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3.8k · Oct 2010
Soliloquy on the Tundra
mEb Oct 2010
Upon his glottal’s larynx spreads a lingual deformity. Isolation as a result from tuggo disaffiliates. Misshapen promontory in the direction of upper-body inflammation. Not only above torso alone, location;head/injury;mouth/main informative;tongue.
The boy’s tongue was permanently horned. A horn of 18 inches shy, where taste buds formulate, he owned a lone spike. He wasn’t abraded by the unfoldment of onlookers around. His irregular attachment was a main confidant. Criticized, he was not welcomed by towns near. Citizen’s were baffled and disgusted, ridiculing him daily, he did not impale with grieve over appearance. Enmity he wanted and craved. Among the works of flesh, square inch niches, repugnance revealed. Revenge, revenge. Vindictive spirit shelled so timely and calm. Remaining this state of sumptuous integrity made him stronger each go about. These goes were so stimulus, adding to the *** of hatred. Deep into the tundra’s most vile he intruded. Went so every month or few, for weeks at a time. For this sheet of rigid earth so contiguous to the town made the worried weary, the skeptical seared, and the nautical not so knitted with directional sense. This was his consummation of gathering. The place of being a being. The dry winter amid eight months was restricted, so the moment a due mustn’t be bothered. He had his reason of validness for course. A rich succulent from the bearings of plant life on cliffs. Repelling an obstacle such as was ludicrous for even one born the ever so adequate and society defined norm. Now having a tongue with a horn, some sought might as well die to be reborn. He had to, to stay alive. The liquid, which sit so treacherous, was the mold to mouth medicine. To speak at all it must be attained. Not only a curdling death trap waiting to swallow, the boy had to get a plentiful amount for the hard hitting winters collied. His tongue could swell like the storms, loud crimson on the esophagus. To die of asphyxiation was his dodge of ultimatum.
While passing by a local television in a thrift shop-
“Today’s Newscast: Blizzards, moving in at speeds of 94 mph. Predicted to cover like a blanket for 12 months. Ice Age relative people, this one is gonna be big! Stay indoors at night, the barometric’s indicate that from 9PM to 4AM temperatures as low as 28- will stouten for the next year. Once again people, stay indoors at these hours, get your needs when available. Back to you Ronda with the quintuplets birth today!”
Plucked and grit witted he stood. He felt the trepidation of abhorrence swaying in orbit around him. How to emanate from this delay? At least five clones of self did not exist for him. Merriment struct pro, while the cons derived from which they know. Exultation when despondent, how greatly that gift could gab. Despoilment of that, he weighed options out. To altercate thick snow or simply, let it go. Afraid to die unrivaled, the off cutting is wisest. Since his first second to now he’s flourished with his horn. Obliteration to the occulted manifestation mannered as an antique replica of anyone catching him by twice by day. Remove it, remove it, remove if you want life in your years that follow. Remove it, ever so. Remove it, cut and sew. Cut and sew. Remove.
This plateau poisoned place stay calm, anticipating climate of tempest bold reaches, anyone who was anyone was not so. Negative degrees. How could he retaliate the opposite, while acquiring a surgeon field hay day buck builder? Eruption turns the wave of cons. An only equal precision, deciding, tonight is the night. To assemble the tools, publicly was questionable, no more, through. He will emerge to the lands and people a new man, sustained, and hornless. No more. From scratch he will vender what’s needed. Wood was chiseled under the last moon viewed for three sixty three days ahead. Uprooted vines of old pine will hold the bark tight. Breath revealing around the outsides of his appendage. Like a fork in the road, which way can you go, for him air strides both. Scuffling fearful towards the pike of the tundra, he is where wanted by none. A be all end all as you could alleviate ones slightest sympathy, the courage it takes, ****** immense. His sweat was not seen, but there it consists. One hand grappled around his earthly dagger, tongue positioned in an outward arrangement. Travail glowing all over him as an aura unlanguid with no disruption veering. Abound now, without great weight on his shoulders, he’s lived. Ascending keen eyes towards the blood bath around his feet, going both ways around the fork and road. After relinquishing his steady gavel, the checking of his pulse is counted. 5, 6, 7, 8, seconds, still life to live. For the very first ritual to come, placed in his mouth, the tongue. The rigid roof so unfamiliar and new he bestowed in his joy of such a common flank. The tundra felt warm as he inside let over pour. Once more a milder gasp as he vociferates to the last moon for the year. On his peak, and favored place of being, he let out his tongue. Sharp inclement so hawkish and frosted he felt. The lilliputian of no pain, heeded by first snow to wane.
this was inspired by the album art of Morgul;
2.5k · Nov 2010
Repetitive Innuendo
mEb Nov 2010
Divest me in lowest twang possible
You're a virus ov benevolence
Clod dockets and nightly shrivels
You're Ideology's ravaged havoc

