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Someone once took something from me,
dont know what but something was missing,
that something meant everything to me,
and without everything i am nothing,
Sometimes nothing leads to many things,
and many things guides to nothing.
Such is my normal life,
starts with nothing and ends with everything...
In the barren land of a lonely place,
near a village of northern face,
there was a bar where people came,
after the hard day with the penny they made,
some drink to forget their past,
and some to start another day,
no matter the season the place was always
full to pay.

On a chilly night of december evening,
the door opened with an unfamiliar face,
judging by the pace he had a rough day and
a mess,
they stared at him with gazing eyes,
looking as if he was cold as an ice,
face full of beard and eyes soaked by tears,
he asked the bartender for a drink to cheer,
in return he was asked where was he from
and what was his story.

He started his memoir of the past taking a sip,
remembered all at once with a breathe long dip,
Zalta was the place where i was born,
lived with parents,family and brothers along,
until the day the place was hit with dispute,
and declared a war on the following day.

His brothers ran and so was he told,
but he remained with his parents and the war
his wife and daughters kept him holding and
until the storm hit their gates without their willing,
parents shot dead,wife and daughters ***** and killed,
in front of his eyes till he was dead within.

He was shot in arms and legs and left there to die,
pain and grief withheld, no tears to cry,
he woke up with a dead soul and a wounded body,
teared was the heart with sheer misery,
broken bones and tattered soul,
finished his drink with another sip of smelly foul.
Those gazing eyes are now filled with tears,
nothing they said, just the silence to hear,
he paid his bill and left the place,
in search to cure his soul with holy grace,
emotions were dead so was his spirit,
in search of some place where he could die
in peace.
 Nov 2015 Medha Nepal
Dead lover
Although all poets write well, only those becomes popular who learn to respect the work of others..
This is what my favorite teacher used to say.. " do you know what makes a person's work more important?
the ability of the work to adjust with the reader, and that adjustment is only possible when - you learn to respect the sentiments and style of how all express and that's the way you should write.. "

She died in a car mishap, 1 and half year... I posted this in her memory, because If we see - its not just about a writer and his readers, its about all, about everything in fact..

— The End —