him the audacity to take her away from me?

Death opened the door and found his seat quietly between us.
He was like an old friend, coming to visit but he didn’t bring flowers or a ‘get well soon’ card;
Instead he brought reality;
which was even worst.

I knew the doctors were right.
There was nothing more they could do.

So I prayed.
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Meg Goodfellow May 2015
She loved without regret
Tied ropes around her hips
And dived into the ocean
She wasn’t scared of going the depth
She just wanted to feel something
So she breathed in the salt water
And let it fill up her lungs
So that maybe one day they’d see
She’d drown just for his love
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
Don’t forget;
Don’t forget the way you pulled me back.
Don’t forget that at one point I meant something to you.
This scares me more than anything;
I’d rather think that I was nothing to you;

Than be something you had;

You wanted;

But gave away.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I’m watching the water,
Swirl, escaping down the drainpipe.

The water, on my skin, has turned cold.
My beating heart, is missing beats.
And I’m just staring at the drainpipe.

I could move;
But I can’t.
I could try and help myself ;
But I’m drowning.
In the idea of you;
and her.

The water is soapy.
It smells like roses;
And the light is flickering.

I wish you knew rose was my favourite scent;
Or that my skin feels smooth;
Or that my lips taste like raspberries;
but my feelings were slipping;
into the drainpipe.
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Meg Goodfellow Jul 2015
By the third ***** shot down
I had forgot your name
and the way you used to kiss me
but even though I couldn’t stand up straight
you told me that you missed me
and then all the feelings came back
like empty bullet shells
burning holes into my skin
and though I tried to stop it
little bits of you kept flooding in
and soon all I could hear
was you saying my name
so I drank more
in that hope that I might be able to disappear
between you arms
and never be found again
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I watched raindrops race down the sides of the windows as the streetlights shone overhead.
Her head rested weightlessly against my shoulder.
She looked so peaceful;

Everything was calm in her life;
Like she had enter the eye of the storm.
For if she was fighting a battle within herself, they had called a cease-fire.
It was a moment where nothing worried her;
Nothing caused her pain.
I knew that within her silence she was at peace.

Her eyes were softly closed and her breathing was deep.
I wanted to hold this moment forever.
For I knew that when she opened her eyes the fighting would continue.
I knew that when she opened her eyes everything would swirl;
Her world would turn into a sea of worry;
Where the waves crash hard;
Attempting to shallow her whole and drag her down into its depths.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
At this current moment I am travelling at 110 kilometres per hour along some empty highway in the middle of nowhere.

If by chance I happen to lose control of the car and it flips, my body will be hurled into the windscreen, as I do not believe this seat belt will protect me.
My bones will hit with such force that they will shatter and I will either die or spend weeks in hospital recovering.

I often wonder if this is what falling in love with you was like.
Traveling at high speeds, my heart beating so fast I could feel it in my throat.
Suddenly everything flipped and my world was turned upside-down.
My body fractured into a million pieces as it hit with impact.

I am still left to wonder if I am dead, or just recovering;
Because in some strange way it feels like both.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
Young and optimistic, I always thought that freedom was something I could obtain.

As a child I watched birds.
I studied their feathery bodies as they soared through the sky;
Took notes on the way their wings dip and dive over tree branches;
I revised every note to their morning song as they created crescendos of sound;
And I learnt from their gentle nature.
I found freedom within the birds.
But I guess they never warned me about limitation.

Little bird,
I watched you die today.
I watched you dive into the line of an oncoming car on a busy street.
I watched in horror as your tiny body was thrown to the ground, helpless and broken.
I watched a stranger “put-you-out-of-your-misery” with a small steal capped hammer.

Little bird,
I watched you die today.
I watched as your freedom was taken away.

I guess as a child I never stopped to realise;
Freedom has it limitations too.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
Let me go like a loose firecracker on the night of New Years Eve. Watch as I erupt the sky with an illuminated glow; lighting up even the darkest parts of you.
Allow me to imprint my silhouette onto your eyes lids and let my colours stain your view;
So even when your eyes are closed;
You can still see me.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
We could lose ourselves within each other;
Like our hands were tourists,
And our bodies were foreign countries.

We explored each other.
Never staying with the tour group;
Rather wandering off into the back streets of each others spines;
Feeling our way around the insides and outs of one another.

Although we were tied;
We never allowed jet lag to get the better of us;
Because we knew that our time was short;
Our visas would end;
And we both had plane tickets;
And would be going home again.

With this said
We never stayed long;
Just long enough to see the sights;
And attractions.

I admired the freckle on your neck;
And the smooth change from pink lip to pale cheek on your face.
I made a new home on the curve of your spine as it smoothed over your shoulder blades.
Your body wasn't so foreign anymore.

Like blankets on a cold winters night,
We smothered our hands over one another;
Feeling our way through streets of bones;
And ***** homes.

You followed my veins like a map;
Leading you home.

Come home to me.
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Meg Goodfellow Jan 2015
I will love you until the end of time;

Until my body turns to ash;

And my thoughts turn to dust;

Even when I am nothing more than memories and bones;

I will still love you;

For love is not bound by the sands of time;

Rather held by the ocean;

As it softly kisses the shore that you stand on.
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Meg Goodfellow Dec 2014
I don’t build walls to keep you out;
I build walls to keep me in.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I miss your cat;
I don't even like cats.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I do not believe in God; and God shouldn’t believe in me.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
There are two types of goodbyes;

1. The ones you have a chance to say.
2. The ones you don't.

I have come to learn that the goodbyes you don't say have a funny little way of coming back to haunt you.
How ironic;
I was always the person who never wanted to say goodbye;
Now I wish I had.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
I know I am strong,
And I know I am brave.
I am a sleepless dreamer,
Who won’t rest till her grave.
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Meg Goodfellow Oct 2014
This is my tribute to a man;
Who was like an old, green oak tree in the warm late months of summer.

He had arms like branches that embraced the world but understood that through love there will always be hardship.

He educated me in the fine art of growth;
Teaching me to never underestimate the strength of a seed.
It may be small and venerable;
But it has the ability to grow;
Even in the harshest of environments.

Although his roots grew in dark, hard soil;
This only stabilised his foundations and allowed him to grow in strength and stand tall against all odds;
Reflecting that it is not your past that defines you but the person you grow to be.

So yes;
This may be goodbye;
This may be farewell;
But please remember it was you who made me believe in myself.
It was you who made me realise that the world isn't such an awful place.
It was you who taught me how to grow.
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