All slates ov mind embellish at one time
Scandalmonger, a repetitive meddler
I am, you are, a beast like endeavor
Two noddy's going rabid
To divulge and disclose; we're savaged
Trek of dearth and surly in combined minds
Withered, wizened, burnished, refined.
2.2k · Oct 2010
Vegan Lands
mEb Oct 2010
You hear those saint fainted swines? Slopping around ****** in muck. For hogs seeking bogs, bespatter the pink with thick mire. Dull sluggish foul smelled trolls, basking a bridges under cove, feasting on distant mare. But old boar’s belly’s’ under grown, he has not self meat to spare. Go elsewhere wise butcher. Go elsewhere. Grieve not thy ******* of purification, instead satisfactory of sales. He has not the soul to touch rare blood of a bessy hung by hook. Sars covered hands, sars drenched the feet. Not here butcher, elsewhere lay menial meat.
2.2k · Dec 2010
Pool of A Scandal Self Image
mEb Dec 2010
Obscure is an understatement on how my nonsensical(s) joined squadron

I’ve taken nightly dips into an odious filled pool

Breaking the bonds and ties that outline the ripples waning opprobrious schemes

These livid moments of trauma events clash into the shallow reef

Orthodoxes lost abroad the endless natatorium  

The chlorine punctures green hints that double in risk

Maligning my skin of stained memoir, tisk tisk
mEb Jun 2010
I glanced fancily upward, taking quick notice at the 5 bladed ceiling fan that had always resembled the most crooked demeanor. Dust had been caking on her old worn blades for decades, building towers of particles of all sorts on the oak finish wood she was given at the factory she was produced in. Without the slightest mince of doubt, I would confirm China to plead the fifth. Shaking, this fan has never shook it had not been used since last summer. I heard ear splitting low toned roars as if boulders were forming an army only to be dropped from high jacks in the clouds. As I figure, these trains that run through this nearly vacant ghost town were shifting from one track, to one of the other six sets. Young, lying amongst my spring filled bed, the roars should have terrified most kids, but for me that signified life in a lifeless, sub-cultured society. Those roars had put me soundly to sleep.

My dark brown, small gritty eyes received a bit of that ceiling in them on the average August day of trains and mirages down the road. Determined to productively put this tired body of mine to good use I begin to scramble around the house for handy-man looking objects. Hammers, wrenches, nails, these things are hard to come by with two females under one roof alone. A ******* child I am, but ever long have accepted that. Luck had struck my view as I finally found myself in the parasitic garage infested with cobwebs, and every insect relevant to Kingdom Animalia. Running with all of these essentials may not have been the smartest decision, but hesitantly, in abrupt nature, I stopped. The roaring had been a continuous cycle of low blows against the hot sona air. It seemed like pendulums gaining momentum the closer it rose. I thought so keenly at the fact that a single human pair of ear drums should not rightfully pick up such low, non chromatic scale frequencies without crouching helplessly in fetal position.

Running to the front gate, mounted and bound by wires and steel, setting foot on the end of the premises of my humble abode, I felt utter desperation for everyone around me. The neighbors, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, all our town’s elders that had been scornfully slothful over the years, were shifting about frantically. Leaping in panic-like modes into there vehicles. Into other neighbors vehicles. My mother, that had been off working four towns west, away from the commotion, makes the predicament that I will do just the same. But I boycott her judgment…as always.

The day had come. Finally, a vacant ghost town of my very own for merely minutes seemed like the longest, most eventful lifetime I had fulfilled. How badly the urge set upon my mind to grab wooden spoons and the biggest stew *** in the pantry I could possibly find. Just to gain and take name of my own sound while the calm was at its most content. For that piece in time, I would cherish every second. To warn no living thing, just me and the atmosphere, that I am here. I am the only one here. I am every characterized town in one. I am the law, I am the doctor, I am the city inspector. I blink as I erase my silhouette from this illusion. The roars are now visible. I can see how white and violent there pitches are. I see every color in the nearing explosions because the whitened bomb bends and blends them all together, and holds them firm. They begin to paint the sky gracefully on its pale blue canvas on the mid-august summer day.

I grab my essentials of handy-man objects that I almost lost feel of. Slowly returning to the home I know best, I intended on removing that dust covered fan and I did. Without ever knowing any father figure I would give him that fan, the only token of my existence he would submerge over. I own up to the simplicity and humorous thought of doing everything without him.

Reminiscing back to when I was young, lying amongst my spring filled bed, just as I am now. I thought, the roars should have terrified me like the town, but for me that signified life in a lifeless, sub-cultured society. The roars had put me soundly to sleep.
2.0k · Sep 2010
Genetics Gone Ghastly
mEb Sep 2010
shackle burns rub on through
long time comin’ too cells long out due
dooryard outing air comes short and timely
break today’s habit for tomorrow’s wise fellow
broadcasting brew; vomity yellow
pregnant and ******* up you did wrong
barren flesh in the obliterate womb
was it worth such worth enough to stop eating brood
stop thinking about just you
who is that in you?
a Christian?
or you split in two?
2.0k · Jun 2010
Missing Add Verbs (rant)
mEb Jun 2010
I wake up at 7 AM, its raining, go figure. I catch the bus by Cohen’s Food Co., soaked, on the bus now, and the windows are down. Lucky me. I brought my big Boss head set because last night the convenient apple iPod ear buds got soaked too. I guess it was karma. But at least these have good bass. Transit bus, not yet to arrive to the station, we travel over a vi doc, the distant fogged *** view? A St Louis skyline. Busy people in and out of the station. Babies. Druggies. Fuglies. The woman in front of me has no teeth. She kept doing a ritual gum technique with her lips. Smacking them inward as if her teeth were actually there. ****. I ride for awhile through the town. The plainest Jane land around, at least this Monday morning it was. My feet can’t touch the bus floor when I sit in the back. I like this, it reminds me of trips to California when I was small. The rental car was boring though once we got off the plane, Dad was asleep through the whole desert interstate. And my birthday, and your birthday. I’m at school. This junior college of filth. Free coffee though, I take a high advantage. MATH DRILL. Math. Simplifying the trickiest equations. Ratios and angles. Lateral products and dividing something half way through solving the problem. ***** math. 30 minute break. Smoking section. Nice little ash trays they supply, it would be a total turn off to walk far for a smoke in the wind. More coffee, I hate the taste, but need the caffeine. Second class starts. Writing. I like writing, but the projector smart board was broken, so we covered grammar from a text. We read something about complete sentences in the early 1920’s. In Europe. They would try as little as possible to use add verbs. Re-read this.
1.9k · Nov 2010
Brain Cancer (For Chuck)
mEb Nov 2010
Lamentation; infelicity through neurotransmitters
Passing fleetly; swift but disturbed
Grids of brainwaves for the degraded
Overhead LED view is negroided

Chapter 1 Migraines;

A klaxon that grains into migraine
From there on out, strolling convulsion lane
Deriving from deception; antibodies start to lead loosely
Throe after throe I choose not to fuss
Laceration in hemikrania is conversing with the rest of my body,
Frequent as days turn nightly
I host the severe megrimly

Chapter 2 Vomiting;

A horendous bile builds up in my throat
Moaning like a ghoul; I banish the gloats
Disgorging from nothing, Heaving and heaving the dry
Although I force myself not, all the nosh turns into emit rye
Vital fluid very crimson soon came
From the cranium, I dislose, head pain
Frequent as the waves harsh blows
I host a ***** hose

Chapter 3 Tumor;

A neoplasm underneath I've found out
Unvisible but there; my flesh will start swelling undoubt
Below I feel like a mutant
All putant and disformed
Like globular liquids dripping from sewage waste
As long as I can still haste
Crescendo and surge won't ado
Frequent as traffic builds a rush hour
I host a cyst that is sour

Chapter 4 Deaf;

An absense of all frequencies
I daze everso daily;
Feeling like an earless statue; sound unaccompanied
Missing the wind's howls that ululate,
Clamors and bellows that spoliate
I can't sight the same verbiage
Without sonancy to inflicit, I see one big mirage
Frequent as birth enfolds
I host a soundless toll

Chapter 5 Brain Cancer;

A malignant fate told today
Disease spreading like a machine,
Programmed to enquire all it knows
A gruesome and hateful dose;
Withering casually away
Grown apart of, I'm the prey
As we hunt the beasts'
An invisible naked eye is poaching
Frequent as a house infested
I host a cancerous clothing

Chapter 6 Death;

A termination soon to unfold
I am as finished and ruined as story told
Biological function ending
Senescence through spending
User maat I haven't seen all wanted
Alas I am greatful for what has been daunted
Frequent as a death anew
I host a dissolution

*My evolution; through.
1.8k · Jun 2011
Ibex VI
mEb Jun 2011
Chordata found land for share
no Bovid, no beast of malice
Nubians' return to valley of Giza
Markhor now alive past desolate Hungza
1.8k · Jun 2011
Ibex I
mEb Jun 2011
Chordata's horns flourished for them
trekking in dirt with bah
searching hills of solid Earth
mammals' head toward A welkin world
1.8k · Nov 2010
Nihilism 2
mEb Nov 2010
Advocate of the nonexistant
You are all bends encircling
Circuts of truth verses lies is removed
When diagram of entrails is eviscerated

Attestation that hinders, lingers beyond
Concealing, subsisting, not we
Nothings are baseless, breathing is useless
Repudiate this knowing at once

Doctrines and concepts have derrived
Theories are growing while eras moved on
Delusions set in when axiom gone
Delusions are not when one dies

Attestation that hinders, lingers afar
Concealing, subsisting, not I
Everything's baseless, breathing is useless
Repudiate this knowing at once

Prostulate the higher is there
We all crave desolate space
Subside from afar a seperate reaps
Subside from afar there is none
1.7k · Jun 2013
Drought Fishing
mEb Jun 2013

hover her hover her your love hovered in spurs
conquer, always beaten  into soiled soot
my feet are whisking the desert floor
my hands are a gelding this cactus' thorns  
lace, rosemary, time and vines
cover him cover him my thin frame covered the cures

the Urals moaned to their Himalayan friends
through wind they spite each others mighty forms
but still they're friends, both Mountains, chained the same
Ergo spell; tell me have the Tibetan chants gained their grow?

I'll never know him or she as long as they move East
I am rot in June as deliberate as a sun on sand by noon

I dried the flask
peeled a mask
burnt the rain
sent the pain

How daring of you to respond as a washed up un-sterile pond
1.7k · Nov 2010
Sin Giving
mEb Nov 2010
Cater my corpse to *******

Another mankind of genocide

Corruption of thankfuls and to be obliged

Apicius crams of epicurism gluttonous breeds

Cleansing of froth and flavors to feed

Craves before requisite;

This is land of Tsalagi

Not the white man with his solar plexus full

Morpheme that has decreased and now; rural

Time line smothered with gluttony

25th; ode to sin's now and  back then; savory.
mEb Jun 2010
No more neglected satisfaction.
No more defeated temptation.
Only solitude glory of a kind mans creations.
Reverse mankind and behold he will stand, with all our beligerence in his unholy hands.
He has no god, no religion born into.
He has theories of his own, which he follows shoes or no shoes.
Planets recycle, the life spectrum a circle.
Born lived and died again, sending none to no such heaven nor hell.
What is practicle, and unethical, makes reality tolerable.
Spectaular he sees eyes like his, fainted colors blindly holding up.
Through with his spectrum, recyling his plans, the woman of desired lust, completes his inner man.
1.6k · Jun 2011
Ibex V
mEb Jun 2011
Bovid's cloven hooves press Earth
near end for Chordata
alas, mysterious Nubian's form line
thousands Ibexes' from the welkin world
mEb Sep 2010
Feeling like aged bottles of wine. Tarty, tangy, ale and rye. Backwashed at the bottom, bared half inch of DNA collecting bacterium by the decade. Each floating strand archetypal on it’s own. Like separatist fans of gold, separatist fans of chrome. Extricate model minerals alter and contrast on their own. Earth maintenance, sustenance, nourishment and remotely beyond consternation.

A lacking ruinith; she know not currency.

A value made thus child; when met bereavement, ruthless and reaved.

Long gone; alas final crestfallen gives.

Impetus formith she grooves; in smirched tarnish banks we shall live.
1.6k · Nov 2010
Nihilism 1
mEb Nov 2010
Quatron of prediction; it is not what's believed by me
I've partook more bitter ever since
Ever since the phonies kept babbling of morals
Ever since the phonies kept babbling

To each their own to each
Teaching what does not revolve
Itching at me because you are not real
I hope that someday you will see what is not
I hope that someday you can't see

Toiling brims of sin or not; I smite upon flakes alas
Alas my cynical undertone revealed each day after night and again
No remmorse do I own, grave away from epoch
I skirm when you speak of such feats

To each their own to each
Teaching what does not induce
Scratching at me because you are not real
I hope that someday you will see what is not
I hope that someday you can't see

Imaum of hate is true of my fate
How can you grasp what you are?
Where are you? Who are you? Do you exists?
We are inkligs of nothing, no doubt.
mEb Apr 2011
Graze me with your Latin tongue

=O=O=O=O=sharpen it unto Sumerian footstone=O=O=O=O=

lap up the fallen words of you who wrote false scripts




~drown in thy evermost fear~
1.5k · Jun 2011
mEb Jun 2011
When it is calm here
water stained wall paper welters into iris fields
it is a loud clamor following;

bare remnant foot-stones through greenhouse gardens
over lily-pads with tongues patched by chrome specks
beautiful darkness only glowing here and there;
by dim blue candle flames
just to spy these tips of creation;
to gaze all would ruin it's form
like the ash encased ancestors of Pompeii
This is where where alarum is short lived
stammered shrills absorbed by calm
feeding off sound
the thirst for us noisy gloats
1.5k · Sep 2010
Systems Scold At Me
mEb Sep 2010
Some recite distant waves of their time lines in a scatter
Repressed memories that come and go and fluculate with chaos
Mine are in order, like a precise file cabinet of a New York court house A through Z
1 to a million plus more filed in rigid manor
The room they lie in remains untouched on most occasions
It’s rare for me to make a visit,
But the grey cast of pulverous dust keeps people away
Including myself
Oddly enough, I wish I had the time to extinguish those files,
And completely erase everything that exists
And co-exists together within label
To revive and produce anew set of secrets
That bask in a solar energy structured room
With windows of 8 feet in height or more
So that the sun can give off a plentiful suppelment of vitamins
To keep the energy alive
To have nothing to hide
And showcase my pieces elegantly
For everyday shoppers to stop and glance,
A few applauds here and there as well
To jazz the setting up a tad
But unlike like most
I place the past so far back
It’s like the Rossetta Stone
Before she was found
All over again
When it’s finally discovered, I warn,
It will be rickety and impassible for any eyes,
News papers,
Or media to surpass
Almost as if a high ranked prison
Has just unshackled it’s most dangerous inmate
Set free on good behavior
How unfair the system can be, let alone unnerving
For now my files stay clouded and sunk
Farther than the Marianas Trench
With thousands of species undiscovered
Inaccessible to even think about attaining
So don’t worry about my inner demon being unleashed
Good behavior on good,
It's always on it’s worst.
1.4k · Nov 2010
Visually ILL
mEb Nov 2010
To rivit and gaze abrrantly
Your visually sick behind retina
Processing on whimsical stammor
Docket’s of false telltale pouring from hundreds of mouths
All while one gamming sheray from your eyes says enough
Those worn graying-blued bags underneath;
They show a hard working bluff
Devised; let’s embellish our stares of evil on outward crowds
Let us pick out other bagged eye crevices, and not moving blabbers’
Nothing but the time they’ve gave; those wise ******* dabblers’
We glance the demon out for thrill
We are the visually ill.
1.4k · Nov 2012
Bus 1
mEb Nov 2012
When I see humans of abnormal disproportions
I automatically want to classify them as ******
As guide myself onto the metro, repetition daily
I choose my seat accordingly
only to discover that the B.O stench of the sad
non-hygienic human before me has left their putrid for me to taste

I call this death of my Cilia
mEb Nov 2010
Imperium stochastic place,
Much relevant ruins of here
Telpher away! provoke not thee
Gravel your verminous fears
For what not pleasant implicates,
Doubles; then impales when not seen
Bombards a sternum; which there lie *****,
Telpher away with steed!
mEb Jun 2010
All sounds lay dormant

Packed tight, no leaks

Dark stages none sing

Crowds of ears that still ring

Breathalyzers and torment

Parched throats


Cold stethoscopes

Skin damnation

Pair of lungs that lost repetition

Rigid backbones with no support

Will not stand for any court

Needle ****** neck

Fluid builds unnoticed

A spinal tap not quite in focus.
death awaits
mEb Jun 2010
In a quasimodo feat of not only myself but my inner sanctums. I’m in a shelter. A secluded shelter far from mankind. The bells rich **** spreads across a cold Philidelphia. I hide from the tourniquets of our kingdom. Hordes of documented secrets filibustering the excutivies of a blood famished nation. Where could a turning point conspire? Not here. Not there. No where vast of what only we know. How many times have you performed German heischen styles upon what has happened? Dialect informative, all lauguages and ethinicities could tell you. Corruption. Progestational hormones of all man and woman get the gist of secrecy, but why inquire it onworth still. Atomic bombs whiping out ten times the population of our fragile pathetic planet.

An ice rendered telescope at zero gravity with the script filled micro chips of new findings amongst our universe. This was an immediate spawn of hope towards who we are. At least for the sake of another life form, they would configure an easier derogatory and denigrating outlook of a human lifestyle. Maybe they could relate, maybe they would have emmerged in trade as our ancestors of the past 1,000 years and before had. With us, it would have been magnificent for the future to come. This era though, the only significance we know collides with a destruction of a super-catastrophic function that has been reformed thus grouwan. Grouwan, the origin of grow, growing or to increase in size, building up just as the magmata composes its liquid matter within the Earth’s crust into lava. Igneous rocks now form. Reaching the Alps. Frozen, a complete opposite of what they were once spawned from.

Still intact, an ice rendered telescope photographing galaxies not seen by a naked eye. They called it, “The Orbiting Gaurdian”, while we remained demonic and caught in ignorant reality conflicts. In small groups spread across the lands, combined as one, we are still undeniably small. I built this shelter with my own two hands knowing what would come, I wanted to overcome. Philidelpia was still so cold, very odd, quite eerie for a patriot New England city. Rot, Weib, und Blau. Rodt, Hvitt, og blatt. Shiro aka to ao. From Germany, to Norway, to the super advanced technologic Japan, they all recognize red, white, and blue. Maybe we are a leading nation, but who honestly gives a ****. All nation’s combined, worlds away, a lone planet of democracy. Darkness. The abcense of light above me, directly. No two-dimensional representation of an outline of any body form. No cutout or configurational drawing with a sun glimmering backrounded setting. We are inkligs with no hint of suggestion in the sea of blackness above. If you could have gone so far back in time though, you would have found a blackned quality on the most transparent and pellucid of days.

I race through my brain waves wondering if this concealment was completely ignorant. Was it full of extreme folly? Asininity? Ineptitude? I pondered the synonyms of stupidity. I was ravished to wonder if my last thoughts would be a mind race of the lacking self-esteem I hold. Sudden deaf struck. I no longer heard shrills of humanity above. I was deprived of my sense of hearing. Intimidated to look upward, I could not manage being deprived of sight as well.

What were those dangling seconds that I could not hear?

Were they little fragments of time that I could not notice near?

They stabbed at the back of my skull to leave this sheltered hole.

I find humor in how my poetry is merely past time entries that mean nothing. They once had been published, but now at the least, they did not mean a thing. I wish them to burn long and hard, fighting. Hardback covers and dusty library shelves vanishing in this dark mess of a world.

Pain, sharp municiple pain casted into my skin. Into my lungs, my contaminated, sickened lungs that had ciggarettes by the thousands over the years. I had started as a child. A stubborn twelve year old child wanting to experience any drug my hands could get a hold of. I did too, I don’t regret it, and I dont feel remorse from my actions and those many high nights when I could not walk or stand. I felt weary, weak, helpless and finished. My eyes, my mind, my pulse, my body, my so called soul, asleep or dead?
1.3k · Jun 2011
Daughter Tale
mEb Jun 2011
A mother whose mothers' been denounced
blacklist foreseen upon kismet and luck
how the nag strikes bards' such as self

Slosh, quaff, toss off this elapsed bête noire
Repair, reconstruct it wanes with healing
No more sip from the ***

Resort to daft calls toward the sky
Resort to daft kneeling
I am this staunch daughter, a passerby
1.3k · Nov 2012
Ant Whore
mEb Nov 2012
Awoke clung
to an anthill spying
the female queen
lie in her den
awaiting all the anthill men
1.3k · Nov 2010
Bedevil; No Way Out
mEb Nov 2010
Odium above all odiums, I have militancy of you now
For I own isochronism; A vigor grim dispute; not now
Your slaying too vile
Uncouth by demands
Which was the admonition I had previously
Whod've known I'd command
Garble after garble, I'm Dexterrized where I stand
Dun and gnaw your way out, go on
The un-zoetic soon will spawn
Out with gyp of hints that dwindle
Furbishing these tinges; out the window of innuendos
1.3k · Dec 2010
Angst That Feed On Brood
mEb Dec 2010
Uncelestial anxious oppugners', critics on their own

Wangling little dysceptic inklings';

Havesting in my throbbing head

I urch and search resolution

An escape of palputations

I skirm in sleep mode like earth-worms in the ground

The rings around their bellies; a suffocating mark of identity

Slime and ****, I mope like the straying mut

My growling topsy-turvy gut, off shut;

Claiming demands so supple

A nimbled and unfleshly sensation, I feel light to the touch

Splotchy clod's that lurch my lungs

Short breath that ache and lunge through ribs

Where they've sprung sprighly from their cage, they trick me, they're fibs

Leaches latching on to skin suckeling blood from an anemic

thin too thin, light headed again

Personification galvanizing so astute

my anxiety has eatin it's way to brood
1.3k · Jan 2011
Tørke Halsen Land Geit
mEb Jan 2011

I gargled solids much like boulders of the throat.
Upon a dreadful goat,
the lamb was slain in name of said reign.
To diminish the waters
drenching fields of green and brown,
rugged earth, and jagged cliff.
Up nor down no liquids found.
I am placed to flummox the hard matter
of dirt and swallow whilst hurt.


Jeg gurglet tørrstoff mye som blokker i halsen.
Etter en forferdeliggeit,
ble sauene drept i navn sa regjeringstid.
For å minske vannetgjennomvåt felt av grønne og brune,
robuste jorden, og rufsete stup.
Opp eller ned væske ikke funnet.
Jeg er plassert for å flummox denharde spørsmål
om skitt og svelge mens vondt.
mEb Sep 2010
“No, I said the song was stuck in my head”.

Well, maybe your just trapped in an entire melody.

Chained to a wall of harmonics.

Pinned to the floor by the tetra-chord.

Sequenced and submissioned in a pool of Lonian Mode and Aeolian Mode notes.

Your brain corresponds to a numeric ratio responding the principal intervals of a scale.

Hail to the symphony, to the orchestra.

Give your all to Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher of such discovery.

This ongoing evolution of stringed instruments and major and minor scales, forms, interprets, co-exists with one another, forever.

If you were to associate yourself to the modern tunings of ancients temperament, you’ll see that just because they have ultimately derived, does not mean that they have all died.

The song you are stuck in reaches way back in time, when world knew no hymn.

Any song is a reminder of a world that once was dim.
for Pythagoras, and every starving musician
1.2k · Jun 2011
Ibex III
mEb Jun 2011
Markhor gallops the Hungza-Nagar no more
pierced by new-age man spear
his tales lie within naive antlers
Chordata, you must gallop past the Hungza
1.2k · Nov 2010
Caustic Creature Ov 10,000
mEb Nov 2010
Lavished; I endow many creatures

Trenchant and keen they denude as weepers

As we are harsh while we wangle

Deviser’s enriched are all riotous tamers

Crowns en-dowering among the fittest

Bounteous of all wades in telluric mist

Unscathed by deft spry

Admitting your mordant’s are never lies
mEb Nov 2010
The world holds it’s terrible coves.
I am set obliged around them.
Surmising the wrong I propose.
Entity’s so immoral, clout’s.
Scrupulous self closed.
Weakened and stricken keen doubts.
Bedevil prodding youth-less one.
Profusion glut under autumn’s frore sun.
mEb Dec 2010
Farouche people cast lethal ephemeralities, they are skittish howitzers' foreseeing
Tamper and muck around with us
Proceed please, gain potency
Address prowess, then once you've coward in a corner, strain to flee

Michka was languid sáwol (OE)
The bullied ******* not teeming by any means
Always a vexed mind, full of pillage grim
Every day the same prediction
Once the bruises turned healing yellow, they'd regain their blue gray
He walked the plank and served the steak
He dilapidated himself in vile rain
Gained no aplomb confidence
Only verbal abuse that strayed persistent
Only mental and physical wounds surfaced

Strolling down the broken sidewalk of crumbled concrete
A noticement of condemned buildings
6235 Mirnerva LN
Visions he had entering, visions he had slaying
Of the civil and socialble
Torture to the dependable
He walked inside to leaks and floor holes
Ancient 1920 furniture and stoves
More than one stove that could hold coal
To burn  bodies of evidence made him feel like gold
He had a place of his own
He mirrored himself as a transfixing carver
Despersing of the bully fools
No more drubbing routs' after school
1.2k · Jun 2013
Bus 4 (for the hoodrats)
mEb Jun 2013
In a run-down business crevice way
Fallin' crumbled brick crumbs and scattered fate
I state, that I'm an iris spying crawlers
whom inspire to be ballers
I'm a staler, indecisively inviting
you can read me as the rarest
innocent as a terrorist
Compare it, find me waning in the red room
and waxing like a night moon
I hate the ones who spare me
and **** the ones who dare me
See it as you wish,
I won't pray and I can't stay
and if you've found me at the platform
take shelter, here comes the storm
1.1k · Nov 2010
Matter Annex Spoken
mEb Nov 2010
Vicinit vicinit the gamut go round
Progenies excogitate faster
Ode to no eminent thing
We all morph into matter.

The atramentous inky and blackest dense;
sprints and weaves in and out.
Tenuring twains over head, under toe;
Absconding ways in which we've never known
A paramounted heretic defeat.
Darkness that foliole footprints sooted deep;
Seeping stenches of fowl un-scented reminiscent in attire of the welkin;
Vastly sly making a skullduggery indent.
CR2X let us pseudonym by hex.

"No nomen no nomen for I matter dark"
"Matronymic nix hold's my fine lark"
"Nongermane logics are behind you and left"
"I am not your scientific pet"
Not a test, nix preliminaries"
Matter of all is of all existing quarries"

Spoken gallant and wise
Need not ever a compromise
"Matter dark matter dark it is you we embark!"
1.1k · Nov 2010
2 & 2- Split Persona
mEb Nov 2010
My locum outer self is identified as a conferer,
A deep **** stirrer; I frod miserably when trouble occurs
Out in the open I am hidden from sight of Earthly cures
Sparsely telluric on my own
Adroitly celestial in my dome
Scape goat from head to toe;
I'd drown in and out too many populating
Coruscating as you'd spy
Balky the opposite: Illuminating inside
My barbaric inner self un identified as unseen;
Real keen are my advances
I'm a tone deft prancing like I can carry tune
An elitist with the perfect groove
That's what you;d say if given impression hand first
Of course, I'd finish the enitire plate without the quench for thirst
And I'm hard to capture by pithy eyes too
And I'm hard to real inside outside
And neither never am I ever; on cue
1.1k · Apr 2011
Monotonous Culture
mEb Apr 2011
Bantum nodule of society
I am, we
Everything is Granuloma's wilt

Cusp and mezzo
Come to be, then, we certify in 'no show'
capping all behind a binded furrow

Look at all of these people
They are here theres
Pullulating like flies
Feeding off of the ***** matter that they call life
1.1k · Jun 2011
Ibex IV
mEb Jun 2011
Trail leads Chordata to Oreamnos
how trespass did not flow
I call Gaur, A Bovid of evil
to the caves until arrival of mammal beast
1.1k · Apr 2014
mEb Apr 2014

All­ these threes making me queasy
March third nineteen ninety three
the day I came to be
and what did I see?
A flood from Mississippi
oh yeah and I'm a Pisces
oh but my name is Merril B
and the meaning of Merril is shining sea
and the spelling of Merril is three plus three
and I have three sisters
of Hailey
of Kayla
of Ashleigh
where ought they be?
One is pregnant with her first baby
Another dropped out she's on a spree
Youngest is brightest and smart is she
but what about me?
writing some **** about the number three
1.1k · Nov 2010
Aeon Paradise
mEb Nov 2010
Arcadia, or what is now spliced of aeons' great

Gates of gold that rust in hate

Islands on grim sulfur lakes;

I have no demeanors that wait

They've left and gone away

To the rise of demise and acid rain

Where epidermis boils

Quintessence abolished and spoiled;

Grand scent of desiccant

Miff's so indelicate

Caveats and feats of nothing; No rise

My apotheosis' hellish paradise
1.1k · Jun 2011
Ibex II
mEb Jun 2011
Chordata, come, kneel before me
I, Markhor, praise you
I am you, in elder form
A goat with gallons of rock yet seen
1.0k · Oct 2010
mEb Oct 2010
Within white stagnant walls kinship reeps phyletics
Lavished in immoral conducts; distributing demon fits.
I envisioned hell before me when sick pricked.
My shrills were short lived; as my ambuscade died down.
Escapading not, I did muster inducement.
Decoy to fail, could I never entice this asylum town.  
Decifer the mutters I did; creating chaos while dim.
Told in realm; increased heartrate overwhelms;

"You're a sick little ***** with the dunce smoothered cap oversized."
"Have you ov procelitized, I would be seven lighted voices and notith six dark cackles"
"I spit on you in shackles, spy the roaches and the grime"
"Crawl for Roman Nero, he wanes"
"Guttering your vessels into wine, you are now his drooping mane"

I saw the heads of six, as roaches looked upon me taking turns to spit.
My time here arose as a feeding black hole.
I crawled for Nero and six more; I stuttered trying treason.
Here I lie pathetic; with rays of decoy,
Dreaming the nightmare most feared; most do not believe in.
Hallucinating alone within the stale walls; I felt prone to end all.

Once gathered what had struck; I knew perspectives aren't always as they seem.
Merely and only; one severe demented dream.
Shall I not turn the tables on authority once more.
To ambuscade the power; leaves needle incisions sore
Not only pain by fluid; both realities changed illucid.
I did what I must've to be discharged;
I did what I must've in best regards.
1.0k · Jun 2010
mEb Jun 2010
Sometimes, I pin-point things.
I break them down single handedly
causing no disruption
to your lack of observation.
This interrupts some significant
social dysfunctions that manifests me daily.
Remorse for things, what things, I have no things.
I have pieces of bizarre delusions
in which I feel I need at the time.
I don’t need these things.
They already exist in here.
Burn them.
They’re already all around me.
Taunting, specifying,
predicting my next move, next thought.
Aroused brain assumptions.
Your still there.
Not noticing.
I need my medicine.
Pill is a noun.
Noun- Person, Place, or Thing.
Never mind that disorganized thought,
I don’t need them anyway.
39 different medications in an 18 year stretch. I'm through.
1.0k · Nov 2012
Bus 2
mEb Nov 2012
A knobby kneed, crooked back, gimp mimic asked me for a smoke today
With turmoil of disgust, yet somewhere inside my freight-less morals and empathy filled heart, I felt sad for this creature
She discussed her where a bouts of why she was to travel to the next bus terminal
She discussed such events that lead her to use crack ******* explaining so tediously
how this man and that man were her men charging 30 bucks a ******* of their *****
Along with the fusing bubbles spewing from each corner of her split lip and infection bound mouth,
I gathered my thoughts, where as she ***** money..
1.0k · Jun 2010
mEb Jun 2010
My mind
The Stage
I’m filled to a brim of dimmed bar lights
With the fewest of men gathering after works brew
Too much wheat
Too much rye
You’ve always enjoyed the flavor, so I counted on you for tonight’s half way pay.
Taste buds-yours are different
The stage and bar are both my mind, most nights
You work here?
I do not recall hiring you
No recorded resume either
Guess that’s how you’ve always gotten by
My intoxicated, stricken tendencies not caring to scam a background check  
What a hell of souls bottling down memories no longer apart of their minds
Guess that’s why I am an entire nightclub on the inside
Full of memory, music of genre spread variety
Giving many great nights of their short lives
I did so to you
Your on stage hovering like the snarling business associate you’ve always been.
But why was I too?
Dis-associating me from that is no option now
Nor ever
Oh your working around in my mind, I had almost forgotten
It’s been few too many drinks tonight.

I’m filthy
I’m sitting in my minds smoky corners with pool tables crowding my space
Click Click Are your breaking?
You have always liked my rack…ing
Dim blue lighting
When I take form of a whole crowd, I am an entire dim blue light
Your white
On a pedestal
Soaking Sulking Screaming
******* your way out
Expression Blank expression,
But maybe you’ve forgotten who’s mind your working in?
I’m reading you in italic bold
Your hiding it from everybody
But I know
I finally told somebody
They haven’t sold
Why do you erode my mind?
Still I ask
I have yet to discover that
Something I am sure of is that this VIP party won’t last
It’s getting late
Your way to drunk
Me too
How did you start working for this exclusive party anyway?
Sleep it off
I’ll fire you another day
mEb May 2012
body stillness in the guru lake
a breaking flake of stables and horse flies
decomposing mouths and carcass, mouths and cries
sand bags on his feet, she flees

now recovered from the guru pond
fast evaporation
bloated disposition
no goal of death position

1.0k · Jan 2014
Gravel Path
mEb Jan 2014

Greetings gravel path
I'm hearing your clamors and murmurs
How is your erosion on this side of town?
Thank you for letting me help break you down
mEb Nov 2010
I want to, need to constitute
Like a maestro of an orchestra
Only with my own thoughts turning the tunes
Siloing notes and notes; bars and measure too
I'm staving for the speeches of melody; of harmony
A gathering of voilent lunk's like me
I'm not mundane enough to dower just yet
Too airy
Haven't been grounded for the right set of time
A notion I crave has to be harsh
Almost as if kicking myself thoroughly will help me succeed
It's this procrastinating nature that has to leave
I'll buy you a train ticket; just flee
Get the **** away from me,
so I can achieve
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